:꒰ Chapter 33 ꒱:

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FredBear was so happy feeling Katherine against his warm body, She felt so nice her touch was so gentle and calming he would even say it's better than Nightmares and Bonnie's...He loved it and he didn't want it to go away, That was until she cupped his cheek pulling away from the kiss that he started to pout seeing the time "He always ruins things..." He told falling to the bed completely now like a student who came back from school and went straight to bed.
"And yet you were defending him earlier." Katherine reminded him, pulling out, getting up, getting out some wipes and cleaning up Fredbear's skin and fur of the cum. She then cleaned off the bed, throwing away the wipes afterwards. Her tail swayed behind her as she pulled her tank top back over her head and chest, covering up her breasts once again; Which had received a few bruises from Fredbear playing with them. After this she handed Fredbear his pants, waiting for him to redress before she'd go back out into the living room with him to face Nightmare.
FredBear whined a bit when the girl pulled out it made a pop sound, He watched her closely as he was cleaned up making him squirm just a tad from being so sensitive to the touch now...It wasn't until he saw her put her tank top back on that he pouted playfully and took his own clothes and putting them back on. "I don't wanna go..." He told as he stood up kissing the woman's lips gently holding onto her like a kangaroo it's mother.
"We have to. As much as I hate to, we have to. He'd probably come barging in otherwise." Katherine replied, sighing softly and fixing Fredbear's fur. "I'll be with you, okay?" She tried to comfort him, hugging him gently. That's when Maggie came to the door, peeking in quietly.
"Fredbear, your mate is waiting for you." She said, blinking quickly at Fredbear.
FredBear liked the comfort but when Maggie came telling him the news he let out a deep sigh, "Okay..." He said letting go of Katherine and fixing his clothes giving Katherine a quick kiss on the lips before going to Nightmare in the living room again. He went to him and held his hand gently to make sure he wouldn't be suspicious of anything...
Nightmare fur ruffled a bit as he sniffed Fredbear's back for a few moments. "Hm.. you were cuddling. Okay." He didn't seem suspicous of him, more so slightly jealous.
"They got a little emotional, so they cuddled and watched some TV together, sir." Maggie lied, making sure that Nightmare wouldn't know the truth.
Nightmare looked at the beta as she spoke, nodding slowly. "Everything okay? You do look upset." Nightmare asked Fredbear, taking notice to how he was pouting a bit.
FredBear looked up at Nightmare his lip was out like a puppy and his cute doe eyes. "Yes...I just feel sad being back here just to leave again...I have a lot of memories here some good some bad..." He told as he led Nightmare to the photos on the wall of his family and he himself from back than and newer times.
"Why do you look sad in all of these with your family?" Nightmare asked, crossing his arms since he was cold. There was still a lot he didn't know about Fredbear or his past. He didn't even know he wasn't the only one he had been raped by. If he even by far knew the abuse Fredbear went through as a child there would only be more names on his list of people he wanted to kill.
FredBear sighed touching the glass of the photos "I was never close with my family, I was like a Cinderella locked in a dog case...Quite literally actually...All I was is a mut and a maid to them..." He explained looking at Nightmare and seeing he was cold, He went to the couch and grabbed a blanket wrapping it around him. "Just tell me if you need something like if you're cold or not..." He told with a slight smile, He was a care giver not a taker.
"Is that why you took your sister, a baby, at only 19?" Nightmare continued his questions, curious now. He was annoyed by how Fredbear's family treated him, though it wasn't yet enough to drive him to track them down in order to put a knife through their hearts. Nightmare's ear flicked as he waited for Fredbear's answer, Katherine coming out of her room and going to get a bottle for Fredbear's sister.

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