"There's nothing I can do..." the man said softly through a sigh. Serena was glad the man did not do as the others would have. She was glad to not feel anything over her body anymore. To not know who is doing it or what is happening when she was locked in her mind.

"The police...?" She whispers with a questioning tone. They would help, right?

"Not here, girl. They are paid off most likely and no one knows where this is... God, you are messing with me... You look like my..."

"Please... sir, help..."

"Look..." the man kneels again next to her. His voice is softer whole he is more careful to not be heard by anyone but her. "I'll come back, alright? You're drugged and weak. I need to get some stuff first."

The thought of him leaving scared her. The first person to show some humanity leaving her. She did not want that. Being left alone and used made tears leave her eyes, soft whimpers passing her lips as a shiver ran through her.

"Don't go..."

"God, don't cry... Damn it. For fuck sake."

The man stood up again, the creaking floor making Serena aware the man was walking around the room. It was now she came to know it held more than just the bed. She heard the man looks through drawers, a cupboard, and what Serena thinks is a closet. The sounds of something new made her calmer than she thought. Like it was a sound that made her hope for it all to end.

"This could work..." she heard the man say some distance away from her. Serena wondered what the man looked like. Why was he helping her without even knowing her?

The soft sounds of something moving, things being taken out, and something being opened. A window maybe? She could feel the sudden shift in temperature after all. It was followed by something being pushed and scraped against the wood. She had to strain her ears to hear it, but it sounds like this man was being very careful to not make sounds.

"Alright," the man sighed as he once again joined her next to the bed, "Next to the window is a ladder. I- I have no idea what they're giving you, but this will give some energy and wake you up... Hopefully enough for you to push onward..."

"Thank you..." she whispers, her lips tugging into a smile, "You're a good person."

"I'm not, girl. Never done anything like this but still... I've done plenty wrong," he said placing a solid circular object in her hand, "Take the pill. It's, uh, well, drugs. Not the kind to make you sleep, but it will give you a boost, so to speak."

Serena nodded a little, trying to raise her hand. It felt impossibly heavy, her muscles were screaming for her to stop and just rest. She could only manage to raise her hand up a few centimeters before it collapsed. The man let out a deep breath before helping her take the pill. Serena was not proud of the fact she swallowed it without issue. But it was like the man said, only a few minutes passed before she felt a surge of... something going through her.

"Good. It's taking effect," he said, helping her up and toward the window, "I don't know how long you'll be able to go. So, once you're down, go as fast as you can. I'll deal with the people in the house. You'll have an hour's head start is my guess."

"Thank you... Why are helping me?"

"You remind me of- Never mind, just go, girl. The ladder is on the right once you touch the ground, you don't stop. Got it?"

Serena nodded and with the help of the man, she went down the ladder. It was an old ladder. Her fingers and feet felt a thick layer of rust on them. Every time she placed a foot on the metal, it creaked with a high-pitched sound. Following her was the man and soon enough they stood together on the ground.

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