:꒰ Chapter 53 ꒱:

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FredBear whimpered a bit when he was pressed into making him tear up, "Nig..Nightmare...If you really wanted to fix things you'd fix me and you! Not Bonnie not anyone else you should worry about us! But you never do..." He said looking at the male eyes the sparkle fading everytime he spoke making him sit up when the male was finally letting go "Yeah I agree...I don't ever wanna see you again until you fix yourself because I don't want my childern to see this in the future...For mine and your sakes..." He said in the most cold tone you've ever heard coming from the Golden bear.
"If you want things to be fixed between us you'll let me fix things between me and Bonnie. Because if I did kill him the gang would kill me and then you'd have no one; You'd probably be thrown to the streets without either of us there to protect you." Nightmare said, standing up and dragging Fredbear off the bed and into his arms so he could carry him out to the car. "You're going to another gang to stay with their omegas for a week. Be around a group that'd understand you and what you go through." He continued, brushing his nose against Fredbear's cheek for a moment.
His eyes whined as he growled hearing what he said about Bonnie "I swear to you Nightmare, If you kill him ill make sure yourself has no one I may be soft but I'm not afaird of you anymore because of everything I know you'll always be that monster..." He said as he was grabbed rolling his eyes as he felt his nose against his neck "Why do you care for me to be understood now...You don't seem like that type to care..." He said looking down at his hands sighing deeply right now all he wanted to do was to go be with Katherine he knew he would have to come back here anyway, "I don't want to go to somewhere I have no idea who anyone is...I just wanna go home..." He said with a pitful tone in his voice.
Nightmare grabbed Fredbear's muzzle and made him look at him. "Because we both love each other, but because of my dumbass anger issues I make you afraid to love me, and thus take away your love over and over again. You seeked out love elsewhere because I'm so bad at showing love. But because I overreacted, Bonnie's hurt and we need to talk things out before we actually go for each other's throats. All because he was defensive of you and thought I'm only after you for sex, having cubs and dominance as leader. That's why I care for you to be understood by someone. Give us a week and we should be fine. I know you love Bonnie, and I love you, so if you want both of us to be preserved and let both of us love you, you need to stay somewhere I know you're not going to taken away from us by someone who doesn't understand that I and Bonnie love you, even if I get mad and hurt you." Nightmare said firmly, finally letting go of Fredbear's face once he finished and had taken him out to the car. He set Fredbear down in the passenger seat, and looked him in the eyes. "Stay here. I'm letting Bonnie say goodbye to you if he really wants to. If you run he won't be able to because he needs help walking right now. So stay." He gave the gentle command and his reasoning, knowing that Fredbear would probably have been thinking about trying to run away if he had the chance.
FredBears eyes softened hearing Nightmares words about almost everything he was thinking...He wanted to believe he was gonna try to fix everything but he knew Nightmare could be able to snap out of no where and hurt all of them but...He wanted to give the male a chance and maybe it would be fun to hang around other omegas as well...He leaned into the passenger side when he was sat down his body ached so being carried made it worse, When he heard that Bonnie was gonna be able to say goodbye his eyes lit up the sparkle that was in his eyes with Nightmare came back but only brighter and more exicted at the idea he was gonna see Bonnie one more time..."Yes sir..." He said with such happiness in his voice, Indeed he thought of running but he knew if he did he'd leave Bonnie all alone and he wasn't gonna have that especially being pregnant with his child...So he stayed and got comfortable in the seat while he waited but he didn't obey for Nightmare if it wasn't for Bonnie coming he would of taken off despite his pain and would of gone home...
Nightmare was gone for about ten minutes before he came back with a disappointed look and a blanket. He came up to Fredbear sighing as he lowered to the golden blonde's level. "Freddy's not letting Bonnie get up right now, but Bonnie did tell me to take one of the blankets he sleeps with and let you take it with you. He, well, he also told me to give you this. On both of our behalf. Before that *fight*, we had agreed to get you something for Christmas early, even though it's still over a week away. I told Bonnie you liked plushies and showed him the one you loved the most, and, he picked this out for you when we went out to hand off some gear to another gang..." Nightmare uncovered a plush doberman pincher, which had a ribbon around it's neck and a small card tucked inbetween. *It was also a reflection of a later gift that the entire gang was going to put money towards on Christmas Day for Fredbear.* "Since he couldn't give it to you himself he told me to rub it on his fur to make it smell like him. I need you to test if I rubbed it enough. I tried not to get any dried blood... I apologize if I did. We did really go at each other yesterday. And, if it's any comfort..." Nightmare tilted his head until a part of the fur of his neck got pulled up, revealing a long set of cuts down his neck from Bonnie's claws. "I didn't make it out unscathed."
FredBear was so exicted to see Bonnie that despite his pain he was squirming a bit wanting to hug the bunny so badly, That was until he saw Nightmare...Alone...With a disappointed look on his face, When the male came down to his level he could smell Bonnie on the blanket which made him reach out quickly for it..."Is...He hurt that badly...That he can't even stand up...?" He asked his ears folding down with a slight whine as he took the blanket holding it close to him, He wanted to go see him so badly he should be by his side while he recovered but Nightmare would never let him do that...While FredBear was worrying about Bonnie's condition he saw the plush in the corner of his eye making them light up just like how they use to be before "He got me that! He remembered that they are my favorite dogs!" He said with a smile taking it and hugging it tightly before nuzzling his nose into it sniffing it to see Bonnie's scent like asked "It's perfect..." He said looking at it like it was a trophy "Pin Pin is his name..." FredBear said wrapping up Pin Pin in the blanket that Bonnie gave him with a slight sigh, When he felt the breeze turn he moved his head seeing the cuts down the males neck "Yeah...that's the least you let him do I can't imagine how much more pain he is in..." He said rubbing his stomach it was hurting him so he knew if Nightmare could harm him like this what could he of done to Bonnie, The thoughts made him tense up and shivers went down his spine feeling horrible again for all this...
"He can stand, but he needs help with standing up on his own for longer than a few minutes. But Freddy's not letting him. He says that he'll need to be on bedrest for at least 4 days to recover from bloodloss. Honestly we both nearly killed each other because if he had cut any deeper on my neck he would have severed an artery and I would have bled out. And that would've left Foxy in charge. You don't want him in charge. He's too pissy to lead properly. Would've killed Bonnie too if he had the chance due to his injuries; He'd call it 'an act of mercy', since he was the same one who thought Bonnie wouldn't recover last night." Nightmare replied, standing up. "Try not to overthink it too much."
FredBears eyes frowned hearing that, He blamed himself over and over again for what happened but he knew it wasn't his fault his heart went for something better and that it craved but now because of his love the man he loved could of died last night along with his childern...This made FredBear curl up in the seat and stop talking even though Nightmare talked to him, His thoughts were way to deep of worrying now to focus on anything else expect one thing "Um...I was gonna ask, While I'm at Freddy's am I going to visit a doctor for the babies or do one of the omegas they have know how to check up on a babies health?" He asked fidgeting with the dogs paw from a bit of axienty he was having.
"Freddy did that for us, and..." Nightmare paused. "We're lucky to still have both of them." He finished, looking away as he knew  that he had nearly killed one of his own children out of anger and jealousy.
"It's likely that one of them is going to have a crippled paw or other incorrectly healed injury upon birth. Freddy's father initially wanted him to go on to be a doctor, so he went to college for a number of years and earned his degree. He was interested in maternity and chose to specialize in working with pregnant omegas, betas, and lunas along with helping them deliver their babies. He learned a lot about... with no other way to put it, the effects of abuse on a pregnant mother; Whether male or female. When a lot of blood is lost or a bone is broken in the womb, the baby is more likely to be born with defects, chronic issues, and crippled limbs. Especially with an pregnant omega... they can't handle as much damage or force as the other sexes during pregnancy." He continued. "Freddy's concerned about you and the babies. He told me that your blood pressure dropped dangerously low last night, and that could have killed both you and the babies. He was surprised you were even responsive when he first saw you last night. He had to give you stitches, so you can't move around much. No running or excessive amounts of physical activity. And that's not my order. That's from the one who studied for nearly 8 years in college to become a doctor before he had to become leader."
FredBears fidgeting stopped as he heard the first few sentences come out the males mouth, He didn't remember anything about being taken care of last night so hearing that he almost lost his childern made him freeze dead center. He didn't care for his own life but coming in between a mother and his children's life oh yeah there's definitely gonna be something there, As he continued listening he started to growl underneath his breathing from anger. He knew Nightmare was mad at him but taking it onto their childern especially since one of them is gonna be in pain and not the normal healthy that every mother wishes upon their childern just because of his actions made him furious! He turned his head ears up looking like he was about to kill Nightmare "You son of a bitch! Why huh why! I get you were mad at me but why does our childern have to pay for their parents actions!!!" He said slapping the male pretty hard, Which to be honest Nightmare better just take because after everything that Nightmare has done he could of at least take a slap to the face. FredBears eyes were flooding with tears but it wasn't sad tears no...It was anger pure anger that usually you'd never seen from a pregnant omega but in FredBears eyes that smile that sparkle that pureness was gone and all these was left was motherly rage, frustration and pain. "You know what...This idea for me going to Freddy's is perfect because if I see one more fucking glimpse of your face near me again I might fucking stab it completely!" He threatened moving into the back of the car "And don't even think about touching me! Especially my stomach or I swear to you Nightmare I'll finish what you almost did!!!" He said truly meaning it, Nightmare knew FredBear would take his own life to escape even if that meant his childerns too because he would of never wanted them to grow up in such a place like this when he couldn't do anything to protect them, He grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around himself curling up underneath It particularly hiding away from Nightmares sight completely.
Nightmare remained silent. He didn't have an answer. He shouldn't have an answer. He remained silent as he knew he shouldn't say anything. He just sighed and got into the car and started the drive to the mansion that Twisted Freddy housed his members in. With the silence the ride would be uncomfortable for both, but Nightmare wouldn't say a word. Not even when they got there. He had parked in front of the huge house and got out, opened the door for Fredbear but then walked away towards the front door of the house silently.
FredBear sighed deeply as the car started to be honest with all this silnetness the omega was going to fall asleep but he didn't trust being around Nightmare especially with what he did he wasn't gonna be vurnable around him at all. When they arrived FredBear held onto Pin Pin and the blanket around him tightly kinda afaird of how big the house was as he stepped out it hurt like a bitch walking but he would of rather crawled than be carried or touch by the pathetic man that claimed to be his mate. The omega stood behind Nightmare using his eyes to look around he was kinda exicted to see what other omegas were like since he's only been around alphas his whole life that he can remember...
Nightmare didn't have the patience for Fredbear to walk behind him so he grabbed his wrist and pulled him in front of him, both making him walk at his pace and making sure that Fredbear wouldn't even dare try to step a foot in the opposite direction to try and run. And if Fredbear tried to yell at him or scream he'd be met with a harsh, dominant snarl that would silence him due to old ancestoral cues in the omega's brain to obey an alpha's order. However, it would go back to silence afterwards as Nightmare would reach the door with Fredbear and would loudly knock on the door, which quickly made someone come up to the door.
FredBear was trying his best as he suddenly got grabbed making him whimper being forced to go a bit faster but with how his legs and stomach felt it did cause some tension pain to him, He looked down at their feet instead of looking at Nightmare cause he knew if he did he'd most likely try to bite his face off somehow. When they got up he scoffed "You didn't have to be so rough! I was doing fine pace wise!" He said pushing off the male and leaning against one of the pillars of the porch looking down at the pretty pink flowers, He loved flowers a lot especially pink and blue ones so it kept the omega busy while they waited.
"Shut. Up. Or they'll shoot you because they don't know you." Nightmare hissed, looking back towards the door as it opened and a very pissed off looking neko was in the doorway.
"State your business." He state with authority, showing he likely had power in this other gang. Or at least tried to present himself with such authority.
"I'm here to drop off my mate. Twisted Freddy agreed to accomdate him for around a week." Nightmare replied, crossing his arms and glancing to Fredbear.
"We're not a hotel. We don't accomdate strangers." The neko huffed, crossing his own arms.
"Consult to your leader. Or do I have to do it myself?" Nightmare growled, making an impression on the neko since he took a step back.
"Fine. Come with me. Both of you." The other gave in with clenched teeth, turning back towards the hallway he came from and letting the two in.
FredBear sighed hearing to be shut up 'He just can't be nice can he...' He thought as he watched the wind blow, When the door opened the omega looked at the Neko titling his head a bit curious since he's never seen a neko before. When the two started to get a bit tense FredBear reached grabbing Nightmares arm squeezing it a bit tightly to remind him to not get into any trouble he shouldn't be in at least for their childerns sake at this point. When they were allowed in FredBear looked up to Nightmare clearly a little bit scared so he just held onto the males arm tight waiting for him to walk first.

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