Chapter Fourty Five

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Mikayla's POV

"Hey I'm coming over now. Be ready okay?" I said over the phone while making my way downstairs. "I can't wait to see you too." I smiled before hung up the phone.

Before heading out the door, I put on my jacket and grabbed the keys. The moment I was about to head out, somebody knocked at the door. I rolled my eyes and went to open it.

"Hey there!" Bette stood in front of my door looking all chirpy and stuff. "It's been a while since I last saw you Mikayla."

I squinted my eyes, looking at her. "What are you doing here? You know what, never mind I'm heading out right now." I waved my hand trying to give her a hint.

"Well I was thinking maybe we could hang out today." She said smiling. "I missed you."

"Like I said, I have somewhere to be right now."

She pouted and leaned against the door frame. "But I want to spend some time with you. I'm sure whatever it is can be put behind. You don't wanna make me sad right?" Bette showed me her puppy eyes.

"Are you not understanding anything I just said?" I looked at her boringly. "I have to go now and you're making me late."

"Well then where are you going?" She crossed her arms. "What's so important that you can't even spare me some time?"

"I have to go on a date." I said blankly.

"What?" Bette stood up straight and uncrossed her arms. "With who?"

"None of your business but to save me from the integration I'm about to have, her name is Alia." I rolled my eyes.

"Wait Alia Gladhill?" She furrowed her eyes and looked at me closely. "I thought she has a fiancé? Is she cheating with you?"

I bit my inner cheeks trying not to say anything harsh to this girl but the line was thin right now. "Are you done with all the questions?" I kept my voice low. "What I do in my personal life has nothing to do with you so stop poking your nose in. But for your information, Alia broke things off with that guy and nothing can stop her moving on from that bastard."

"But I don't get it?" She shook her head. "A few weeks ago they were still together and now all of the sudden you guys go on a date? Are you sure nothing happened between you two before?"

"That's it." I stepped over her and closed the door. "I'm not standing here to explain myself to you. She's waiting for me and I'm not gonna ruin our first date because of you. Now excuse me, I have a date to pick up." With that I walked away with no second thoughts.

"Are you seriously gonna leave me like this?!" She shouted behind me but I couldn't care less and made my way to the elevator.

The drive to her place took me about twenty minutes to get there. Before getting out the car, I exhaled to relieve me from all annoying feelings I had earlier. No way in hell I would bring this mood into the precious time I get to have with Alia. After getting rid of that little dirt, I got out and walked to her place.

I knocked at the door two times before waiting for the beauty behind it to open. When I heard some noise behind the door, I put on my biggest smile when it opened, only to see it wasn't her.

"Ugh wipe that lovesick look off your face." Lillian said scrunching her face. "It's making me sick."

I rolled my eyes and stepped in. "You don't deserve it anyway. Where is she by the way?" I looked around.

"She'll be down here in a minute." Lillian shrugged, sitting on the head of the couch. "So where you're taking her today?"

"You're not the one going on a date so why asking?"

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