Chapter Thirty Eight

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I parked my car in the drive way, seeing both my parent's were already home. Today I was gonna make sure to have a conversation with my parents and tell them everything that they needed to be heard. I just need to keep my emotions in and pray for the best.

Breathing in, I stepped out of the car and went inside the house. Everything was quiet and I didn't hear anything except the cleaning from the maid.

"Oh Alia I didn't see you come in." Our maid looked up from the vase she was cleaning. "Are you here to see your parents?"

"Yeah do you know where they are?"

"Your mother is in the kitchen dear." She pointed to the direction and I nodded, walking to where it is.

I entered the kitchen to see my mom was washing up some fruits and placed them in the bowl while other workers prepared the dinner. The kitchen has always been her favorite place, she'd spend most of her time here when she doesn't have to work.

Thinking about it again, I realized this was the first time I see her again after that dinner. One of the many times she didn't even bother say a word to defend me or back me up. Brushing it off, I finally made my existence known.


She turned to look at me and smiled, wiping her hand dry and she came to me. "Alia dear." Her arms wrapped around me and I hesitated to do the same but eventually did. "I missed you." She whispered.

"Me too." I cleared my throat and got out of her grip. "Uh where's dad?"

"He's out with his friends. It's one of their birthday today." She walked to the counter after dismissing the workers and started to slicing the pear. "So are you here to visit us or something? Are you gonna stay here for dinner? I can cook some of your favorites."

I sighed and leaned my elbow on the counter. I could only talk about it when both of them were here. "No I'm just here for a little while."

She nodded and pushed the plate of fruits toward me. "Here have some. You look little skinny these days Al. You have to eat some more."

Her words made me scoff a little but I still took a slice of apple either way.

"So uhm how is work lately Al? I've heard the board meeting was today? How was it?" She took a sit next to me and placed a hand on my thigh.

I glanced at it but decided to say nothing. "Nothing too special."

She nodded and we fell in to silence while I continued eating. I wasn't in the mood to have a lovely mother daughter bonding talkshow right now. "Alia, about what happened the other day-"

"I have to go now." I stood up and grabbed my purse. "Nice seeing you anyway."

"W-wait Alia, you just got here. Stay for little." I looked into her eyes, the same color as mine but wrinkles were appeared around it. "Please stay for dinner, you dad won't be here til late in the night." Her dulcet voice came up. Normally I would have listened to her but thinking about what she did or didn't do, I felt sick.

I closed my eyes for a second to push everything inside me down before I spoke up. "I didn't come here to have a chat with you mother. I came here to have a talk with both of you but dad is not here so I'll come back another time." With that I walked out but she held my hand back.

"Alia please don't do this. I don't want to lose you too." Her eyes were watery but somehow I couldn't careless.

"Don't mention Lily here, she has nothing to do with this." I pulled my hand back. "By the way you're the one that push me away."

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