Chapter Seventy Two

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Alia POV

The place was completely crowded by the time I arrived, even the photographers usually standing outside were mostly withdrew now. Everyone was in deep conversation with each other and barely paid much attention to me, for the first time people wasn't swarmed to me and bombarded me with meaningless small talks and I felt beyond grateful for it, my energy was low after a busy day and I think I could barely hold a conversation that last more than two minutes.

I walked in further into the room and suddenly felt eyes were burning into me. I looked around, scanning the room only to meet with a pair of familiar blue oceans. Her eyes never left mine as I stood in the sea of people, the intensity of her gaze put me frozen in my place. My nerves got the better of me and I broke her eye contact, swiftly looking around to calm my racing heart.

"Would you like a drink, miss?" The waiter walked up to me, holding a tray of martinis that I supposed were all mixed with alcohol.

"No thank you." I smiled at him, earning a polite nod before he moved away.

I turned my head and looked back to where Mikayla was standing earlier and once again, her eyes already fixed on me. I gulped, suddenly felt the air was getting hard to breathe. I searched the area for the place where I could escape to and found the little door led to the balcony, pushing it open I immediately exhaled out as the fresh air filled in my lungs.

The sound of chattering momentarily dissipated away as I tuned them out, focused on soaking myself under the moonlight and the crisp air of the night. The chill air helped soothing the heat in me, my limbs took this moment to loosen up and I sighed out, finally somewhat relaxed.

"You shouldn't be out here alone."

My head immediately jerked back at the voice, seeing Chris stood in the doorway with a casual look on his face. I clenched my jaw, feeling the white anger boil in me but I held it in.

I turned my back to him, looking out the yard. "You shouldn't have the audacity to come here."

"I heard what happened." He said after a while and before I know it, he was already standing next to me. I immediately moved away from him. "I'm sorry something like that happened to you Al, I really am. You don't deserve to go through the horrible thing he did to you. I can't imagine how terrified it must've been." He said softly.

"How nice of you to say this." I scoffed. "It's really heartwarming Chris."

"I mean it Al. I'm really worried after knowing you were being stalked and kidnapped." His hand went to touch my arm but I yanked it harshly away. My eyes glaring straight at him. He sighed, retreated back his hand. "I know we didn't end things on a good note but I don't wish for anything bad to happen to you Al, you were my friend for years after all."

"I can't help but hearing anything come out of your mouth is trash now."

"I know you hate me but—"

"Hate you? Are you kidding me Chris?" I gritted my teeth, stepping a foot closer to him. "You fucking abused me for years, I was your fiancée and yet you treated me like nothing but someone to satisfy your needs when you feel like it. And when I can't do it for you anymore, you went and found someone else to fuck behind my back for who knows how long. So no Chris, I don't hate you. I fucking resent you and I will never stop loathing you because the wounds you left in me was bigger for anyone who love me to close it." I jabbed my finger in his chest, spitting out every venom I've been holding inside at the man I regret ever knowing in my life.

He stayed silent, not uttering a word for a long minute while I frustratedly ran a hand through my hair. The relaxation I felt minutes ago completely vanished now and I couldn't be more annoyed.

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