Chapter Seventy

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Mikayla POV

Two weeks. It has been two weeks since our fight. We were back to my place now and Alia barely acknowledged me. I gave her what she asked of me, or more like begged. She had her space and even though it killed me inside, I respected it.

The more the day passed, the fear that she'd leave grow bigger in me. Every day I came home and didn't see her, I'd rush around the place and search if her things were still here or not. It has become an awful habit of mine.

I tried to busy myself finding out what happen to Drew Blaiden after the day I saw him in the basement since my dad haven't been letting me know anything. Needless to say it was a dead-end. Once my dad wants to keep something hidden, it was pointless to go searching for it.

"It's only been two weeks, Mikayla." She sighed, fingers went to rub her temples. "Stop stressing so much, will you?"

My hands wrapped around the cup of coffee in front me to seek for warmth, even though it was about ninety-five degrees outside. "I don't think I can keep doing this anymore." I mumbled, staring down.

"Jesus Christ." Lillian groaned. "Mikayla, you literally lied and did this sneaky shit to her not once but three times now. Do you know how bad that sounds? If I were her, I would've left you on the spot, no need to asking for space or anything." She burned into my head with a fury look. "You're lucky as fuck that she hasn't given up on you and that at the end of the day, she still comes home to you. So quit whining and be grateful that my sister has more tolerance than me."

"Do you think she's gonna leave me?" I said quietly after a moment. "I mean, we've been distant to each other but every time we're in the same room, I can hear how loud her thought was. Sometimes I wonder what was going on inside her head, how many times has she thought of leaving me." I slumped down in my seat, the exhaustion these last few days started catching up on me.

Lillian pursed her lips and seemed to be in her head as well, probably thinking about what's the correct thing to say. "I don't know Mikayla." She spoke softly. "She still loves you, that I know for sure. But I don't know if that love is enough to keep her stay after what you've done."

I sighed, buried my face in my hand and internally cursed at myself. What the fuck have you done Mikayla? You promised her the moon and the stars and yet everything you've done fail her. You can't even do one thing right.

"Listen Kayla." Lillian touched my arm gently, bringing me to look at her. "I'm angry at you, I really am. Right at the start when you're dating her, I already gave you the speech you need to hear about how to treat my sister nicely. And you are a good person Mikayla, it's just the recklessness and stubbornness in you that screw things up sometimes."

"I think I second that." I whispered.

"Just give her the time she needed Mikayla. She'll come around." Lily smiled bittersweet at me. "Don't give up on her. No matter what happen, Alia still needs you."

I mustered up a smile to reciprocate, feeling some weights finally lift off my shoulders at her words.

"Shit I have to go now or I'll be late." She muttered looking at her phone. "Al already texted me."

"Where are you going?" I glanced at down at her screen, curious.

"Our beloved father wanted us to have dinner tonight. As a family." She quoted funny with her fingers. "Can you believe that? Anyways she didn't tell you?"

I shook my head.

Lillian only shot me an apologetic smile as we about to stand up when my phone lighted up.

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