Chapter Fifty Three

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I flung the door open and walked in with Mikayla trailing behind. As soon as I heard the door shut, I turned to face her. "You better tell me everything that happened back there Mikayla." I crossed my arms.

'I will." She said, approached me closer. "Once you calm down." Mikayla eyed my crossed arms and stared at me.

"I am calm."

Mikayla raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes. "You know we're not gonna have this conversation until you took a breather and let out all the hatred you have toward that guy right? Because if not, you will take it out on me and I'm sure none of us want that." She said, keeping eye contact with me as I diverted my gaze away. "You can always confide to me, rant about your frustrations or what's bother you and I will always happy to listen. But this is different, you are angry and there's rage inside you, and this, can hurt people."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and exhaled out, I was angry indeed but a part inside me was angry at myself. All my life I've learned to control and how to bury my emotions down so that people don't see the vulnerable side of me. No matter how fucked up things are, how you are just so ready to lash out, just don't do it. It was never worth it because simply they never care in the first place. All they care about is what you did, never why you did it.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I shouldn't have—I..." I tried to croak out, but no words left my mouth. It went dry all the sudden and the haunting thought kept playing in my mind. I lost myself tonight.

"Shh it's okay, you don't have to sorry for anything." Mikayla pulled me closer and wrapped her arms around me. "You did nothing wrong. In fact you saved the girl from that monster, don't be sorry for anything that happened." She cupped my cheeks, gazed down at me.

I nodded and held back the tears welling in my eyes. "What happened to him?"

"I already informed the police about the incident, turns out that guy has a history of drinking, taking drugs and there were several reports of domestic violence too." Mikayla sighed and tucked a hair out of my face. "He's been to jail a few times and CPS also took the girl to her mother's family but he still ended up getting her back somehow. Up until the point where the family had to file a restraining order, and he just broke it a few days ago by taking the girl away from her family without them knowing."

I listened closely to every piece of information Mikayla told me, my disgust for that pathetic human kept rising to each word I know about him. "Tell me he's arrested now and his ass will be rotten in jail Mikayla."

She smiled and her thumb brushed over my cheek. "Trust me I wouldn't make him get away that easily. I'll make sure he'll never see the daylight ever again."

I let out a breath I've been holding and wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer so I could lay my head on her chest, calming my racing heart down. "I'm sorry I snapped at you, it's just...thinking about what that man did to her, how he would lay a hand on her every time he gets a chance and all the nasty words he said to her. I-it's not fair that she has to go through that."

Her arms holding me closer and she lower her face to mine. "It's not fair for anyone to go through that baby, but this world is cruel, there's people that cruel and they'd hurt people around them for whatever the reason but there's also people, good ones, like you. Who will do everything in your power to make sure others are safe and you'd do that in a heartbeat, without a question."

I smiled shyly and shook my head at her words. "I'm not that."

"Yes. Yes you are." Her thumb brushed over my lips. "You have a heart of gold and the most beautiful soul I've ever seen. Don't let people make you think otherwise." Mikayla leaned down and our lips soft grazing against at each other until I pushed myself up so our lips could collide at last. We moved at a gentle pace but the passion was still there, the kiss was deepened and one of her hand twirled a strand of my hair, making me want to close the gap even more. "You're important to me." She whispered quietly after we parted. "I hope you know that-- love."

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