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A/N: thank you for being here
5/5/2021 - 31/7/2023

Six years later

"Slow down."

I said to her while I was fixating on typing back a reply from the loads of email that seemed to be endless. The car gradually decreased its speed and I glanced at my wife to see she was wearing a big frown on her beautiful face.

"Calm down Mikayla. He said it was nothing serious and she's fine." I tried to speak to her gently but couldn't help to roll my eyes. "You're acting like you weren't in this situation when you were a kid."

Her shoulders slumped as she released a deep breath. "Yeah but being called to the principal office when you're a preschooler is a whole different story Alia."

"Relax, I'm sure it's nothing too serious." I put my phone in the bag and gave her my full attention. "Besides, knowing your little girl, I think we should get used to getting calls from the principal like this." I chuckled lightly.

"I'm not surprised." She muttered before driving the car to the school parking lot. I only smiled and quickly gathered my stuff as Mikayla got out and opened the door for me. "Somehow I get a feeling that when we walk in, the first thing we see would be the big pout and a funny look whenever she tries to understand something."

I laughed out at her description and clung onto her arm closer as we walked in. "I can definitely imagine that."

The halls were deserted with people since it was still during class time, only a few people like the janitors or teachers with free period casually strolled along the hall, some recognized at us and said a quick hi which I happily reciprocated, while Mikayla was still focusing on getting to the office as quick as possible.

The secretary gestured us to come in the principal office when Mikayla announced our arrival, she opened the door for me and upon walking in the room, I saw a man with receding hairline sitting up straight in his chair and in front of him sat our little daughter, legs swinging back and forth while she busied herself with the hem of her shirt.

"Ah Mrs. Gladhill, please come in—oh." He stood up greeting me but then stopped in his track as his eyes darted to my wife. "Mrs. Astor, I didn't expect both of you to be here." He let out a chuckle. "Like I said, it wasn't anything too serious."

"Mommy!" My daughter's face immediately lighted up when seeing us, she did a little hop down the chair and ran to me. "Momma you're here too!"

"Hey sweetheart." Mikayla smiled at her, visibly relieved at finally seeing our daughter.

"Mr. Osbourne, you said on the phone that Ellis got into a fight with another kid, care to explain further now that we're here?" I said to him while caressing my girl's hair softly, soothing her from her uneasiness.

He nodded, gestured us all to sit down. Mikayla pulled Ellis on her lap while I took the chair right directly to him, I eyed Mikayla and she silently signaled me to be the one do the talking.

He cleared his throat before flickering his eyes between us. "Alright, the incident happened during the third recess. Most of the kids were out in the playground playing, including Ellis. From what we've gotten from the camera footage, Ellis and some others were hanging around the swing. Everything was fine until Benjamin, another kid came over and wanted to play the swing as well." He looked at me, knowing I get the story by now.

He then turned the screen of his computer for us to see the video. "As you can see, there was a little commotion going on with the boy and others who were occupying the swing." I nodded at his words. "Another kid who was playing on swing willingly to give his spot away for Benjamin but for some reason he didn't take it and insisted on the other seat, which was occupied by Kiana."

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