Chapter Seventy Four

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Alia POV

"The work in Miami is going well so far, everything seems to go the way we expected." I said, looking over the reports in my hand. "Though I think we still need to schedule a meeting with the contractors to make sure they oversee all the aspects of the project, we can't let what happened last time happen again. It'd cost more than just money to cover their mistake this time."

"I agree." The man sitting on my left said. Even though he wasn't too bad and could actually get the job done, he was the guy that my dad replaced me with when he pulled me out of the partnership with the Astors. Irony how here I was, sitting in the same room with him and Mikayla again. It's like I never left.

I nodded faintly at him, glancing at Mikayla to see her head was in the clouds. Her eyes stared at me blankly, not blinking for once. "Mikayla?" I snapped her out of her trance.

She shook her head, looking rather embarrassed. "Yes?" She cleared her throat, cheeks burning when she saw me look at her knowingly. This woman was definitely having naughty dreams.

The man whose name Oliver cursed under his breath. "Jesus she said—"

"What do you think about we setting up another meeting with the contractors?" I cut him off, repeated to her patiently.

"Oh, yeah that's a good idea. I think we should do that." Mikayla smiled.

"Good." I smirked back at her. "Concentrate next time."

"I will."

Oliver only rolled his eyes, turning his chair to me. "I'll arrange a meeting with them when we can find the time to sit down, it'd probably be online so the date can be flexible."

"How about we go see them directly?" Mikayla countered, glancing at him before fixated her eyes on me. Oliver was sending daggers at her right now but she didn't seem to care. "I mean, we can go see the construction site too. Get a clear look at how everything's doing."

"Uhm I've never been out to the field before to be honest." I said hesitated. "I don't think I know what to look at."

"And we have people for this." Oliver retorted. "The main purpose of this meeting is only for extra precaution Astor, usually there'd be people taking care of this business. Wasting our time to fly out to Miami while it's not even our specialty is just..." He cleared his throat. "pointless."

"That's exactly why we need to go there." Mikayla fired back at him. "If we can't even fully grasp what's really going on with our business then what are we doing? I know we have people to report back to us, but isn't it better to see it with our own eyes rather than listen from someone else?"

"We've been doing this way for forever. There's nothing wrong with it."

"Just because there's nothing wrong, doesn't mean we can't do it better."

"You're just making us waste more time and energy for nothing, Mikayla." He grumbled.

My eyes shifted between the two who were bickering at each other, none of them seemed to back down and gave in to another. I wondered if this was what usually going on between the two of them. When I felt the argument between them wouldn't die out any time soon. I finally intervened.

"Alright." My voice cut both of them off. "You each have very reasonable points, I'll have to think about it before giving out any decision. Though I do fond of Mikayla's idea to be honest, I think meeting firsthand with people who involved in the work themselves is a good way to understand the matter better, it's also an opportunity for two parties to get to know each other more." I glanced at Mikayla, seeing she has a triumph look on her face. "It's not like it's gonna hurt anything if we try, I actually think it'd do us good."

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