Chapter One

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Alia's POV

Looking at the clock, it was only seven in the morning. Chris was still sleeping next to me with his back facing me. It has been a long time since he showed any affection to me. Even the smallest thing like a good morning or a good night kiss. Now, even when we have sex, it's not about making love anymore, more like satisfying our needs.

Getting out of bed. I walked to the bathroom to shower and get ready. Looking at myself in the mirror, I sighed. It's been a while since I really cared about anything, all I ever think about now is how to get through another day. Drying up my hair, I walked out the bathroom to see Chris was now awake and scrolling through his phone. Without saying a word, I walked downstairs to have my breakfast.

Looking at the table with everything already set up, I smiled. The maid and chef always make sure to have breakfast and everything done before I go downstair. Simply because I don't want to interact anybody in early morning, it annoys me. I sat down and sipping my orange juice, waiting for Chris to go down. A few minutes later, he appeared and struggling with his tie.

"Morning. Breakfast's ready. Sit down with me please." I said and ready to dig in, I was so hungry.

"Uhm sorry Al. Got to go now, have a meeting early today." Looking at the phone as he said.

"Chris I'm not gonna throw away all these food again. Just sit down and have something." I said frustratedly.

"I really can't babe, you know the traffic at this hour." He picked up a to go coffee cup already head toward the door.

"Fine". I muttered, it's too early to deal with this. "I love you!" I said out to him. He's already out the door.

"There's no way I'm gonna finish all of this". I mumbled looking at plates of food. After finished my portion, everything else was pretty much left untouched. I tidied everything up to make them look decent and let the staff know they are welcomed to have the breakfast. I was happy they enjoyed everything, they worked too hard for these to let them go down the trash.

I then went upstairs to change and did my make up when I have a text from Alex, my driver.

Alex: Your drive is here, Miss.

'Coming down.' I replied.

Picked up everything I need for the day. I headed outside to see Alex already standing there ready to open the door for me. He dressed in a full black outfit, black shirt, trousers and shoes. This guy really has a thing for black.

"Good morning miss. Ready for the day?" He greeted me while opening the door for me to step in.

"Oh drop the formalities please. It makes me feel old." I said teasingly getting in the car. "Which I'm not." I added.

"You're right. Just grumpy." He laughed sitting behind the wheel, ready to drive off.

"Too soon Alex." I reminded him. Alex and I are pretty close. I treat him like a friend of mine, same goes to him too. But we only keep that between us, in front of others, we have our facades on to avoid things called favoritism.

"So how's the weekend Al?" He asked looking through the rear mirror.

"Nothing much. Chris's still being Chris, stuck in the office all day doing god knows what." I shrugged, I kinda used to it at this point. "At least he didn't bother me." Alex just smiled sadly after that.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived. Stepping outside with Alex opened the door for me. I thanked him and look at the huge name displayed on my family company's building. Gladhill Industries.

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