Chapter Thirteen

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The sound of something keep blasting my ears. I took a pillow to put on my face, trying to shut out that sound. But it didn't stop, instead it's still going. Groaning, I turned over to grab my phone while my eyes still close.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Al? It's me Alex, I'm just calling to see if you drove to work by yourself today or what because I didn't receive any notices."

I furrowed my brows still processing what's going on. "What?"

"I've been waiting in front of your house for twenty minutes now and I don't see you coming, did you go to work already?"

"What do you mean go to work.....?" I took a minute to think and.... Oh shit. I pulled my phone back to see the time. Fuck I overslept!! I jumped out the bed and ran into the bathroom. "Shit, Alex, wait for me okay? I'm coming down in five minutes. Just wait for me!" I ended the call and threw my phone on the bed. Why didn't Chris wake me up?! He knew I have a meeting with the two companies today and I have to be there early.

I hastily brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I looked like a mess right now. Did my makeup with a few touches and changed my clothes. After grabbed everything I needed, I ran downstairs and headed out.

Alex was about to opened his mouth to greet me when I shut him off. "Drive now Alex. I'm late." I literally threw myself in the car and shut the door. Alex hurried himself and drove. "I can't believe I slept through the alarm." I ran a hand through my hair and sighed.

"It's okay Al. Just breathe, we'll make there in time." He looked at me through the rear view and smiled reassuring.

I took the moment to breathe to calm myself down. I should have known this would happen when you took a sleeping pill at two in the morning. Alex started the engine and wasting no time speeded down the street and soon, we're arrived.

I hurried to the elevator and walked in right before it was about to close. I waited patiently for it to get to my floor. I looked at the watch to see I was already six minutes late. Shit shit shit. My dad's gonna kill me. Oh no, he's gonna slaughter me then he'll disown me, gosh please don't fire me. I don't wanna be a miserable unemployment woman. That's too sad. I tapped my foot worriedly when the elevator made a ding, indicating it was my floor.

I stepped out and walked to the meeting room. I took a deep breath, readied myself to walk in there and face my dad. I finally opened the door, interrupting the last person I wanted, my dad. All eyes are on me right now, I looked at the whole room, tried my best to look as professional as possible, but inside I was ready to pass out from the tension.

"I'm sorry I'm late. There was a...slight problem happening." I made my way to the chair and sat down. "Please continue." I looked down and started to take out my paper work. I didn't dare to look at anyone since it was too embarrassing, not to mention Mikayla was here too. I didn't look up but I know my dad was glaring at me intensely.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by my daughter." He said lowly. "I wanted to say I'm very pleased with the process we've made over the last few weeks. It was still a short period of time but there's no doubt that Gladhill Industries and Astor Corporations works amazing with each other. I'm very glad about this partnership because it really brings two of most powerful companies in this city together. This is just a beginning as there'll be greater things to come to us."

The meeting went on with my dad and Mrs Astor talked and ran over everything that me and Mikayla did the last few weeks. Everything of course was perfect and going great. I hope that somehow makes my dad less mad at me. I kept quiet the whole time and only speak when someone asked me or when I needed to elaborate something. Mikayla often glanced at me during the meeting but I avoided her gaze. I'm embarrassed myself enough now, I don't need anymore of that.

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