Chapter Forty-One: A Little Bit of Trouble While Grocery Shopping

Start from the beginning


I went upstairs and headed toward Christy's room. "Khloe!" I called out. "Time for your walk, pup-pup!" Once I was at the doorway, I opened the door to Christy's room. "Khloe," I said out loud. Just then, Khloe barked happily once she saw me and ran up to me. "It's time for your walk," I told her. I watched as Khloe panted and wagged her tail once she heard that. I looked up at Ryuzaki who was on Christy's bed watching a movie. I couldn't see what he was watching, but it sounded like he was watching The Sixth Sense. "Are you watching The Sixth Sense?" I asked Ryuzaki. He looked at me with a dirty look and sighed in annoyance once he saw me. He then walked up to the door and placed his hand on the door handle. "Leave me alone," he answered with a bad attitude before he closed the door right in my and Khloe's faces. 

After Ryuzaki did that, I sighed and decided to say a few things to him. "You know, even if you don't like it, Ryuzaki, we'll be living under the same roof for a while," I reminded him. "Go away," he demanded from the inside of Christy's room. "You know, Christy's going to be pretty upset if she comes home and finds out that someone's been messing with her room again," I reminded him. "Light was in there messing with her piano one day and when she came home, she was not happy to find her piano broken." Just then, Ryuzaki opened the door and threw one of Christy's green cushions that she had on her bed in my face. "Hey!" I shouted right before Ryuzaki slammed the door in my face. "I don't want Christy to come home only to find her door broken." "Leave him alone," I heard Light say as he went up the stairs. 

I turned around and looked at Light. "Marie, right before you leave," he began. "I have something I want to show you." Curiosity kicked in. "You do?" I asked. "Yes," Light answered as he handed me a sheet of paper. "I plan on making something very special for you at dinner." "Really?" I asked. Light nodded his head. "Yes," he answered as I took the sheet of paper. I scanned through the piece of paper to see that it was written in Japanese: 

マリーのための特別ディナー (A Special Dinner For Marie)

1. テララ・ロール (Telara Rolls)

2. マオネーズ (Mayonaisse)

3. 千切りレタス (Shredded Lettuce)

4. カッテージチーズ (Cottage Cheese)

5. レッドオニオン (Red Onions)

6. アボカド (Avacados)

7. スカートステーキ (Skirt Steak)

8. アップルサイダービネガー (Apple Cider Vinegar)

9. オリーブオイル (Olive Oil)

10. ブラックペッパー (Black Pepper)

11. コーシャーソルト (Kosher Salt)

12. クミン (Cumin)

13. ハラペーニョ (Jalapenos)

14. ライム (Lime)

15. コリアンダー (Cilantro)

16. レモン (Lemon)

17. ニンニク (Garlic) 

18. オレンジ (Orange) 

"Okay," I said to myself as I looked back up at Light. "Is this special dinner going to be tortas?" "Ah," Light let out. "I can't tell you that. It's a surprise for a special dinner I have in store for you tonight. Just go take Khloe out for her evening walk and be back before dark." I nodded. "Okay," I said to Light. "Oh," he let out as he forgot something. "Allow me to have that paperback for a moment." I watched as Light got out a pen and wrote down a few more things on the piece of paper. "Here," he said as he brought it back to me. 

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