:꒰ Chapter 47 ꒱:

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FredBear listened nodding as he was just disgusted by what would happen to Nightmare if he even tried to leave "So...When my babies are born does that mean they'll be stuck in this gang or even forced to be part of it? Or can they live a normal life like going to school, and working different normal jobs or traveling the world? Or would they be killed...?" He asked worried for his childerns future.
"The leader's children are usually forced into the gang in order for one of them, which is typically the oldest of their children, to be the heir if the second in command dies. They're usually males, though we've had a few females. It's part of my family's laws for the gang, since we founded it. However, as the line of leaders from my family has been broken, there's a chance that Nightmare can change that law. But only if the rest of the gang agrees to it being changed. There's a chance they won't, since it's been in place for four generations." Freddy responded, giving a small sigh. "I wouldn't hold too much hope for the law to be changed immediately. It would probably take years to convince everyone, if it even happens at all."
FredBear sighed deeply hearing that even that idea would most likely be rejected as well. "Damn...So there's really no way of getting out of it huh..." He said hearing a loud thunder strike making him jump a bit. "Thank you for telling me all this...And if you don't mind maybe I can stop by a bit more to get some more information on baby things? I should go and check up on Nightmare...Maybe tommorow I'll come with a baby book and ask you questions!" He chuckled as he stood up "And if you need anything or to help you with the babies I would love to it'll help me with experience." He said as he walked to the door opening it to walk out.
"Come back tomorrow... I can teach you what you need to know about having a baby. Mainly how to breastfeed. You'll need to know that, 100%. I have a feeling that your cubs, or cub and bunny kitten if Bonnie really did get his sperm to one of your eggs, will be picky about bottle feeding. You may need to get a pump to collect your milk and bottle it for use when you can't breastfeed your children." Freddy purred, letting Fredbear go.
FredBear heard that and nodded, He was gonna plan on breast feeding since he wanted to be closer to his childern. "Have a nice night Freddy..." He said as he went out closing the door, He went to go find Nightmare to see when they could go to bed together because of the storm that kept raging outside making the lights flicker a bit which started to scare the male as he walked around looking for his mate.
When Fredbear would find Nightmare, he'd be met with a couch prepared with pillows, blankets, and Fredbear's favorite stuffed animal, along with a few other ones that the other omegas had given up for the night from their nests, as most of them were constantly prepared to become pregnant or for their heats since they weren't allowed to participate in the gang's missions unless someone with a higher dynamic was injured. "*Fredbear...*" He sighed as he saw the pregnant omega he considered his mate. "Fredbear, I think we need the night apart. I've already hurt you, and I don't think it would be good for us to be together in the same bed tonight." He said sadly, moving to the door to his room. "I already prepared one of the couches for you tonight. Everything you love from the bed is there, even the blankets and pillowcases that smell like me. The other omegas of the gang even gave up some of their beloved plushies so you'd be comfortable tonight." He opened the door and went inside his room. "Sleep well." He finished, closing the door behind him and locking it, not giving Fredbear the chance to protest.
FredBear was exicted to cuddle up next to his mate since it was really cold and stormy right now and Nightmare always had the best body heat out of all the alphas he's ever come across. That was until he saw the couch at first he thought maybe it was made for him and Nightmare since it was near the fireplace but when he watched the male walk to his bedroom and hear what he said he started to get really upset "But Nightmare I-" As he was beginning to protest following the male the door was shut on him making him whine even more. He wanted to comfort Nightmare and make sure he knew that he was okay about eariler being hurt but he knew Nightmare wouldn't let him in as he went and tried to sleep on the couch cuddling up with all the plushies and wrapping himself like a burrito in the sheets that smelled like Nightmare but without Nightmares heat and actual full on scent he couldn't sleep, An hour past and the thunder got worse making FredBear even scared to the point his stress made his stomach tense and start cramping most likely from stress and his pregnancy. Tears formed from the fear and pain he was in as he stood up grabbing his teddy and walking to the door "Nightmare...I want in...I'm scared..." He said standing there for about 3 mintutes before realizing he wasn't gonna open the door, The male grabbed a napkin and pen and wrote "Bear, When you see this let me in I have bad cramps and I miss you..." He went back to the door and sat down sliding the napkin underneath as he used his teddy as a pillow laying down on the wooden floor tapping on the door to see if Nightmare would open or for himself to get bored to fall asleep but his warm tears fell onto the floor he didn't want to be alone right now and he felt like it was his fault, If he hadn't forced his mate into the submission he would of never shut him out like this and knowing that made him upset.

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