Chapter Fifty Seven

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Mikayla's POV

It has been a few days since the last time I saw Alia. Whenever I ask her to come over my place or simply a hanging out, she'd turn it down saying work has been a lot and that she has to take care of it all. Even though I understand for her but the feeling of coming home to an empty place and sleep lonely at night, it kills me. The calls, texts weren't doing enough for me.

Adjusting the large box in my hand, I scrunched my nose a little when those petals grazing against my lips. I waited for a second to draw a breath before knocking on her door.

One second, then two...nothing.

My hand raised for another one, the knock didn't make it to the second sound when I flinched at the raising voice behind the door.

"I said I don't have time for anything! What part of leave me alone do you not underst—"

I sheepishly opened the door to see a fuming Alia, but her expression soon turned into surprised at seeing me.

"Hey babe." I smiled cheekily, my hand doing an awkward wave at her. "Is this an appropriate time for me to see my girlfriend?"

Her brow raised before she cleared her throat. "Um yeah come in." Alia shut her folder close before stood up to greet me.

The smile on my face grew as I stepped in the room, arms holding a box of Mondial rose. I watched as her eyes turned wider, mouth slightly opened.

"What's this for?" She whispered.

"A little gift. For giving me a chance and you being the best thing to ever happened to me, today marked our four months of being together." I said, eyeing the way her eyes glinted. "The time might not be much but boy, I precious every single day with you by my side and I can't wait to celebrate more of this day with you." I said it with every sincerity I have in me, my hands reached out to give her the flowers.

Alia looked down at those, small smile appeared on her face as her fingers lightly caressed those feathery petals. A little while after getting to know her, I found out that the high maintenance girl in front of me was anything but hard to please. Her favorite flower is rose, all types of roses except the Blue Yonder. Her go to ice cream flavor is vanilla. Her favorite color is either white or beige, though her color is actually emerald green. The more I get to know her, the more I realized how much unique this girl is. She used to joke about her being boring but I see no such thing. Because Alia Rose Gladhill is still picky as fluff about her food and many things else, but once you figured her out, you'd love nothing more but to make this girl smile.

"That sounded like a wedding proposal." She joked, huffing out a small laugh.

"It can be if you wanted it to." I shrugged, half kidding. Taking a step forward, I pulled her closer to me that the only thing blocking us was the flower. "Happy anniversary baby." I spoke quietly against her lips before closing the gap between us.

The taste of her sweet lips still make my heart flutter and knees weak every time, sounds miserable as it was, I could never find myself getting tired of it.

"I'm sorry for not getting you any presents or flowers Mikayla." She sighed, resting her head against my chest. "I...fuck it I even forgot today was our anniversary." She mumbled.

My fingers raised to caress her hair softly, feeling her silky smooth blonde hair under my fingertips. "It's okay, you were swamped with work. I'm happy with being here with you alone."

"But still, busy with work is not a valid excuse Mikayla. I've been burying my head into these piles of papers that I can't even reply to your messages quick enough, can't even make the time to see you for even a minute." Alia stood up straight, arms crossed in front of her chest. "Fuck I sound like Chris now."

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