Chapter Sixty Eight

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Mikayla POV

I flung the door open and marched in to see three people standing in the room, all of them flinched at the sudden sound and the sight of me. I slammed door behind me loudly before glaring at every single one of them.

"Mikayla you're here. We were just watching back the camera—" Damon approached me carefully, he uttered the words out unwavering as if that could calm me down.

"Tell me what the fuck happened." I gritted my teeth.

The bodyguard I sent for Alia stepped up and shakily said. "It was all happened too fast. I—I was waiting for her outside the restroom and everything was fine until some waiter went by and crashed into me, the whole tray of drinks spilled on me and crashed. I tried to diffuse the situation but he just kept apologizing and distracting me. I lost track of the moment and couldn't tell who entered the restroom or out. When I didn't see her come out for a while, I walked in to see she was gone." He rushed out, sweat dripped down his forehead like stream.

I shot daggers at him with my eyes. "Show me the camera footage."

Jack motioned me to come to look at the computer, I leaned down at the screen to see the bodyguard wasn't standing next to the door of the restroom but he was standing at the entrance of the hall leading to it. That means he could only keep track of people who go in and out of both restrooms. But how did they get Alia out of the building without him noticed it....I squinted my eyes closer and observed the area more carefully, only to realized there was an emergency exit door in the corner. Goddamn it, that was where they escaped.

"They had everything planned Mikayla. The waiter accident was a set up as well, I bet they gave him a few bucks and told him to do it." Jack said, his eyes fixated on the screen as well.

Jack Russo was the guy helped me with the Chris predicament, when he was generous to let me pay for his debt and let him off the hook. The man practically could be called a mafia but he was a nice going guy, unless you do something wrong to him. He was the first person I called to help me with this stalker thing, he knows people and has power to get the thing I wanted. If you ever need to do something dirty but don't want to get your hands dirty, he is the guy you'd want to come up to.

I clenched my jaw and continued watching the footage, just seconds before the accident happened, a strange man walked in the women restroom. My heart was beating violently the longer he was in there while the stupid security just messing around outside with no clues in his head.

Then I saw it, before my own eyes how the stranger quickly carried Alia out by using the emergency exit. And just like that, not even a full three minutes and they got her. I slammed my hand down the desk, infuriating at how fucking stupid people can be and how their one fucking mistake costs this much.

"Mikayla, calm down." Damon reached out to touch my arm but I harshly yanked it away from him.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down?!" He visibly flinched at my shouted, it sent reverberations throughout the room, causing everyone didn't dare to move an inch. "Do you even see this?! Do you see how easy it was for them to fool us and take her away?" I locked my eyes directly to his, he only gulped and looked down to the floor. "How can I fucking calm down when my girlfriend is missing?! All because you people have one fucking job and can't even do it right!"

"I'm sorry miss Astor." The fucking security quietly said after a minute of silencing. I snapped my head in his direction. "It was my fault, I should have been—"

"Damn right it was your fault. Who else do you think responsible for this?" I screamed in his face. "You better hope we get can her back and she is fine, otherwise you're done. Done."

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