:꒰ Chapter 12 ꒱:

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He sighed hearing the male explain the poor boys story, "I feel bad for him..." He said as he wrapped the jacket cover up tying it, "Do you mind if I can go and play with him a bit?" He asked, "Or bring him in here and play with him, I think he needs to be a kid for a bit at least for an hour...And it'll be nice to be around a child since I miss my sister..." He suggested going to the male and kissing his head softly waiting for his answer to the suggestion.
"If you want to." Nightmare replied, rolling onto his side. "I'm probably going to be asleep soon. I'm really tired now." He said, laying his head down again. "Whatever you want to do. Oh; While you're out there, have Bonnie or Chica patch up that wound. Chica was talking about it earlier. Since you didn't want the paramedics to do it, someone else has to."
FredBear smiled a bit that he was able to go play, He nodded kissing the males lips softly "I'll join you later...I'll bring the food In here as well just incase you wake up to eat..." He told him as he walked out the door to go find that little boy.
Nightmare thought for a few moments, though soon got up as well. He walked out of the room and looked around for Bonnie. Once he found him he walked up to him. "Where's David?" He asked, tapping his foot gently against the ground.
"He's in his room. Fredbear was looking for him as well. Why?" The bunny responded, ear swiveling slowly.
"I'm excusing him from the gang. I'm not going to force him to live like his anymore." Nightmare replied, blinking quickly as he did.
FredBear was with the boy playing with toys that he had found, They both were giggling and having fun with one another...This cheered FredBear up a lot as him not being able to see his sister really took a down fall on him, He leaned braiding the boys hair since he had talked about princesses it was clear he liked them but never admitted it since he would probably get bullied for being seen as weak in this gang.
Nightmare knocked on David's door, which made the boy flinch a bit. He looked over, pulling slightly against Fredbear's hold on his hair. As Nightmare opened the door David grew nervous, though stayed quiet.
"David," Nightmare began, making the young male lower his ears.
"Yes?" David replied, sounding scared.
"Your wrist, please." Nightmare requested, gesturing to the one that had a black, woven bracelet on it.
David hesitated, looking at Fredbear nervously, almost as if asking him if he should comply.
FredBear tensed a bit when his hair was held, He could tell the boy was scared...He pulled the boy close hugging him softly as he heard his mates orders, He looked down at David and smiled a bit "Go ahead dear, You can trust him..." He didn't know what his mate wanted with rhe boy but he trusted he wouldn't do anything stupid while he was here.
David hesitantly complied, holding out his wrist to Nightmare, letting him hold his hand.
"David," Nightmare began again, using his claw to cut through the bracelet. "You're hereby excused from The Nightmares." He said, removing the broken bracelet afterwards and letting David give him his look of surprise.
David's eyes began to water a bit. "T-thank you sir." He said with his teary eyes, smiling gratefully.
FredBears eyes widened hearing that, "Your for real Nightmare?" He was shocked by this and it kinda made his heart flutter by how kind he was being towards this boy. He looked down at David smiling caressing his cheek gently "Now you can be that princess you've wanted to be..." He said pressing his forehead against the males head, He'd miss him but he wanted the boy to have a good life.
"Can.. I still visit Uncle Bonnie?" David soon asked after his realization that it would mean he'd have to leave his uncle.
"Yes, David, I'm not keeping you away from your family." Nightmare gave a light chuckle. "We're going to have to have Bonnie get in touch with your parents... I'm sure they'll be happy to have you back home. They don't know why you were here with him and your brother, so you don't have to worry about them being mad about this."
David nodded, feeling the need to hug the dark bear despite being a bit afraid of him.
FredBear smiled hearing them, "I think this goes for a celebration for a good bye party, Or at least a hug right Nightmare?" He said clearly seeing the boy wanted a hug but was to scared to ask him so he wanted Nightmare to do it first.

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