:꒰ Chapter 57 ꒱:

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FredBear looked at the male as he heard his questions, He sighed a bit making the omega sit down to him while he rubbed his hand. "Well Bonnie...I don't know about you, But my life just sucks ever since I was born it felt like the world has been against me all people wanna do and has ever done is hurt me...I've been sexually abused and physically abused since I was a child I've loved and learned I've never had true love and well...I truly thought Bonnie loved me too but like the others it was just lust so I learned how to shut my heart down shut out those who hurt me that way I won't be hurt anymore trust me...I wanna cry so bad right now I wanna cry until my blood vessels explode I'm pregnant with his child for fucks sake and he can just throw me like that after everything but I realized something Bonnie, Letting him get to me and me cry only let's him win if he heard me cry or saw me cry he'd know he won by hurting me those words were true anyone would know that...But to surieve in this world in this gang I have to shut off my emotions that's just how it is...I don't mean to scare you or the others just it's the truth..." He said leaning his head back keeping Bonnie's hand close to him in a more comforting way so he knew he was still safe to be around him.
"Fredbear... that's not true. There are people who love you. Nightmare loved you. I could see it in his eyes. He looks at you the same way that Freddy looks at me. He looks at you with such love that he'd do anything for you. He'd burn down the world for you. This... other Bonnie, I've never met him, but... He doesn't sound loyal, nor was he a good choice to begin with. I'm not saying you have to love someone back because they love you, but... Nightmare truly does love you. He may hurt you... but every alpha hurts their omega. He shouldn't hurt you to the extent that he does... but he loves you. I can't tell you who to love, but I can tell you that you may want to consider looking back at the one who wouldn't leave you. I can reccomend counseling for mates, and, I can reccomend getting someone there to monitor your pregnancy and make him aware of his effects on you when he hurts you. He's not a monster, Fredbear; He just doesn't know how to act towards his mate because he didn't have a proper childhood where he could learn from his parents to know how to treat his mate. You can still feel however you want... but... don't shut everyone out. It's not true that you have to shut down your emotions to not be hurt... what is true is that you have to work with your mate to make things right between you." Bonnie spoke softly, ears twitching gently. He wanted to make Fredbear feel better, so he was trying the only way he knew how. Speaking confidently in what he believed was true.
FredBear just sighed from the omegas words "If a man loves you if a woman loves you if anyone loves you Bonnie, They will do everything in their power to make sure no one or themselves hurt you. Pain isn't love force isn't love Bonnie, A lot of omegas thinks it's okay but it's not I hope you realize that before it's to late..." He said moving his knees upclose to his chest tucking his head between them, FredBear knew Nightmare loved him but this wasn't love it was a love of power he knew he tried his hardest but Nightmare was a man you'd have to ask if you can eat a snack so you don't get in trouble and FredBear didn't want that he just wanted his family, He wanted Katherine he felt protected there and he felt loved while being around everyone else he felt scared and sad and nothing that this omega could say was gonna change that especially since he knew he couldn't worry about himself but on his childern since he had no one else he knew he should relay on this gang but he's only here for a week so he didn't wanna get attached at all.
"Fredbear... he didn't force you to be his mate. He tried, but it was ultimately up to you if you wanted to accept him as your alpha. He may have tried to keep you around even if you said no, he may have marked you, but that didn't make you his mate. What made you his mate was you considering yourself his mate. It's not a love of power like you think. He's a control freak, yes, but he loves you because he wanted a family with you. He loves you because you were so sweet. He loves you because you loved him. I can't force you to believe me, but... consider what I've said?" Bonnie tried again, though after a moment he gave up for the time being. He stood up, turning away from Fredbear to leave him alone. "If... If you need me, just call my name. I won't be too far, hopefully."
FredBear sighed hearing the omegas words "Only if you truly knew Bonnie..." He said as he looked up at him nodding in response to him leaving, The male himself reached grabbing a book off the shelf next to him and started to read it he did enjoy reading it helped calm his mind before all of this happened he just couldn't believe that's how omegas truly thought to love someone that hurt and harmed your own childern...He sighed rolling his eyes he couldn't help but think maybe he was born the wrong gender maybe he was supposed to be an alpha instead because that just made him cringe deeply thinking that others thought that way.

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