Chapter 1

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Author's note:
I hope you have read my warning/notes in the story description. It is the first time for me to tackle these topics. If you ever experience (or still) something like this, please seek help from a professional and stay safe. In addition, I never experienced anything like this so I may interpret something wrong. If so, please let me know and I will alter it if it is necessary.


Serena Platt

How can you find your way out of the dark without having a light to guide the way?

Serena lives in a world without color, without shapes, without anything to see. No light to show the path to take. Every now and then it got a boost which made her feel euphoric yet weak. She can't remember what it was at times and despite the rush she felt, it made her want to cry, to crawl out of her visionless world. It all felt empty despite the promises her blurry mind made to her.

The sound of a creaky door caused her to tense, or at least she thinks she did. Serena wasn't sure at this point. The so-called food she was fed was probably drugged. As the door opened, several voices came along with footsteps. Were they back again to force-feed her?

"What's wrong with her?"

Serena didn't recognize the male voice. It was not a voice that she usually had to deal with, she thinks. Serena's mind was clouded making it hard to recall everything. It made her somehow fear what it all meant. She felt herself shiver, but from what she could not tell. All she knows is that she wanted to leave. After months of the same strange bleak life, she couldn't care in what way.

"You ask a lot of questions for a good time. She is conscious per request. You have an hour so make the most of it. I don't like you being here, but the boss was clear. Do not worry, you won't get any surprises in nine months."

Serena's heart started to beat faster. Her hair on her body stood up when she heard the door close. She could feel a cold sweat starting to cover her skin as the footsteps approached her. She felt a terror sweep through her like an ominous burning fire.

She tried to move her body with all her might. Serena wanted to cover herself, to form a cocoon that would not crack. Yet with all her might she could only whimper and shuffle helplessly in the bed. Her breath faltered a bit when she heard the man's footsteps stop at her bed. His breathing was loud like a strong warm wind she wanted to escape.

"Help..." Serena whimpers in the hope the man has a heart.

"So you can speak, barely," the man seem to be pondering as he stood next to her. She could not tell why or what about. But they sounded soft and contemplative.


"Right, you can hardly move," he continued ignoring the whimpers coming from the girl. Serena had no clue what he was doing. The only thing she noticed was his breathing and the occasional shift of the creaky wooden floor. "Girl, do you know where you are?"

"N-no... Please, help me..." Serena said through a painful effort. It was swimming against a strong current. Her body felt heavy and her voice hoarse from the lack of water.

"Listen, girl, you're in the middle of the forest..."

"Please... help..." Serena tried again, her voice filled with desperation.

The man sighs deeply, the floor creaked again as he stood up. Serena wonders whether her pleas got through to him. She wants a miracle to happen. Whatever that miracle would be, she doesn't care. Even if the man would slit her wrists, she would thank him at this point.

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