:꒰ Chapter 1 ꒱:

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"Tell anyone that he's with me before I want people to know and I'll be back for you." Nightmare growled at Katherine, watching her tremble with tears flooding down her cheeks as he then turned and took the now unconscious omega with him; Knife back in his pocket with the now empty syringe.

By the time Fredbear would be waking up, Nightmare had him in his bed; One of the male's wrists tied to the frame to prevent him from immediately trying to escape when he did wake up. The alpha had been quick to leave, aware that he did have eyes on him when he left. Hense why he had one of his members keeping an eye on the diner; Watch to see if there would be authorities on the scene to try and get any trace or hint at where he had gone with Fredbear. If there were, there may be more bloodshed. However, Nightmare's focus remained on making Fredbear his and his alone. Including doing something in the sexual category of crimes to the young omega. Despite this, it would be in the future; Not just yet. Nightmare wanted to hear Fredbear whimper and moan when he did, so he would have to wait until the golden bear woke up before he'd even attempt to touch him in that manner.
FredBear had been out for a couple of hours until he slowly began to come two again...He whimpered a bit by his pounding head, From the stress and crying he had formed a headache. He easily got headaches when he was stressed or had bad axienty... As he slowly started to look around his surroundings he remembered what happened to him, making him quickly try to get up but as he did he was pulled back by the restraint on his wrist forcing him back down on the bed. At least it was a comfortable bed...
"This pervert! He could of at least not tied me up!!!" He hissed, trying to break the restraint with his teeth; Only hurting himself in the long run. He wanted to see Katherine... he had to make sure she was okay, that was his drive other than legit being scared of what was next to come of course... As he was working on the restraint his eyes caught attention in the closet seeing a made crib. "Does...He have a kid or something..." He muttered looking at the beautiful crib with a confused expression. Why would he need him if he already had a kid...?
Nightmare had been sitting in front of the door, so as Fredbear was panicking he stood up and came back into the room with a bit of a dark chuckle. "You're awake, my love~" He cooed, coming up beside him. "Good.~" He continued, nose soon brushing against the fur of Fredbear's neck. "Oh, you smell so sweet, darling~" Nightmare's comments were gradually growing creepier. That is, until a small giggle made the large male look up.
"Oh, boss, he's so cute! I can see why you chose him!"" A short chicken said with a smile, her one good eye observing Fredbear in an innocent, curious way.
This of course made Nightmare give a small sigh of annoyance, though he straightened his posture and nodded. "Yes, Chica, thank you for the observation that he's cute."
FredBear saw the male coming making him tense up, When he felt the nose brush against his neck he let out a soft moan. He was very sensitive on his neck, making it his main soft spot other than the inside of his thighs... He growled a bit, moving away from him as he grew creepier. "Pervert, leave me alone!" He said, But suddenly he heard a small giggle; almost child like. He looked at the smaller chicken making him feel at least a little better. 'Maybe, If she stays here he won't do anything stupid...' He thought as he gave her a small shy wave. He put his knees to his chest as he watched her, trying to distract himself from attacking Nightmare and his thoughts of wanting to kill him.
Nightmare took hold of Fredbear's chin, making him look at him as he gave a small smirk. "We're meant to be mates, darling.~" He said, pressing his lips against Fredbear's rather quickly in a short, tender kiss before he pulled away. His ruby eyes were focused on the golden bear, surely filled with crazed love and desire. "I love you~" He continued, glancing back at Chica, who seemed a little surprised by just how bold Nightmare was so quickly after bringing the omega into the house.
The omega whined, his eyes were wide as he was forced into the kiss. He started biting the males lip harshly to make it bleed. "Don't kiss me!" He warned when the male pulled away. When the alpha was about to say he loved him he was about to reject it, "How can you love me when you don't know me!" The omega spoke as he forced the man's hand off his jaw, moving away again and placing his face into his knees going into an almost ball shape that way Nightmare wouldn't be able to mess with him anymore. His cute ears flicked up as he was clearly more scared. He just wanted to go home and wake up from this horrible nightmare. He could sense Chicas stares and Nightmare's evil presence... He didn't like any of this and he just wanted to cry...
Nightmare gave a soft huff, though addressed Chica by name. "Chica," He began, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.
"Yes sir?" She answered, her hands folded at her waist sweetly.
"Leave. Please." He commanded, which got him a gentle bow of the head from the chicken.
"Yes sir." Came her response as she left down the hallway, although her energy did have a sense of worry of what Nightmare had wanted her to leave for.
With that Nightmare sat down on the bed, up near Fredbear's ear. "I hate to do this, but if you won't accept my affection we'll have to start with punishments when you do this." He said lowly, pausing for a moment before biting the side of Fredbear's neck; The force easily going to leave a swollen mark. A way of 'discipline' and marking the smaller bear as his mate.
FredBear quickly looked up when Chica was forced to leave. This scared him; he didn't want to be alone with this man... He knew something bad was gonna happen by the idea of them being alone together, but as soon as Nightmare came close he panicked. "Go...Go away..." He shuttered, trying to back up on the bed but his restraint didn't allow him to go far and even if he could he froze before he could move anymore by the way Nightmare said that. Before the poor omega could react to the words he felt the sharp painful bite against his neck. "AH!" The bear let out a loud pained loud cry as he was bit, The bear, enraged by being forced to become Nightmare's mate, pushed the male off him; Intentionally slapping Nightmare. "You sick bastard!!! Is this really how you think you're gonna get someone to love you!?" He cried, holding his neck where the pain was coming from.
"It's the way you're going to realize that you belong to me and no one else." Nightmare hissed with near no emotion, eyes narrowed at the scared omega. "I will break you if I have to." He continued, turning and leaving the room; Probably making Fredbear's heart shatter with the realization that how he felt about this situation meant nothing to the other. With the door locked from the outside and there being no window in Nightmare's room, even if Fredbear did break his restraint there would be no way for him to make an easy escape.
Meanwhile Nightmare left the house to go after one of the ones that had been on his list of targets for a long time, and had long been on his mind to find and kill; All to blow off his anger so he wouldn't kill Fredbear instead.
FredBear listened to him; at first he was fine, but as he watched the male leave with no care in the world about his feelings or trauma, He started to cry harder, leaning into the bed as his arm was forced up by the restraint making him uncomfortable. He didn't understand anything that was going on and he was scared. Instead of the alpha comforting him and explaing everything, he treated him like shit already and threatened him. "How does he think I'll ever love him!" He cried out looking at the restriant sadly. The boys head became worse over the hours that went by from the axienty and crying he had did, Due to there being no windows FredBear had slowly drifted off the sleep tiring himself out from everything going on right now with his life.
After Fredbear had fallen asleep the door unlocked, and another male came in. It wasn't Nightmare; Though he did look intimidating. Although, instead of being aggressive or trying to harm the small bear, the tall hare sat down next to him and took out a first aid kit and bandages. He gently tapped the young omega's shoulder, trying hard not to seem like a threat when he'd wake up. He looked sad seeing Fredbear like this, and by the look in his eyes he knew exactly why he was here.
FredBear felt the tap and he quickly shot up getting defensive thinking it was Nightmare. Instead he met eyes with another alpha who seemed sad but more scary, His pretty eyes were red from irriation of crying but they look down at the aid kit. "Did...He send you here?" He asked looking up at him moving his knees back to his chest in a protective way.
"I have no idea where Nightmare's gone. But... I did hear you screaming and I knew that he probably hurt you. I'm sorry it's taken so long.. I had to find the spare key to this room. Nightmare doesn't like us having it, but... I'm not just going to let someone innocent like you who's done nothing to any of us die from an injury or infection because my leader got mad." The bunny said, opening the kit and taking out a spray bottle of peroxide. "This is probably going to sting, and I'm sorry.." He continued, waiting for Fredbear to say he was ready before he'd actually spray the wound.
FredBear was afaird that no one knew where Nightmare went he was worried that he went to hurt Katherine or someone else for that matter which is exactly what he was doing but the bear doesn't need to know that right now...He watched the bunny closely nodding to his words "Okay...I trust you..." He said softly as he leaned a bit for the male to help him. "But Why...Why is he doing this to me...? What did I do?" He asked hoping maybe the alpha knew why he was being treated like this and forced to do this.
"It's... not anything you've done. It's... a bit of a long story. But, in short... Nightmare used to have a mate that looked much like you, and even shared your name, except for he had the word Nightmare in front of it. Well, some of our previous members had been sparring with him but missed their aim... and... it.. ended up killing him from blood loss. So... at the loss of his mate Nightmare hasn't been able to cope in a healthy way, so my best guess is he wants to use you to fill that void that his previous mate left. Which... is honestly extremely fucked up, even to us. It did also get those previous members of ours forced out with nasty injuries... including my brother." The alpha tried to explain, ears lowered a bit. "I'm sorry I can't do more than this without Nightmare hunting you down again..."
He listened to him, Even though he felt bad for what has happened to Nightmares past it wouldn't justify what he's doing now..."He shouldn't be allowed to do this...I'm not his mate..." He said looking down "That's probably what he thinks I am if you think about it, If I look like him and have his name he probably in his head thinks I am him..." He said, That kind of made him sad even if he did fall in love with Nightmare it wouldn't be true love it never would..."I don't want to be his mate...I want to go home..." He said with a whimper in his voice. "I have my own family, I have a baby sister that I take care of. She's the reason I work so hard and she...I can't live without her. I'm scared he'll hurt her, It seems like he's completely capable of hurting her..." He said looking at him.
"He is, bu he hasn't gone as low as to hurting a child... yet. I wouldn't put it past his morals though.." The bunny replied, spraying Fredbear's bite wound and using a small towel to keep the bubbling blood flowing away from the wound from running completely down the omega's neck. "Honestly, he's the most brutal and ruthless leader this gang has ever had, and we've had nearly four generations of members live and die together."
He gasped feeling the spray as he gripped onto the bunny gently "I...I can tell...That's why I'll never love him, I can't be with someone who can easily threaten to break me in pieces because I don't wanna be kissed..." He said looking at his grip on him "Sorry..." He said taking his hand away quickly putting them in his lap as he was cared for.
"...That's.. not what he meant by.. break... you.." The bunny's voice trailed off a bit. "He.. meant he'd torture you until you would never fight it again from the trauma and pain. ...I've seen it happen and it still gives me bad dreams sometimes. He.. doesn't joke about these things. I'm sorry... but you can't fight him if you don't want to be physically harmed or tortured by him. Or at worst, killed..." Bonnie looked defeated having to tell Fredbear that, but as far as he knew, it was the truth.
FredBear heard this and he knew he lost...He leaned against his wrist that was being forced up "I rather get killed than be forced to live a life like this...To be honest the only reason I'm here is for my baby sister and now I don't have her so what's the point, I'll be forced into doing things that feel like I'm being murdered anyway right?" He said  closing his eyes sighing deeply "I really...Would rather do that than  put anyone in danger sir..." He said, He already went through shit in his life "I was already abused and tutored by my parents and school fuck being an omega in a all alpha school, I was raped so many times...And trust me if that's what about to happen to me...I think ima lose my mind and not in a good way..." He said as a tear fell down his eyes not even realizing what he was saying right now.
Nightmare Bonnie sighed deeply, bandaging the wound on Fredbear's neck carefully and using the most tender touch he could. "If you don't fight him he won't kill you. But, if you do, it'll be a slow death, I can tell you that. He doesn't make these things quick. I'm so sorry... I wish there was more I could do." He said, ears down by then as he felt sorry for the omega. So much had happened to him already, and now he had to deal with Nightmare on top of it.
"I should leave before Nightmare comes back..." He said after around ten more minutes, looking out the open door at Chica, who was still teary eyed on the couch visible from Nightmare's room. "But.. know you have someone who's praying for you." He continued, giving Fredbear a gentle kiss on the cheek. "That's something I do for those I care about, by the way. I don't want you to feel like someone else wants to do things to you too." He finished, getting up and going out the door, giving one last sad look to Fredbear before closing the door behind him and reluctantly locking it back so Nightmare wouldn't get as mad at him for going in.
FredBear couldn't help but whimper as he was bandaged up by him, He sighed listening to his gentle words he felt safe with this male but of course not 100% He was never gonna truly feel safe here with no one...As the male was getting ready to leave he was sad he didn't want to be alone but he also didn't want to cause anymore trouble to himself or to anyone else...He grabbed the boys hand softly "I appreciate this...Truly thank you..." He told softly before letting him go and laying back down watching him walk away. The omegas ears fell down as the door closed after seeing him look at him one last time..."Don't go..." He muttered quietly as he stayed still for a few minutes after he left before reaching up and trying to rip up the restraint that was tearing up his wrist as he moved "Could of removed this..." He sighed deciding to rest a bit more before Nightmare came back.

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