Chapter Fifty

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Mikayla's POV

The sun ray peeked through the curtains as I squinted my eyes to avoid the bright sunlight. Mindlessly I reached my arm over to pull her body closer but realized she was gone a while ago. Sighing to myself, I got out of bed and took a shower before heading to the kitchen. I walked in to a plate full of breakfast on the table with coffee already brewed. Shaking my head I smiled to myself at how thoughtful my girlfriend is, sometimes I still couldn't believe she was mine – my girl. I would literally do anything in this world to be able to keep calling her that.

I heated up the food and sat down to eat. "She should be home any time now." I said glancing at the clock. I turned on the tv and started eating so I don't have to deal with the deafening silence alone. Half way to finishing my meal, I received a call from my dad. "Hey dad, how it's going?"

"Hey baby, good good I'm great." He chuckled over the phone. "I called because you haven't come to visit us lately, your mom's been nagging me about it."

I turned down the volume on the television and crossed my legs on the couch. "Tell her I'm sorry about that, I've been quite...caught up recently." I smiled involuntarily because the most of my time was spent it with Allie the past few days. "Don't worry though, I'll come over this weekend."

"That's good. Anyways that's not the only reason I called, since we haven't spent much time together so I thought we could go out today!" He chirped up. "We could play golf and spend some daughter father time. I also invited some my friends too. It would be fun! So what do you say?"

"Hi babe—oh." I looked up to see Alia walked in the house. I signaled her it was my dad and she nodded in understand. Allie took off her coat and silently went over me, I pulled her to sit down before pecked her lips.

"That sounds fun but I have to check if there's any schedule for today though..." I glanced at Alia waiting for her answer but before she said anything, my dad spoke something that almost making my eyes pop out of the sockets.

"You could bring your girlfriend with you." He said blatantly.

My eyes went wide at his words and Alia looked at me confuse. "What...what do you mean?"

"Oh please I might be old but I'm not some cranky stupid old hag. You think I don't know what's up with you and Alia?" I put on the speaker at the same time for Alia and our mouths both dropped at his statement. "We've been waiting for you guys to introduce yourselves and tell us everything but you guys took forever. You have no idea how much I have to hold myself back from asking all the questions in fear I might ruin something when you guys are not ready yet."

I looked at Alia and she nodded her head smiling. "I'd prefer doing this in person but if it gives you some peace of mind then I might as well telling you right now. Yes we are dating and I know you have a lot of questions but please don't pressure Alia by doing that. We will tell you everything when both of us are ready." I held her hand and stroked her knuckles gently with my thumb.

I heard my dad take a breath before speak again. "Okay I will respect that. Just don't hold it for too long, your mom has been going nuts about this. Not in the bad way though." He said quickly. "But yeah, take all the time you need. One more thing, let me know if you guys are coming later okay?"

"Okay dad. I love you, bye."

"Love you too dear." He chuckled. "You too Alia. It would be great if you join us darling. Yep I know you guys are together right now." 

I rolled my eyes at him and hung up the phone. My attention then shifted to Alia and I gave her my widest smile ever. "Morning baby." My face leaned closer to hers asking for one thing that I've been craving for the whole morning.

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