:꒰ Chapter 3 ꒱:

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The bunny from before cracked the door open once Nightmare fell asleep, peeking in; Eyes glowing much more brightly. "Hey," He said quietly, almost a whisper. "I have a late shift from Nightmare, and I know that you have been in here all day... so... if you want to come out with me you can. My mate's working with me too.. just so you know." He continued.
Nightmare stirred slightly, though still slept silently. If Fredbear wanted to leave the room he had to do so now.
FredBear was just thinking about things before he saw the light from the hallway shine in and a pair of glowing eyes stand infront of him, He heard the offer and he didn't take no time to think. "Yes...I wanna go..." He whispered as he carefully got out the bed happily. That's when it hit him though 'Mate...? He has a mate...?' He thought feeling a bit sad.
The bunny nodded, taking Fredbear out of the room and leading him to another, the door cracked open and the smell of an omega in heat coming from inside the room. The alpha obviously knew since it was obviously getting to him, though he wasn't going to do anything in front of Fredbear nor would he do anything when Nightmare was in the house.
Nightmare didn't like knowing that another alpha could mate but he couldn't. It had become an unspoken rule between him and the other alphas in the house that they could not have sex when he was around. It just bothered him. Especially with how the bear had lost his previous mate while he had been pregnant. It broke him at that point. It was the point where he became so ruthless. It had caused him to kill others; The pain of losing the one he loved. Wanting another mate was the last attempt he was making to save his own sanity; Keep him from violently attacking others due to his own personal pain. He hated his own violence, though it had driven him mad. It was near impossible to control himself now. These attempts with Fredbear were the last hope for many; Since if Nightmare felt that he had failed to court him it would only drive him farther. It would be best if the omega didn't know that. It would only add more pressure on him.
"I have some snacks in that drawer. Help yourself if you're hungry." Bonnie said, sitting down in his chair and taking a glance at his faintly glowing computer screen, filled with different files of information about many different people. Too many to count using just memory.
Bonnie's mate, seeking any form of physical touch by then, attempted to huddle close to Fredbear, whimpering softly at Bonnie since truly, that's who they wanted attention from. All while knowing deep down that he couldn't due to the 'dominant alpha's' rules of not mating. It made them wonder how he had even allowed them to be bonded if he wasn't going to allow them to mate with each other. Especially during their heats, they hated it.
Bonnie on the other hand was seriously fighting his urges to not just say screw it and fight with Nightmare over mating if he had to.
FredBear turned his head to the whining omega "You should help him...I'm not sure what he feels, I've never been In heat before...But I can tell he's uncomfortable..." He told him, Though he was jealous he stood up bowing his head "And...If that son of a bitch doesn't allow you to, Fuck him. He's just a low life because he doesn't have someone, So...Go ahead and mate..." He told him before looking towards the door "I'll go back to the room so you guys can..." He said taking his snack and quickly walking to the door, To be honest he was jealous so he didn't really wanna be there hearing that omega whine for a good guy like Bonnie...As he walked away it was clear the bear had a limp to his foot probably from where Nightmare threw him around, As he closed the door he looked around the quiet hallways curiously taking it upon himself to want to explore at least.
"You should be asleep."
Nightmare had woken up to use the restroom. He didn't seem mad, more so zoned out than anything. He was still in the doorway, so he hadn't been awake long enough to know where the omega had been. "Why are you awake?" He continued his questioning, coming up to Fredbear and gently pulling him close. "You made me worried when you weren't there." He hugged the golden bear gently.
He gasped hearing Nightmare...When he was pulled close he tensed up looking at him "I...I was trying to find the bathroom and than I got lost so I decided to look around..." He told Nightmare, He gently touched into the males fur. 'Does...He think I'm his past lover...' He thought as he looked up at him. "I'm sorry..." He told him softly.
Nightmare gave a soft sigh, taking Fredbear's hand in his and leading him down a long hallway and stopping in front of a door, pushing it open and nudging Fredbear in. "Try to be quick, I need to use the restroom too." He said tiredly, obviously wanting to go back to sleep. Maybe he was different when he was tired...
FredBear followed him, He nodded closing the door as he went and quickly did his business washing his hands afterwards 'Why is he like this with me...' He thought as he dried his hands going back out "Done..." He said softly as he stepped out the way looking around at the paintings on the walls.
Nightmare went in and took a few minutes, though he came back out quite quickly once he was done. He didn't say anything as he walked back down to his room with Fredbear, going in and laying back down to go to sleep. "Try to rest, darling." He then said quietly, closing his eyes again and going still as he tried to go back to sleep.
As he was walked back and put into bed, He laid there facing towards Nightmare...He slowly reached for Nightmares hand softly taking it and putting it around him, He was cold and Nightmare was warm so he was attracted to it...He allowed Nightmare to cuddle him while they would sleep but little did he know this wouldn't last forever...

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