:꒰ Chapter 6 ꒱:

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FredBear screamed loudly when he was cut from the males claws, It wasn't until he was pulled back pressing against the males body as his neck was slit, A section of blood falling from his neck, His heat grew worse by all this so he was already weak and now the bleeding and the pain he went through just made that feeling worse...Though he never regretted what he said he took the pushiment in detial because he wasn't lying was he? Nightmare truly was a monster who was hurt but his actions would never be justified..."Yo...You...Are...Proving...My po...Point..." He coughed up some blood, Little did the alpha know the male had a condition where if he was under extreme pain or tension the boy would cough up blood as a way to warn alphas he wasn't someone you should mess with by how weak he was due to this condition...He whimpered in pain as his eyes looked at Nightmares scary ones, He wasn't scared anymore he accepted the fate he would have to live with but he wasn't gonna sit and be pretty like Nightmare wanted him to..."You'll...Always...Be li...Like them...Lik...Like him..." He referred to his biological dad who started all of FredBears ptsd and harsh living, He was used to being cut on because of his father that still lived freely that bastered...There was a lot of things Nightmare didn't know about the omega but he may never find out as the omeagas eyes suddenly closed in the males arms.
Nightmare only growled, throwing Fredbear to the side and leaving without any thought. His ears were flat and his adrenaline was high. Although this wasn't what he had intended to happen, he already thought Fredbear was dead and wasn't going to put effort into trying to get him back if it seemed hope was lost on his survival.
However, Nightmare's assumptions may be proven wrong, as soon a horrified Bonnie was beginning CPR on Fredbear since he was going to fight with everything he had for the innocent omega. "Freddy!" He screamed, getting the attention of the only actual parent of the household as he paused for a moment to feel for a pulse from Fredbear. Even if one was there, he was still going to do CPR on him to ensure that he'd make it. "Call 911!!"
Nightmare didn't care about the instructions that Bonnie was giving his enemy. He didn't want freedom anymore. With how Fredbear now felt about him he would never have any true emotion towards anyone other than empathy for the only one who had supported him through everything that had happened since he had won the fight with his enemy. Twisted Freddy.
FredBear was silent through the whole thing, His breathing was raspy and his body was weak. Due to trauma some people actually shut down when they experience things that have caused it before, For FredBear he was one of the few. His body would shut down completely just so his memory wouldn't have to be kept with what happened behind the dark, His ears folded and flicked FredBear could hear but he couldn't see though his memory's flashed in him some good some bad, His heart was out the sky and he was scared truthfully now...He felt Bonnie's trying which his nerves gripped onto Bonnie, Does Bonnie truly care for the bear that much?
"Fredbear, don't leave us!! You don't deserve this, for the love of God, just stay with us!" Bonnie cried, putting all his effort in for Fredbear. He knew that he was likely cracking cartilage or ribs with all the force he was using, but he had to if he was to be successful in CPR. He was crying as he blew air into Fredbear's lungs, trying so hard to keep the golden bear alive despite his conditions.
FredBear heard the begs of Bonnie, He whimpered in the state of what was going on. He suddenly remembered his baby sister he knew if he did not open his eyes his sister could be in danger, The in heat omega winced as he felt the bunny press air into his lungs again; He woke up slowly the lights were brighter than before as he gripped Bonnie's arm, He tried to speak but his voice was too raspy due to being choked and slit on it, of course naturally it inflamed his throat making him whimper to warn Bonnie he was awake.
Despite Fredbear having woken up, Freddy was already on the line with 911, and had already been told that help was coming. The brown bear was saying that Fredbear was awake, though was being instructed to tell him to stay laid down for the case of shock. Which, was what he was doing. "Bonnie, keep him on his back, he might go into shock. They're sending an ambulance to make sure he's okay but he needs to stay laid on his back until they get here. They're sending officers as well, probably to question him about what happened."
FredBear heard this and looked towards Nightmare panicking a bit, He didn't like doctors at all bad experiences because they always tried to pull his teeth when they saw him as a child...He whimpered looking at Bonnie, He didn't know what to do or think expect one thing...If the police even far knew Nightmare did this to him he would surely be arrested right...? He thought as he slowly stood up despite the dizziness and everyone yelling at him to lay down, He walked towards Nightmare grabbing his hand tightly as he walked away with him back to his bedroom. He pushed Nightmare into the closet and got in with him placing his head on his shoulder, His breathing was clearly bad from the airway being swollen but he knew no one else would do this for Nightmare so despite everything he did to him he helped hide him...
"I don't deserve any help, Fredbear." Nightmare sighed, closing his eyes as his previous anger had faded. "I'm surprised you're even alive. Why help me when I could have killed you?" He asked, not bothering to be quiet. He heard Bonnie and Freddy calling for Fredbear, which made his ears flick. "You need their help. As for me Me? I need to go to prison after everything I've done. It's not fair to those who have died by my hands that I'm still walking free. It's not fair to you, either. I don't understand why you won't just let me face what I truly deserve."
Fredbear breathed heavily listening to him, He whimpered moving into the males lap as he grabbed his hand softly holding it close to him. He placed his forehead against his sighing deeply, He wanted to say something but it hurt so bad...He looked at him in the eyes as his ears went down he was clearly in pain by Nightmare, But he wasn't doing this for Nightmare more for himself...It wasn't the fear of doctors he was hiding from exactly, He was scared to go back into the real world his world was scarier than just being here in a day...Of course everything that has happened triggered FredBear but he knew by walking out that door and going back to his life he would be chased and hunted again by his father and even far more worse than people like Nightmare...He knew he was somewhat safe here and he had some people that cared about him even if the guy that was supposed to be his mate didn't truly love him for him he was still safe...Though this may be where he dies from Nightmare not being able to accept the truth from him at least he wouldn't die by the hands that made him this way...
He heard Bonnie's voice which made the omega turn his head whimpering a bit, Even though he wanted to run to him he didn't because he had to do this.
Nightmare's ears flicked upwards at the sound of sirens, which made him look down at Fredbear. "You should let them treat you..." He whispered with a soft sigh, lowering himself to the floor. "If you don't want to leave the others, have one of them bring you back here. Otherwise, get away from me and keep yourself safe. I don't deserve you nor need you. What I need is therapy or jail time." He said, nudging Fredbear towards the closet door.

"Don't put yourself in danger trying to keep me out of jail because you don't want to face the life you lived before."

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