Chapter Fifty Five

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Mikayla's POV

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" I turned to her after parking my car in front of the apartment.

Alia rolled her eyes amusedly. "Yes Mikayla, just go. I'll be okay."

I was dropping her off at Damon's place because she would spend a night over with him. He said that he wanted them to spend more time together since Alia was too caught up with me and basically abandoned him, which was not wrong but in my book it was. The only problem was that the event is held tonight, meant I have to go alone after days of begging her to come with me.

I pursed my lips and looked at her. "You know you can still change your mind right? You can still come with me." I said with a tiny hope in me.

"Babe I'm wearing an oversized t-shirt that has an avocado on it and a pair of shorts that can hardly be seen."

"So? You still look beautiful." I shrugged. "I just don't get it why you have to leave me alone tonight. Can't you just ditch the guy?"

Alia unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her bag as she answered me. "Because I've been taking a rain check for god know how many times. Now that he invited me again, I don't have it in me to say no Mikayla." She smiled apologetically. "Don't worry, you'll survive the night. Not that you didn't before."

"But that was before I have you." I whined. "And even then I'd always find a reason to talk with you. Now not only I have to go home alone after but sleep lonely in bed too."

"You're being a baby Mikayla." She eyed me boringly. "Just one night, one night. Then you can have me all you want okay? Now go or you're gonna be late."

"Fine." I huffed out and leaned in to kiss her lips. "But if I can't sleep then I'll have facetime you."

"Funny." Alia said sarcastically and stepped out the car. "Goodnight baby." She pecked my lips quickly before walked away.

"Have fun!" I called out.

"You too." She waved back at me and soon her figure disappeared into the building.

I sighed, rolling up the window. "Fun huh? I doubt it." I muttered before driving away.

Bored. That was the only word could describe how I feel right now. All these people were having a talk about something that I couldn't careless but somehow they still had it in themselves to smile at me. Being my unbothered self, I continued to chug down the fourth glass of champagne before handed it over to the waiter.

Mindlessly, I made my way to one of the art rooms they have, luckily there wasn't anybody in here so I could enjoy my moment for a minute. Taking a look at those paintings, I breathed out before looked at the phone. Having a tiniest hope in me that I would get a message from Allie but of course, there was none.

"She's probably enjoying her night right now." I mumbled to myself, turning off the phone.

My eyes lazily gazed over the detail of the painting, silently admiring every stroke and the beautiful meaning behind every one of them. It's so crazy to think about it every time, how one can convey their thoughts and emotion out just by a few delicate brushes and manage to portray everything so beautiful yet so lively. Like you can tell a whole story just by looking at it. Though the thing I love most about art, is that there is no limit, no right or wrong. People can look at the same painting and yet each of them has their own way to perceive it.

My dad used to say art is the freest thing in the world, there is no boundaries and it's everything in life, life is surrounded by it. It's so beautiful that even when some of it is not, it's still beautiful in its own way. Everything you come across in everyday life is art, from the smallest thing like the sound of bird chirping is art, each melody in a song, each letter that you write. All of them are arts but unfortunately not many of us can see that, because we were too caught up in the rush of life to even take a minute to appreciate it. Until everything becomes too late.

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