:꒰ Chapter 13 ꒱:

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Nightmare blinked, though came over and gently hugged the kid, which made him freeze for a moment but soon return the gesture. "I'd start getting your things together, David. You're probably going to be going home soon, or at least have Bonnie drive you home while we get the rest of your belongings."
"Ok.." David replied in a whisper, looking over at Fredbear with a soft smile.
Nightmare then looked back out the open door. "You can stay for dinner. It's either going to be me or Bonnie who calls your parents to see when you can go home."
FredBear smiled seeing how happy David was, "I'll be right back to help you little one, I need to talk to my mate for a second..." He told standing up and taking a hold of Nightmares hand walking to the bedroom again as he looked at him "What made you decide to let him go home?" He asked holding the males hand softly to his chest, "I'm proud of you..." He said kissing the males lips gently.
"His fear of everything while being here." Nightmare responded, flicking an ear. "It's not necessarily fair he was forced into this." He continued, stroking Fredbear's fur lightly. He knew that the boy would be happier and lead a better life outside of the relations his uncle had with him as the leader of the gang. He also knew that David had too good of a heart to be able to handle the tasks he would have been given if he had been forced to stay.
FredBear was proud to hear the reasoning behind the males choice of letting the younger one go "Like I said im very proud of you, I never thought you'd actually do it..." He said hugging the male softly "But I thought you were tired, You need to rest..." He said a bit worried about the males health now.
"Well... I am tired. I just felt the need to address that topic before I went to sleep." Nightmare responded, sitting down on the bed again. He yawned, looking exhausted now. "I think I will now." He then said, pulling the covers up and laying down underneath them, pulling them up over himself afterwards. "You're free to join me or go do your own thing, it's up to you." He then told him, tiredly blinking at him.
FredBear thought for a moment before hearing his belly growl making him embarrassed a bit..."Um...I'll go eat first than come back so I don't disturb you with my stomach growling." He told going over to the male and tucking him in to make him comfortable "I'll be back soon okay..." He told giving him a gentle kiss before heading over to the door.
Nightmare slowly nodded and closed his eyes, inevitably falling asleep due to being so tired. His breathing was slow and relaxed, body limp as he rested. He seemed rather peaceful. Maybe he actually did need this rest...

"Fredbear! We just got the food. What would you like?" Chica called from the kitchen, which was just across from the living room. There was turkey sandwiches, hamburgers, hotdogs, sweet corn, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and a lot of other food laid out on the counters, all being gathered onto plates for each member that wanted some. "Is Nightmare going to join you, or should we save some stuff for him?" She asked, then having her eyes light up excitedly. "Oh, oh! Me and Bonnie were going to bake some cookies and cake for David since he's going home soon. Do you want to help us?"
He heard Chica talk fast as he tried to understand her he pointed to the hamburgers "I love hamburgers their really good, I'd like one of them with some of those fries..." He said with a smile, As he heard the offer he looked back towards Nightmares door and sighed a bit "I'll help you guys, Nightmare is really tired right now. So I rather not disturb him while he rests, So saving some food would be the best idea I'm sure hes gonna be whiny in the morning to me..." He said with a chuckle, That was referred to Nightmares whines in the shower but they would never know that...
While Fredbear was talking, and while he was being rubbed on by his own omega, Bonnie was giving the golden bear a pouty look, seemingly jealous and aware of something that he had done. The bunny's mate didn't seem to notice, only purring and rubbing against him lovingly despite having smelt Fredbear's pheromones on Bonnie earlier in the day. Bonnie looked jealous of something and a little annoyed. Was it possible that he knew what Fredbear had done with Nightmare in the shower? But how...? Was it the mark? It was strange... had he heard them? So many questions were left unanswered at the moment. All that was known was that Bonnie was upset about something, and that something seemed to have something to do with Fredbear.

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