:꒰ Chapter 35 ꒱:

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FredBears eyes filled with tears when he saw her recognize him watching her grip against his chest "Such pretty eyes my princess...You're okay now I'm here I promise..." He wanted to say he would stay forever but he knew that wasn't possible as he stood there for a few minutes just admiring how pretty she was. He couldn't lie and say this wasn't gonna give him more baby fever than it already was as he turned slowly to Nightmare tears on his eyes that fell because of how happy and sad he was. He walked to Nightmare sitting down on the couch as he gently played with the hair on the baby's head, He wanted to see how she'd react near Nightmare before he made any other movements to introduce them.
Katherine was about to say something but stopped herself as she felt Maggie place her hand on her shoulder. She looked to the old beta, Maggie's face giving her the message 'Give him a chance, Katherine.' She scrunched up her nose for a moment but soon began to slowly nod. Maggie had never led her wrong before, and she trusted that she knew what she was trying to tell her.
Nightmare's breath hitched slightly as he grew nervous. If he hurt Fredbear's sister, even if on accident, he knew the omega would despise him. He could clearly see that the little girl was Fredbear's entire world, and even one little scratch would matter. So, he hesitated about putting his hand near her. However, slowly he would reach one finger out, offering it to her. At first, Fredbear's sister paid no mind to him. She was too focused on big brother to care about anyone else. However, after a few tense minutes for the alpha, the little girl would look up at the finger reached out to her, cooing for a moment before giggling and softly grabbing onto it, which for a moment caused Nightmare to flinch. Luckily, though, his claw remained a safe distance away from the girl's face and her hands that were holding onto him.
If she had her way she'd try to put it in her mouth, though it would never happen. Neither Nightmare nor Fredbear would ever let her.
FredBear was nervous too but he didn't show it as he put his trust into Nightmare enough to see if his sister would like him...As he caressed her cheek to calm her watching to make sure she doesn't get hurt as he saw him bring his finger over, But when he saw her reach up and hold onto his finger he couldn't help but giggle a bit "She likes you..." He whispered in his ear as he placed his head down on his shoulder watching the two interact, He gently rubbed her small stomach as he's done that since she was born to calm and play with her since he knew baby's liked this kind of thing.
Nightmare was still incredibly nervous, his heart beating quickly as he was sweating a bit. His ears twitched and folded as he sat there, letting this little baby play with his finger. However, as she tried to slip it in her mouth he gently pulled away, which caused her to become upset and quietly cry, making Nightmare frown. He looked away, a little disappointed in himself that he made the first baby he interacted with cry; Even for their own safety.
Katherine, meanwhile, seemed amazed that Nightmare could be so gentle. She had always seen him as a ruthless brute incapable of compassion or even just being gentle with something or someone as fragile as a baby. It showed in her slightly dropped jaw, aswell.
FredBear watched them but when he saw her try to put it in her mouth and Nightmare quickly but carefully pulled away he couldn't help but smile seeing how gentle he was. That was until he heard the baby cry and Nightmare frowning, He used his free hand to make him look at him "Don't frown...She's teething so she's gonna cry when she can't have anything to suck on..." He explained as he gently kissed Nightmares nose. He looked around gently patting her stomach as he saw her pacifier, He reached to the counter next to him and handed it to Nightmare "Try giving it to her, You'll be her best friend, she loves this thing! Esspecially this pink mermaid one..." He explained with a smile trying to cheer him up.
Nightmare's expression seemed more nuetral after the explanation though he didn't smile or seem happy. At least not yet. He gently took the pacifier from Fredbear, looking at it for a few moments before sticking it close to the babygirl's mouth, wondering if she'd grab onto it in order to pull it into her mouth and suck on it. His ear twitched slightly, hearing someone come up beside him as Fredbear's sister eagerly tugged her pacifier into her mouth and immediately began sucking on it.
Katherine crouched down beside Nightmare, as she had come up next to him. Her next words she would hold a grudge against for her entire life, but she knew that she had to say them in order for Fredbear to be happy and to be sure that Nightmare wouldn't hurt Fredbear more out of spite for her. "I suppose I was wrong about you..." She began, closing her lavender eyes. "I guess you aren't just the ruthless brute I thought you were. And I guess you can have a softer, more tender side." She continued, looking at Nightmare as he looked over his shoulder at her. "And if you will PROMISE ME you will TAKE CARE OF HIM, I suppose... I can come to accept that you two are mates and having a family together." She finished, begrudgingly giving her 'blessing' to the two to become mates. Or at least to Nightmare. She knew Fredbear didn't truly want to become mates with Nightmare. Though her words were for the golden bear's safety... Make Nightmare think Fredbear loved him, keep him from getting suspicous. Make him let his guard down enough for Fredbear to potentially make his escape.
"Fredbear, pinch me, I think I'm dreaming." Nightmare joked, trying to keep the mood light now that the tension seemed to have faded between all of them.

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