:꒰ Chapter 60 ꒱:

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FredBear had ended up falling asleep near the corner of the room, He had made a little place to read and while he was reading a book of what to expect when you're expecting he ended up curling around and falling asleep there not aware that whoever is about to wake him up will make him snap completely.
Nightmare stayed back against a wall, still scared to touch Fredbear, so, Nightmare Freddy gave him a glare and made Nightmare hold his kids as he went and gently woke Fredbear up. "I was told you're upset, Fredbear. And I heard what my cousin said to you. I slapped the fuck out of him for it." He said, sitting Fredbear up slowly. "...May I check your belly again? I'm still worried about you and your children..." He then asked, ear twitching as he glanced back at Nightmare, who was wiping the dripping blood off his face while gently holding the year-old cubs of Freddy's.
FredBear felt himself being woken up which made him whine a bit but as soon as his eyes opened and he saw Freddy he jumped into the males arms and started to finally cry not even noticing Nightmare in the room. "Freddy...I don't belong here and I definitely don't belong at your gang...I hurt an omegas feelings because it was the truth yet he started to cry and the way things work around here yeah their way better than Nightmares but...I just don't fit in and all the love stuff right now is really stressing me out but everyone looks at me like I'm the bad guy." He said nuzzling his face into the males neck he had been clearly upset and just wanted an actual comforting hug all day but all he got was talking tos and threats so when the omega saw a person he trusted like a mother he finally started to break down. When he heard the question about his stomach he sniffiled a bit shaking his head "All day it has been hurting before I feel asleep there was a sharp pain on the right it's killing me..." He told which made sense on why he fell asleep so quickly right there.
Freddy's ears flicked upwards hearing that the pain had been sharp on the right side. The side which the injured baby was laying against. He felt around the different areas he had checked before to determine the injuries on the babies; Which only made him more concerned. "Twisted," He called to the larger brown bear, who was still sitting in the doorway to watch. "You still have that machine that lets you listen to a baby's heartbeat, right?"
"We do... why?" The other asked, sounding concerned and thus making Nightmare look at the Freddy from his gang with a look of 'What the hell is going on?'.
"I need it. Urgently." Freddy said sternly, his face serious as he had one hand gently pressed into the crevice between Fredbear's abdomen and his thigh. Freddy knew that this was probably concerning Fredbear, so he looked him in the eyes with a motherly look. "You're going to be alright. We just have to be sure of something..." He said, rubbing Fredbear's cheek with his knuckles gently.
FredBears eyes frowned as he felt the males hand press against it making him yelp just that gentle touch was hurting whatever was wrong..."Freddy...What's wrong..." He said gripping onto the males shoulder tightly he was getting scared hearing them talk especially the 'urgently' part. His gaze went to Nightmare and it looked just like the first day he met him scared and worried, He didn't really know why he kept his eyes on Nightmare maybe cause it was his fault they were in this situation to began with or perhaps maybe it was a sense of comfort since these kids are Nightmares as well...
Within a few minutes Freddy had the machine next to Fredbear and was listening to both of the babies' heartbeats. His face went from concerned to horrified. "He needs an inejction of adrenaline to bring up the babies' heartbeats; NOW. They're way too slow." He said, glaring at Nightmare. "Fredbear, I know it hurts, but your children are in danger. Especially the one on the right." He spoke to Fredbear gently, taking out a syringe with a cap over the needle he had brought with him along with a vile that had the medicine that would give Fredbear a rush of adrenaline. "You're going to have to take the needle. I know you hate them, but please, from one mother to another, you have to take it. The babies could die if you don't." He said, removing the cap from the syringe and getting a dose of the medicine ready.
FredBears whole world had come crashing down when he heard what was going on with his poor babies his heart rosed faster than what an Olympic gold medalist could handle. He whimpered looking down at his stomach nodding "Do whatever you have to..." He said with fear in his voice not because of the needle but what was going on with his children. He looked over at Nightmare again leaning against Freddy, He wanted to see if Nightmare was as scared as him right now or not...
Nightmare was tearing up as he looked at Fredbear, guilt in his eyes. He had to look away after a minute, his tears falling moments after.
Freddy felt around for a vein, knowing he'd have to give the dose directly into Fredbear's bloodstream. "Stay still..." He whispered, soon delivering the medicine through the needle, his ears folded backwards with worry.
When Nightmare looked away from him so did FredBear nuzzling his face into Freddy's neck again staying still as ordered too, His ears fell down as he whined a little when the needle was soon pressed into his veins..."Their not gonna be okay are they..." He asked with worry and sounded like doubt possibly just from everything the omega thought of the worse happening and that's all he could see now...
Freddy waited for the adrenaline to take effect, listening to the heartbeats again. They were still slow... "Come on..." He whispered, using his free hand to massage the area he had injected the medication into to try and force it to move to Fredbear's heart quicker.
Finally, the babies' heartrate came up, making Freddy give a sigh of relief. "Thank god..." He said quietly, moving the device to Fredbear's ear so he could hear the steadier heartbeats of his unborn children. "They're about average now..." He continued, standing up.
Then he turned to Nightmare. "You're lucky we were called here, Nightmare. And once he comes home, you will not be allowed to touch him for 2 weeks at MINIMUMN." He hissed, crossing his arms with narrowed eyes.
FredBears heart increased as well as his childerns making him a little shakey but when he could hear his children's heartbeats it made him smile a bit after everything his childern still was able to put a smile on his face...He watched Freddy stand up and heard what he said to Nightmare he liked how even though Freddy didn't know him much he still helped and protected him especially against Nightmare. FredBear reached his hand up to the male grabbing Freddy's hand gently "Thank you...For everything Freddy..." He said looking up at him with pure relief in his eyes.
Nightmare set his bloodied towel down on a nearby table, and came over to Fredbear, still holding the triplets that belonged to Freddy. He pulled out a few photos from his pocket, saying nothing as he set them in Fredbear's hands and then moved away. Freddy got defensive at first, but looked at the pictures that Nightmare had given the golden blonde. Among the three photos there was one that came from the doctor's office that showed the ultrasound that Fredbear had gotten, one of Fredbear's sister, Lola, and one of Katherine and Maggie playing with Lola. "Who are they, Fredbear?" Freddy asked, using one claw to point to Katherine and Lola in the picture of them playing. "The cub looks a lot like you... Is she a relative?"

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