Chapter Thirty

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"Hey there's this new movie coming out this weekend. I looked up the trailer and it's so sick." Mikayla said while I was gathering my things after we finished our meeting. "Do you wanna go with me? We haven't hung out together recently."

"Uh..." My concentration was on the desk to see if I forgot anything. "This weekend...? I can't go with you Mikayla, sorry." I looked at her and smiled apologetically. "My dad invited Chris's parents over so I have to attend."

"Oh that's sad. I've already bought the tickets." She bit down her lips and my eyes immediately went there.

I shifted my eyes back up quickly and cleared my throat. "You can go with someone else and fill me in later."

We walked to the door and opened it for me to step out first. "But I wanna go with you." She whined. "Plus it wouldn't be the same when I tell you the details."

I chuckled at her as we walked down the hallway. "I would go with you if I could Mikayla. How about raincheck?"

"Promise?" She turned to me while we were waiting for the elevator. "Actually no, I'll drag you with me next time."

"Let's just see if you could." I smirked at her when the elevator opened. "Now go, I have another meeting in ten."

Mikayla stopped the door from closing when she gasped dramatically at me. "Did you just shoo me away?! You said no to hanging out with me and now you want me to leave already. Are you getting bored of me already?" She pouted sadly.

I shrugged teasingly. " were quite annoying though."

"It's adorably annoying." She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I smiled as I pushed her in the elevator. "You're still annoying though." I said to her when the door started closing. I giggled when she stuck her tongue out at me as the door closed completely.

Just then I received a text from Damon saying the meeting was about to get started. I sighed before hurried my way to the conference room. I spent the next few hours doing what I supposed to do. I thought I was free to go home when I realized I have to go over the DA office to pick up some files for Chris.

The moment I stepped in the building, I rolled my eyes seeing the long line waiting in front of me. This was going to take forever. It was only ten minutes but I was about to give up when seeing the line hasn't moved.

"Alia? What are you doing here?" A voice came up behind me.

I turned around and saw David, the guy who works with Chris.

"Hey David long time no see." I smiled at the familiar face. "I'm waiting to get some stuff Chris asked me to."

"Why don't you just go straight to the secretary table? She would let you in right away." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I did but she was nowhere to be found, that's why you see me here."

"Oh that sucks." David pursed his lips and looked around before his eyes landed on me again. "So how have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

I shrugged. "I'm good. Not much going on though." Then something popped up in my mind. "Oh hey, how was the trip you go with Chris? Everything went well? Chris didn't tell me much about it."

"The trip?"

"Yeah the one to Chicago, remember?" I bit my lips waiting for the answer.

David tilted his head and looked at me carefully. "I do remember it now yeah." I breathed out relieved. "But I didn't go."


"I called it off because me and Tina were celebrating our anniversary in Italy. That business trip was supposed to be canceled but Chris still wanted to go. I didn't even know why but hey, as long as he got the job done then I'm cool with whatever." He chuckled.

I put up a smile and nodded at him. "He surely got a lot of things done."

"Yeah he's something else." David shook his head but then he suddenly snapped his finger. "Hey finally you're here. You just kept miss Gladhill here waiting for god knows how long." He grumbled to the secretary.

"Oh I'm so sorry for that miss, there were some issues occurred. Please if you follow me, I'll get someone to get what you need." She smiled nervously.

"It's alright don't worry." I soothed her nerves and turned to David. "I'll see you later then?"

"Okay goodbye Al." He waved at me and left then.

After getting what I need, I asked Alex to drive me home. A lot were going on in my head but I decided to shut them down for now. The last thing I wanna do is blow up the mess that has already been there.

"What's taking you so long?" Chris said the moment I stepped in the house.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the folder in his chest. "Why don't you go and get it then?"

"Because it only takes you five minutes to get there, whatever." He mumbled. "Go change so we can have dinner Al."

I made my way upstairs without saying another word. The feeling in my chest is sickening but I tried to swallow it down, it wasn't hard for me to do so because I've been doing that for too long.

"I love it when you wear this shorts." Chris whispered behind me when I was doing my skincare before bed. His arms wrapped around my waist, my back hitting his front.

I didn't say anything and continue doing my things. His lips found my neck and slowly trailed down my shoulders. "Not tonight Chris. I'm tired." I mumbled.

He hummed huskily while still giving me light kisses. "I want you right now." He whispered in my ears, his hand started roaming under my shirt. "Let me relieve your stress."

I sighed, putting the serum down. "I said no, another time Chris." The moment he was about go down further, I grabbed his hand. "Chris don't."

"Fine!" He jumped away from me. "Then don't ever complain I don't care about you. You know what, you're the reason this relationship falling apart..."

"Are you being serious right now?" I turned around and looked at him disbelief.

"Every time I try to get close to you or try to make this relationship work, you just fuck everything up. You don't give a shit about anything but yourself!" He huffed and ran a hand through his hair.

I stood up in front of him and looked him in the eyes. "Are you saying all of this is my fault? Are you seriously gonna be the one who say that?"

"I tried to make this work Alia. I tried to make us work."

"And you think I didn't do that?" Everything inside me was ready to explode but I wouldn't let him see that side of me, he wouldn't be the one to see that vulnerable side. He didn't deserve to see it. "If you seriously think that was the case then I wouldn't even standing here in front of you, having this conversation."

"You don-"

"I heard enough." I put my hand up. "I've had a long day and I'm exhausted. I'm not gonna stand here listen to your blame game, whatever you have to say keep it to yourself. You can think whatever you want, I couldn't care less about it. But I do care about one thing, it's almost midnight and I need my beauty sleep. So please can you do us a favor and end this miserable talkshow so we can both go to bed."

He opened his mouth trying to say something but couldn't bring to say one word. So he did understand me in some way.

"Thank you." I said walking out the bathroom. "By the way I'm taking the guest bedroom so feel free to do whatever you want."

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