:꒰ Chapter 41 ꒱:

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"It's not you." Nightmare said with a sigh as he tried to calm himself. "The ex-members of the gang that killed Nightmare Fredbear are at the house and they supposedly want to talk to me." His voice dipped into a growl at the mention of the group, though he calmed himself before Fredbear would have noticed it too much. 'Calm down, you don't want to scare him.' He told himself, looking to the side with his ears still low but no longer pinned back.
FredBear eyes whined hearing that, Why would they be at the house? The ones that killed Nightmares past mate...What would they want from Nightmare now after taking mostly everything to him. FredBear reached to the males hands and put them on his head before taking his own hands and making the bear look at him "Hey...You're okay...Just distract yourself for a bit with my ears hm? Do you know any particular reason they would be back after you know...Everything...?" He asked gently caressing the males cheeks gently to somewhat distract him with affection. It was clear FredBear wasn't scared but mostly worried about the alpha he was sitting on scared that he may be hurt if he talks to this gang again...
"Foxy thinks that they're coming back to go after you. For what, neither of us knows. They were the only ones that supported Freddy after I became leader. They claimed that they killed Nightmare Fredbear on accident... but I don't believe it. He had a slash clear across his neck. There's no way that could have been an accident. I made it clear to them that I'd kill them myself if they came back... but it seems these bastards don't know how to listen. If they really wanted to talk, they should have sent what they wanted to say on through one of the members... The ones that didn't swear to have their heads if they ever  came across eachother again." Nightmare's rubbing felt aggressive from frustration, though he didn't mean to, truly.
FredBear eyes whined as his ears folded around Nightmares hands the rubbing did kind of irriate them but he knew Nightmare was just irritated at the gang so he didn't whine or complain...He gently touched the males face sighing deeply "I'm sorry Nightmare...About everything they did to you, I know how it feels the anger to lose someone you loved to people who are just horrible..." He said sighing deeply as he kissed the males forehead gently "But no matter what they try to do to me Bear...I promise I won't leave you without a fight, Even if they try to take me from you I'll always find a way to come back to you okay?" He said with a smile nuzzling into his chest, Truly he really meant those words he himself didn't even know what has gotten into him. All he did know was he felt Nightmares pain and he understood it, He wanted to help heal Nightmare of these horrible terrors he suffers from than maybe they could truly become a family at once...
Nightmare sighed softly. "If they ever take you, I wouldn't care if you run away from this city. So long as you're safe. That doesn't mean I wouldn't look for you. I'd burn down the entire town to find you; But all I'd care about was your safety." He said softly, nuzzling against Fredbear's neck. "Fredbear, honestly, I'd go to war over you." He continued, his voice almost a whisper as he held back from crying due to the overwhelming fear of losing Fredbear to those that had took someone from him before.
"When we get home, I want you to stay in the car until I come get you. I don't want them getting anywhere near you. Do you understand?" Nightmare's voice was suddenly firm, letting Fredbear know he was serious about this command. His face was stern as he looked into Fredbear's eyes, showing him that he needed to listen to what he was telling him to do.
FredBear whined listening to the males sad tone of voice he could hear the cracking in it as he nuzzled into him sighing deeply as he listened. "Nightmare...Can I ask a question and I don't mean to sound rude if it does..." He said as he rubbed against the males back to comfort him, "But...Why is it that you'd burn down a whole city to find me and why go to war for me? I'm nothing but just an omega, I'm not special, I don't have powers or...I don't know how to fight I can't even help myself...I used to just be a waitress and now just a pregnant omega to an alpha I thought I would never would have mated with, Why would you risk yourself for someone like me... I understand losing your mate before, and I know that can be scary but you had something with him. you know...I bet he was a way better omega than I could ever be..." He said with a sad sigh as he knew he could never be like the FredBear before him he didn't even think that he deserved a family like this or even the protection he gets from Nightmare and the gang... As FredBear was cuddled into the male he felt him lift his head up making him also look up meeting the males firm gaze sending chills down his spine listening to the firm order making him pout a little from worry. "But... I..." He shuttered underneath his words as he just nodded and hugged Nightmare tightly "Just promise you'll be okay hm? I may be a weak, pregnant omega but I do know how to stab someone if I hear they hurt you..." He giggled kissing the males cheek gently.

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