:꒰ Chapter 19 ꒱:

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FredBear couldn't think about what it could be as he watched him go into the closet, When he saw the gift his eyes frowned a bit watching him put it on...He's never had something this nice before so he didn't really know how to react, "Is...This real Nightmare...How much did this cost...?" He felt bad for him buying such an expensive thing for someone like...Him...He's always been told he wasn't allowed or deserved nice things, He got run down and beat up clothes with holes in them so he didn't know how to react with this but just tearing up instead as his reaction.
"Of course it is... Since it's small it wasn't as expensive but it's worth at least a thousand dollars if not more. I got it for a thousand five hundred. The cost isn't much of a worry. We have a lot of money, so this won't make much of a dent. Haven't you wondered how we can afford to live in such a nice place and have such nice things? I don't care what you've been told before about your worth... You deserve something nice at least once in your life." Nightmare replied, kissing Fredbear's cheek after a few moments hesitation since he felt that he had upset the bear in some way. "Will you trust just this one time on that?"
He looked up at the male hearing his sweet words, Hes never been told he could have something so nice in his life before so this was new as he leaned into his kiss. He was quiet for a bit before nodding "I'll...Trust you on this only because you seem clearly truthful on what you're saying..." He said reaching up to him kissing his lips softly "I love it...Thank you I'll cherish it forever..." He truly would even if something happened he's never had such a pretty gift so he will cherish it forever.
"We should probably get you dressed now. You can borrow some of mine if you need to." Nightmare said once Fredbear had pulled away, smiling rather sweetly. "I think you'd look cute in my clothes since they'd be a bit big on you. Of course, you don't have to. Just an offer." He continued, flicking an ear. "I will ask you though, are you nervous too?" He seemed a bit curious. "Like... do you feel ready if you are..?"
He heard the offer and he liked that idea, He heard there was a snow storm outside right now so it made the house really cold. "I'd like to borrow your clothes, The bigger The bigger they are the more warmth will stay inside..." He said as he stood up before hearing that question making him tense up a bit..."Um..." He said thinking for a moment as he looked up at him, "I'm very nervous...I feel like my heart is gonna come out my chest..." He admitted grabbing the boys hand and letting him feel his fast heart beat "I...I don't know if I'm exactly ready if I am, But I have no other choice if I am...I didn't want to have a baby this young I'm only 19, But growing up fast and now in the way I am with my living situation it was kinda expected you know..." He said biting his lip a bit nervously "But...I know I have a lot of people here that will help me through it, And I have you...So that makes me feel a bit better about it, But I'm really terrified of pregnancy like...When they start moving that freaks me out and the birthing process...That really scares me because I know it hurts and...I don't know if I can do it you know?" He said his eyes tearing up, It seemed he's been having axienty attacks more often ever since he got here which may need to be checked out one day...
"I can't say I understand exactly how you feel since I'm not an omega and can't conceive, but, I'm scared too. It really does make me nervous. However, I'll be with you throughout it all if you are indeed pregnant. I don't mean to worry you when I say this, but your scent has changed a little bit. I'm not sure if it's because you're no longer in heat or what, but it's different. "I was told that when Nightmare Fredbear was pregnant that he wouldn't be forced to give birth on his own if he didn't want to. He could have had a C-section done. However, that is in the past now, and the choice this time is up to you. We'll have to see what they say if that's the case." Nightmare tried to reassure the omega, nuzzling him gently with his nose. Nightmare was really warm... Maybe a reason for Fredbear to stay close while waiting for the appointment at the doctors.
The male listened to him a little upset by the male bringing up his past lover again, Omegas seemed to not like that very much as his ears went down when he felt the males nose against him touching his fur softly. "I've...Been feeling really sick these past 2 weeks, and very hungry..." He admitted looking at his hands "I didn't say anything because I didn't want to worry you since you were very busy and I thought you'd get distracted with the idea of me being possibly pregnant and than get hurt...So Chica and Bonnie have been helping me while you were out..." He told looking up at him shivering a bit from just being in the towel.
Nightmare noticed Fredbear seeming more upset. "S-sorry... it's hard not to, and I wanted you to know that it was an option by providing an example." He said, pulling Fredbear up into his lap and into the fluffy fur of his chest and abdomen. "I'll try to stop... everything. For you.." He continued, hugging the golden omega lightly.
"Bullshit." Bonnie muttered from the other side of the door, continuing down the hallway to another room.

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