Chapter Fifty Two

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Alia's POV

I stirred around the bed and slightly groaning from the sun ray hitting my face, squeezing my eyes to adjust to the sunlight I noticed Mikayla's arm was holding me tightly, her nose buried in my hair. Glancing at the clock, it wasn't even seven in the morning yet, hence why I was up before her. Something that rarely happens.

I started to grow a bit frustrated from how her hold just kept tightening every time I try to move away, luckily I replaced my pillow in her arms just in time before she could pull me back on bed. Making my way to the kitchen after having a shower, I decided to get the coffee ready for Mikayla for later. I stood waiting for the coffee brewing when my mind flashed back to last night, it's been a while since I had a nightmare, and it of course it was about my childhood again. I sighed thinking of all the possible questions Mikayla would ask me about it, fuck this is exactly my fear of getting attached to someone. You have to share almost everything to them and pray that they don't judge you or walk away after that, but it's not like you can hide things either. It's all messed up in one way or another.

The coffee finally done and I pushed myself off the counter to make a cup for Mikayla. She likes her coffee plain black with a splash of milk, right somehow I could never enjoy the taste of that. Focused on the amount of milk I poured into her cup, I didn't notice the footsteps behind me until I felt arms suddenly wrapped around my waist.

"Oh shit." I startled, almost spilling everywhere. "Baby you scared me." I scolded her gently.

She pecked my head before buried her head in my neck. "I love the smell of coffee in the morning, and yours too." She hummed.

"Well thank you for that. Can you go make breakfast now that I made your coffee?" I turned around to face her.

"I haven't had my morning kisses yet and you already bossing me around?" Mikayla tilted her head, pouted. "By the way it should be a crime next time I wake up and you're nowhere to be found."

I placed my arms around her shoulders and rolled my eyes. "Not even eight in the morning and you're already complaining." I gave her a chaste kiss but before I could pull away, she closed the gap again and kissed me deeply.

"That's better." Mikayla smiled after we parted. "Now, breakfast!" She clapped her hands and scurried away to get things prepared.

I sat on the stool watching her move around the kitchen effortlessly, making breakfast. Every once in a while she would crack out a joke or do something stupid making me burst out laughing, sometimes I wonder to myself if I'm dating to an actual baby or not. Soon enough the plates were filled with food and we both sat down to dig in.

"I'm really jealous of your cooking skill sometimes, I literally watch every tutorials on how to make the perfect waffle but it tastes like shit every single time. To the point where I blamed on the waffle itself and not me." I said, taking another bite.

Mikayla shrugged and took a sip of her coffee. "I have to admire your courage though, I would have given up if I were you."

"Who said I didn't?"

"Right." She chuckled. "But you don't have to worry much now that you have me." Mikayla grinned at my smile. We continued eating and only exchanged small talks when she cleared her throat, glancing at me. "About last night, how do you fe-

"Are you gonna swing by your place later?" I jumped in her words, eyes locked with hers. "We don't have your clothes here and you need to get to work."

"Eh there's no need. I know you could work out something for me." Mikayla shot me a wink and went back to her food.


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