:꒰ Chapter 21 ꒱:

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FredBear could feel the tension between the two as he walked to the car. His eyes were so sensitive to the light he hadn't been outside for weeks so the brightness of the sun with the white snow that reflected really bothered his eyes as he got In and buckled up.
Nightmare got in afterwards, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway, beginning the short drive to the doctors office. It was a quiet morning, with silent snowfall and the occasional gust of wind blowing against the windows. There was slow birdsong, though for the most part it was peaceful and pleasant. Perhaps it would ease the young bear's nerves from the slight tension that had been between the two men who both wanted to be his mate.
FredBear was so exicted to be outside as he watched the beautiful snowy trees go by, He smiled a bit "It's so pretty out here..." He said reaching over and touching his sweater happily, He actually felt like a real couple suddenly and now that made him very happy debating on that maybe Nightmare was becoming the one he truly wanted.
Nightmare focused his gaze forward, ears up. "I do appreciate the beauty of winter." He said, blinking a few times. "I've just not had the time to sit and watch it." He continued, looking at his side as the last turn came into his view. "Almost there." He commented, making the turn and pulling into the parking lot of the doctors office.
FredBear smiled listening to him "Maybe after the appointment we can go to a Cafe where we can just sit and relax to watch the snow...Like...A date persay..." He suggested with a blush around his face but then he got tense when they parked infront of a big doctors office, He hated doctors or anything to do with them because he was scared of results from them.
Nightmare seemed to notice how tense Fredbear got when they parked. "Do you have a fear of doctors, Fredbear?" He asked, blinking slowly as he looked at him. "You're really tense." He said, tilting his head slightly at him. He placed his hand on the golden bear's shoulder. "No matter the results, I'll be there for you. Know that."
He sighed deeply nodding "I do...That's why I didn't get help that day, They've always been scary to me since I was a child..." He said touching the males hand that was around him nodding softly "I know that...Just stay by my side okay..." He said gripping his hand softly.
Nightmare nodded gently, smiling softly. "I always will be." He said, giving Fredbear a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Whenever you need me." He continued, glancing at the building. "Are you ready? I'll be with you throughout it all."
He nodded clearly feeling slightly better when the male reassured him, He got out the car after feeling the gentle kiss as he walked over to him and held his hand close to him "I trust you..." He muttered softly.
Nightmare just gave a reassuring smile as he got out, nuzzling Fredbear gently and locking the car. He then walked with him into the doctors office, holding his hand and getting a few dirty looks from people who had seen the News recently. No-one seemed to recognize Fredbear just yet, though the staff recognized Nightmare and thus seemed to be moving quicker as to not tick him off. "We have an appointment." He began, looking at the receptionist.
"Last name?" The woman nervously asked, glancing at Fredbear.
"Horral-Black; I scheduled this appointment. If you need his; White." Nightmare replied, laying his arm over Fredbear's shoulder in a way to keep him close to him as to say he wouldn't leave him on his own.
"A-alright sir, head back to row 4D and have a seat, I'll let Dr. Howell know you're here." The woman responded with a good hint of fear in her eyes.
"Thank you." Nightmare said in conclusion, glancing at Fredbear and leading him over to the seating row and taking a seat.
FredBear could sense the fear in the air which made him a bit tense as well, Not from fear but because he didn't like that Nightmare was always gonna be judged anywhere he goes and if it is true that they have a baby than...That means when Nightmare takes them to school or to the park he will always be judged and not be looked at in any other way, But it also gave him a sense of safety because he knew no one would dare mess with him or his baby because of the alphas reputation...As he heard the female tell them they could sit he followed Nightmare sitting down next to him as he gripped his hand a bit, He looked at the TV seeing the newborn with its mother which made him smile a bit thinking about if he had a baby if they would like him or cuddle next to him like that...

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