Chapter 394: You're here

Start from the beginning

It wasn't that she was being rebellious, but rather it was a way for her to get his attention. Like any daughter, she longed for his attention and his fatherly love. But he had never given her the love that she craved. There were even a couple of years where he failed to be with her during her birthday.

Suddenly, he felt that his life had been meaningless these past couple of years. His net worth may be worth hundreds of billions, but he had failed to give them enough of his time. He suddenly realized he missed the warmth and love of a family. Tears welled up when he thought about it, and they rolled down his cheeks.

"Daddy, what is wrong with you? What's... what is going on?"

Takahara Keika was shocked and stopped her tantrum immediately. She truly loved and admired her father, but hated that he had never spent much time with her. There was an occasion when she had received an award from school and wanted some praise from him. Instead, he told her, "Daddy is busy right now. I will look at it another time."

All she wanted was for her father to praise her. But all she ever heard was that her father was busy.

Despite her tantrums and anger shown toward Takahara Kei, in her heart, she loved her father. It was the first time she had seen her undemonstrative father crying, and she panicked. It felt like a knife had plunged into her heart. Her eyes turned red, and she cried, "I am sorry, Daddy. I won't be disobedient anymore. I won't ever be. Daddy, please stop crying? When I see you crying, I... I feel terrible..."

"The one who should apologize is me."

Takahara Kei shook his head and sighed. Then he said, "I was too selfish. I never tried to see things from you or your mother's perspective. I never thought about what you both truly needed. I always took it for granted that you would both be happy as long as I gave you money, never thinking once to spend time with both of you. Daddy is wrong. Daddy failed to take good care of both of you. Keika, can you forgive Daddy?"


Takahara Keika looked at the old man in front of her and burst into tears. She felt that God had finally answered her prayers—her father had been returned to her. She worried no longer and hugged him tightly.

Takahara Kei patted her on the back and tears streamed down his face as he closed his eyes.


On the morning of the second day, Takahara Kei opened the door of his study room. He saw someone sitting in front of his desk with his back facing the door.

It surprised him, but he knew what was going on. As if talking to an old friend, he said, "You are here."

With a swivel of the chair, the young man with a handsome face turned around to look at him.

He had a bright and fair face, a pair of smoldering black eyes, and a sinister smirk at the corner of his mouth. The young man was sitting as if it was his home. His left hand supported his chin, and his right hand rested on the study desk, tapping it with a rhythmic tempo.

It was Xiao Luo!

"You knew I was going to come, yet you asked all the people who were protecting you to leave. Tell me why?" Xiao Luo asked.

Takahara Kei lowered his head. With a smile, he said, "You will still be able to break in and kill me even if they were here. They cannot stop you. So, I might as well ask them to leave."

Xiao Luo looked at him steadfastly. Then he asked, "Are you not afraid of death?"

"Of course, I am afraid. Everyone is afraid to die. But I would rather die with some dignity," Takahara Kei said.

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