Chapter Twenty Three

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Mikayla's POV

The next few days passed quickly, Alia and I haven't spent much time together anymore since we're both busy with works but we still text each other whenever we have time.

"That's a pretty good one, what do you think love?" Dad said after he had his shot.

"Yeah it's alright." I have no interest in golfing nor did I have any idea what just happen.

I was hanging out with my dad at a golf club with some of his friends, well I was just here so that I could escape work even though listening to some old men talking is no fun.

"Mikayla come here, I'll show you how to do the Albatross." He motioned for me to come close and the look on his face was too excited to my liking.

The what? I shook my head and sat still in my place. "Nope I'm okay." My impression of golfing is not very pleasant. The first time I touched the golf club, I almost hit someone by swinging it too hard and it slipped my hand. "You just do whatever you're doing and I'll just sit here and watch!" I called out at him. Some of his friends laughed at me but I just ignored them.

He gave me a thumbs up and turned away to shot the next one.

I was messing with my phone when I heard the sound of another golf cart parked near me.

"Well look who's here." I looked up to see Mr Blaiden and a girl walked to our place.

"Drew! Skipping work to play golf too buddy?" My dad smiled and greeted them. "And who's this lovely girl?"

"Ah this is my daughter Bette, she wanted to come with me today and I gotta tell you, she's good at this sport." Mr Blaiden hugged his daughter side way and smiled.

"Good morning Mr Astor, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." She said and held out a hand.

"Just call me Matt, we're all friends here." My dad shook her hand and turned to me. "Mikayla! Come here darling, I want you to meet someone."

I exhaled and stood up, walked to them.

"This is Bette, Drew's daughter and Bette, this is my daughter Mikayla." He introduced us and I looked at her, she was a brunette with hair up in a pony tail, she was pretty I admit, probably because she doesn't inherit the look of her father.

"I finally get to meet you." She showed me a big smile and I awkwardly smiled back.

"Hey there." I said quietly.

"You're so cute aren't you?" I raised my eyebrow at that and looked at my dad.

"Come here Drew, show me what you got." Dad said and looked at us both. "You two get to know each other, I won't bother you anymore."

Mr Blaiden looked at his daughter and smiled. "Have fun darling."

Bette waved at him and with that, both our dads walked away.

I pursed my lips and shifted my leg. "Uhm I don't really play golf so you can go with them, I'll just sit here."

"Oh come on I don't want to be surrounded by bunch of old men. I want to sit here with you." She nudged my shoulders and I nodded.

"Okay." I didn't know what to say, probably because Mr Blaiden tried to set me up with her before.

I looked out to the field and ignored the burning stared at me. This girl is really something.

"So I've heard you just got back from France. How was it?" She asked me broke the silence.

"It was great, beautiful people beautiful sights." My my wandered back to the time I was there, a smiled appeared on my face then.

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