:꒰ Chapter 28 ꒱:

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Nightmare would be following shortly afterwards, unable to run as fast as Fredbear but still trying to keep up once he had parked. He was panting a bit, hands now on his knees. "You are SO much faster than you look." He said with a huff, having some people looking at him with a confused look.
"He's not going to commit murder in this public of a space, is he?" Someone whispered to another, making Nightmare look back at them with a scowl.
"Dumbasses." He hissed under his breath, turning his attention back to Fredbear. "Are you ready? You look scared."
FredBear could hear what the people were saying about Nightmare which really pissed him off, People had no respect. Even if he was a bad person, he wouldn't be that low. He had sweet spots too, he wouldn't do that...
When he heard Nightmares voice he turned around and wrapped his arms around the males neck, kissing him deeply and showing his love infront of them. Yeah, maybe it was also from nervousness he did this but he couldn't stand people talking so bad when he's literally infront of them and now that he was pregnant with the man's child it only pissed him off more.
Nightmare wasn't expecting it so suddenly, though didn't pull away. He lovingly wrapped his arms around Fredbear's back, returning the kiss happily. His ear flicked at the quiet gasps, though he ignored them after a moment. It didn't matter what they thought. What mattered to him was Fredbear being happy and having this visit. After a minute Nightmare broke the kiss, pressing his forehead to Fredbears. "I love you." He said in a whisper, closing his eyes gently. "I always will."
A blush formed against his cheeks as he was kissed back passionately he could hear the people's gasps and whispers but he didn't mind them...Once they pulled away he looked at Nightmare with a wide bright smile "I know...Your a simp for me..." He said with a teasing wink before looking at the door giving it a slight knock before holding onto Nightmares hand completely tightly.
An older woman came to the door, cracking it open slowly and peeking out. "Oh my-" She began, looking at Fredbear, then to Nightmare. "Young man, are you okay?" She asked, gaining Katherine's attention from the main room.
"Young man?" She seemed confused, peeking from around the older female and out the door. She gasped, eyes widening with a glistening look as she pushed past the older woman and nearly knocked Fredbear over as she hugged him, causing Nightmare to hiss in pain as the force ripped his and Fredbear's hand apart and pulled on his arm. "Fredbear!!! YOU'RE ALIVE! Thank God!!" She cried happily, nuzzling into Fredbear's pretty chest.
Meanwhile the older woman was giving Nightmare an untrusting look, while Nightmare just seemed to look at her as if to say 'What?' With a frown on his face, letting Fredbear interact with Katherine without trying to get between them. For now.

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