"Yeah, yeah," Kurt rudely says. 

"Kurt," I gently nudge him in the arm, trying to bring some awareness to the fact that he's not being nice to the man. 

"Nice meeting you, man," Kurt walks away towards the swings. Surprisingly, no one else is in them. 

I awkwardly wave goodbye to the man, then race towards Kurt and Frances. By the time I reach them, he's already setting her down in the seat and she's kicking her legs back and forth vigorously, excited to be in the swings. 

"I had no idea she loved swings this much," I chuckle as Kurt begins to softly push her. 

He doesn't look in my direction, but instead continues to push her. Even after a couple seconds, he still hasn't said anything. He's just delibaretely ignoring me. 

Ever since this morning, he's barely even acknowledged my presence. How has so much changed from yesterday up until now? I didn't even do anything to him to make him upset about this--at least not that I know of. 

I try to act like I'm not bothered by it, but deep down, I'm truly upset that he's ignoring me and just pushing his daughter on the swings. 

I'm not the only one he's being rude to, though. He was rude to the man taht I was talking to while I was holding Frances. 

I have no idea why he's acting this way, but I'm not a fan of it. 

I notice how giggly Frances is and how much fun she's having on the swing. I turn to Kurt to make sure he can hear me this time. "Can I push her?" 

He abruptly stops her and scoffs. "Fine." Then, he walks away towards where we set our things down. 

My jaw is dropped by his reaction. All I did was ask to push Frances. I didn't think that it would be this big of a deal. If I would've known, I would've never even asked in the first place. 

Frances whines softly behind me, waiting to be pushed. I force my attention away from Kurt and back onto Frances. 

She continues to giggle as I gently push her--no more than what Kurt was doing. I don't want to be too harsh with her and have her break her neck or something. 

I'm already nervous that I'm going to break a baby's body part when I'm near them just because of how fragile they are.

No matter how hard I try to get the interaction with Kurt out of my head, it still keeps coming back. I whip my head around and see him walking back towards us. 

Quickly turning around, I act like I didn't notice him and begin to make faces at Frances, trying my best to hide my nervousness. I don't know how Kurt is going to react to me now or what he's about to say, so I internally prepare myself for any sort of backlash. 

He clears his throat and stands to the side of me as a sign that he wants me to look at him, but I don't give him that attention. I still focus on Frances, pissed with how he reacted to me asking to push her. 

"K," He calls my nickname. "Hello? You're seriously ignoring me?"

I jerk my head in his direction. "Really? I'm ignoring you?" 

He ignores what I just said and continues to talk about what he wants to talk about. "I forgot to tell you but one of my friends called me earlier this morning--before you were even awake--and asked if I could visit his house today so I could pick up some of his new guitar equipment. I'll be right back."

"Wait, wait," I say as he turns around to walk away. "You're leaving right now?"

"Yeah. It's around the time that we agreed on and I'm already running late; I don't want to keep him waiting any longer."

My Heart is Broke-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now