:꒰ Chapter 36 ꒱:

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FredBear was watching his baby sister like a lion mother watching her cub, He wanted nothing but the best for his dear sister and he was afaird that when he left despite being with Katherine that she may not have that or may grow a grudge against him because he was never her for her to protect her and thought FredBear wanted to ask so badly if he could bring home his precious sister he knew the answer most likely would be no and it hurt him deep inside as he watched her. In the corner of his eyes though he saw the woman that made love to him go on her knees next to Nightmare making him tilt his head 'What is she doing...?' He thought as he watched her the words that she said pierced through his heart 'No...No way she agrees to this...?' FredBear thought even though he knew Nightmare would give him protection he knew nothing could protect him from Nightmares wreath and anger when he doesn't get what he wants...As FredBear was panicky a bit inside he heard the joke giggling a bit at it, He reached to Nightmare and gently kissed his cheek instead of pinching "I don't think you're dreaming Nightmare..." He said with a bright smile trying to hide what he really felt inside.
"Can... we have one more minute to talk? Just before you two leave? I need to say one last thing privately with Fredbear." Katherine asked, making Nightmare look over at her. For once, he seemed to have sympathy as he would gently take Fredbear's sister in his arms and give the two a small nod to dismiss them for a minute. The alpha then looked to Maggie, who had prepared him a cup of coffee and was now offering it to him as Katherine took Fredbear's hand and led him back into Fredbear's old bedroom.
"I'm not trying to give you away to him. I'm trying to make him believe you really love him so he'll let his guard down and you can escape." The alpha female whispered into the pregnant omega's ear, giving him a kiss on the cheek to calm him down.
FredBear was impressed by how much Nightmares gaurd was down as he was taken Into the bedroom again listening to Katherine's words sighing deeply "I was hoping that was the reasoning behind it...I thought you changed in a matter of seconds..." He whispered as he went into her arms tears forming "I don't wanna go back...I feel horrible...For Mariana she doesn't have a brother to protect her while I'm gone...I wish I could just bring her with me but I'm sure Nightmare would say no...And I say why it is pretty dangerous there." He said with a shakey voice clearly ready to wanna bust out in tears maybe it was from pregnancy hormones or his sister but damn he was emotional.
"Ask him... He might let you take her. Tell him how much she means to you, and how much it would mean to you if he let you take her with you. I'd miss her... but she needs you." Katherine said, fixing Fredbear's hair with her hand and looking at his tearful, scared eyes. "Or... maybe me and Maggie could move closer to where you'll be living from now on." She suggested, trying to make Fredbear calm down a little.
FredBear eyes lit up feeling the woman's touch on him and hearing the suggestions. "You think he would really agree to any of the things you just said...?" He asked interwining his fingers into the woman's hands if they did move closer to where he lived he would be able to see his sister all the time, get out of that musty alpha filled house, see Katherine as well...And just have an escape from reality and than go back to his so called 'home' It did sound like a win win to FredBear and even for Nightmare because he would know where FredBear was at and was at a trusted home.
"I mean... It's not like he has anything to lose by letting you see us. Now he knows it's safe to let you see me and Maggie, I don't see why he'd refuse." Katherine replied, caressing Fredbear's cheek. However, she looked towards the door upon hearing Mariana start crying again. She moved over to the door with Fredbear and opened it, seeing Nightmare holding her up to her chest and... singing.
"You are my Sunshine, my only sunshine... My light, when skies are grey... You'll never know dear, how much I love you... *Please don't take my Sunshine away...*" Were the alpha's words as he gently rocked the babygirl, feeling her hands gently grip into his raven fur as her cries began growing quiet.
FredBear thought Katherine was indeed right he doesn't have anything to lose he only gains out of it from a happy wife happy life. As he was thinking he heard his sisters crying and he quickly looked out only to witness the most softest he's ever seen NightMare which melted his heart as he pulled his phone out and started to record the male singing watching Mariana let out small giggles as she calmed down in the males warm arms.
Nightmare continued singing a few different short songs until he knew Mariana was asleep, looking around for a moment for Fredbear until he saw him recording him and his face got a bit pale since he was a bit self-concious about his singing voice. He seemed a little embarrassed as he looked away, though stood up and handed Mariana to Katherine. He looked to Fredbear, rubbing the back of his neck. "We're going to have to go soon." He said, meeting Fredbear's gaze. "I'd get anything you wanna take with you and start saying your goodbyes."
FredBear giggled when Nightmare caught him placing his phone down as he went over to him, He loved seeing his soft side he was...Normal this time persay. "Don't be shy, You have a wonderful singing voice Mariana is lucky she got to her it." He said with a teasing pout, But when leaving was brought up it made him whimper a bit as he held the males hand gently "Can we talk for a moment...Maybe privately with Katherine before we go? We have a proposal..." He said nuzzling into his chest to butter him up.
Nightmare blushed at the nuzzling, ears perked forward. "Well, um, sure." Nightmare was a little awkward considering how the touch was arousing him slightly and he felt territorial smelling another alpha's scent on Fredbear. Despite knowing who it was that had touched Fredbear and, at least to his knowledge, the touching was innocent, he felt jealous and wanted a round on Fredbear to remind him who he was mates with. It was just his instincts as an alpha to guard his mate.
FredBear could smell a scent changing in the air which made him feel some type of way again slightly whimpering under his breath. He took the males hand gently and led him to his room sitting him down on the bed as he towered over him "I was thinking um...Maybe...Katherine and Maggie could move closer to where we live so I could see my sister a lot more and be part of her life and it be an escape from all the alphas and strictness of your home and you won't have to worry about me because you know where I am 24/7 it would be good for practice for our babies on the way..." He explained gently taking his hand and rubbing against the males head gently.
Nightmare purred at the touch, though his ears lowered and he frowned at the proposal. He didn't want Fredbear to be leaving so often if he did allow him to go and see his sister. He'd get jealous if Fredbear was going to be around another alpha without him there. He trusted Fredbear, yes, but smelling another alpha on the omega he considered his mate was bound to make him feel jealous.
He looked at the male with a smile hoping it would help him on his decision as he got into the males lap and nuzzled into his neck gently "What's wrong...You have nothing to lose you gain from it my happiness..." He said interwining the males fingers in his gently.
"...But I'd get jealous because you'd be around another alpha... That would be the trade-off." Nightmare admitted with a sigh, rubbing his forehead. His ears flicked as Fredbear nuzzled into his fur, his eyes closed gently. He stayed silent for a few minutes, though finally uttered "Fine. But you tell me before you leave and you're to return before or by nine."
Nightmare could still acknowledge that aroused feeling, and in a whine only audible to Fredbear he made that known. He pressed his head against Fredbear's, pushing their foreheads together as he'd place a kiss on the huge scar he had left when he had bitten the omega's neck and thus marked him as his... It was tender, but rough enough to act as a reminder without him saying any words. 'You are mine.' Being his message. With that, his hands traveled to Fredbear's waist, stopping just where Fredbear's uterus was. He was acknowledging the babies that would be developing there over the next 9 months, completely unaware that one wasn't his own offspring. That one belonged to another alpha. An alpha he had considered making his second-in-command; An alpha he trusted and thought would respect that he had already marked the golden omega as his... An alpha that had already been bonded when he met Fredbear.
FredBear blushed slightly hearing that whine he knew that was only for him as he gently played with the males hair sighing deeply to the kiss that was placed on his mark, He loved when the alpha was gentle with him it made him feel so loved as he could tell what Nightmare was trying to tell him but that made him feel so guilty for not loving him like he loved him or at least so he thought he didn't...He watched the males hands travel down to where the baby's would form in 9 months watching him being gentle he knew Nightmare would be an effy father so why did he feel so much pity for him thinking about what him and Bonnie did...Why did he care so much Nightmare hurt him! He hurt so many people! He could hurt him at any time! But oh my...His sweet caring side the way he sung to the most important person to him his sister, The way he was gentle with the kid at the doctors...The way he would do anything to protect him burn the whole world down just to find him...'Wait why am I thinking this way! Why am I...Am...I falling...In love with him?...' FredBear thought as a frown appeared on the omegas face of guilt, fear and regret came across his whole body as he watched the black bear hold him close to him claiming him as his only...his...
[ We're gonna have Fredbear get pale here and go "H-how did you...?" ]
"Fredbear... When we get home we need to have a little talk." Nightmare began in Fredbear's ear, his own flicking in response. "I know you've been seeing Bonnie while I've been sleeping." He continued. "I need to warn you now... Don't get too attached to him or used to seeing him all the time. I'm going to make him my second-in-command soon... He'll be busy, and that duty can be dangerous." Nightmare's words didn't seem like a threat, more so a 'I'm just letting you know now so you don't feel hurt later.' It's unlikely he was aware of why the two had been seeing each other. "I just wanted to warn you... You two have seemed close. Admittedly I'm a little jealous you've been spending so much time together but I've known I've been busy and he distracts you from being lonely in my absence. Just don't get too used to constantly seeing him... He's going to have a lot more responsibilities soon." Nightmare finished, nuzzling into the crevice of Fredbear's neck and giving him a gentle bite as another reminder; He was aroused and was trying to tell Fredbear what he wanted once they returned home.
FredBear tensed up when he heard the talk when they get home, But it wasn't until he brought up how he knew he's been seeing Bonnie that made his face go pale and him slightly touching the males hands on his stomach ready to get into a fight about it but it wasn't until he felt the bite on his neck again and being told that he doesn't know why but thinks it's because he's been absent that FredBear gently sighed in relief realizing the male just thinks their friends and not realizing what's really inside him figuritlly and literally. "Yes...It's because of that, You know how I don't like being alone...So I clung onto him since he seemed like the only nice alpha in the gang besides Chica and Foxy but their always busy so I just wanted someone I could talk to and chill with also he has snacks and you know how lazy and hungry I've been since I gotten pregnant..." He teased with a happy giggle as he gently wrapped his arms around his neck "What are you trying to tell me Nightmare...?" He asked feeling how touchy and needy he was being on his body.
Nightmare gave a sigh and waved Katherine out of the room. "You're arousing me right now... I'm surprised you don't feel it considering how you're literally *sitting on it.*" Nightmare whispered, a lustful breath being blown into Fredbear's ear gently. "You're making me crave sex, if you need it put in plain terms." He continued, brushing his nose against Fredbear's neck. The alpha's face was a little red, though he was trying to control himself since they weren't at home and didn't feel like having two people he still considered strangers to hear them having sex even if Fredbear was to consent to him here. He was honestly surprised that Fredbear couldn't feel how hard he was since he was in his lap at the moment... Nightmare would give in to some of his temptations as he'd leave tender kisses on Fredbear's neck, though he still controlled himself for the most part. He still remained touchy of Fredbear's waist, slowly running his claws down it in order to give Fredbear small waves of pleasure from the tingly feeling. His tail wiggled a bit, showing some excitement. He really wanted to have a round on Fredbear, but he knew he'd have to wait. The apartment wasn't private enough...

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