Chapter Seventy Three

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Mikayla POV

I woke up with an unbearable headache and I felt my whole body was being ran over by a bus. I groaned out, momentarily blinded by the sun hit in my face. This was just awful. I turned to my back, tilted my head to look at the spot next to me only to see it was empty. No Alia.

I grunted louder, kicking the blanket off my body.

"Why are you being so loud in the morning?" A soft, delicate voice came up as the door pushed open, revealing my Alia looking like an angel. "Wipe that frown off your face, will you?" She said and I noticed she was holding a tray of food to the bed.

"My head hurts." I mumbled, seeing her set the tray on the bed and she sat next to me.

"Well yeah that what happens when you knocked back two bottles of wine in the matter of two hours." She eyed me mischievously. "Sit up, you have to eat something."

I huffed out, burying my face deeper in the pillow to ignore her. I just wanted to stay in bed for a whole day without doing anything. Too lazy to lift a finger.

"Why are you acting like me now?" I could hear her smiling. "Come on...get up. I even made you breakfast." She nudged me with her leg and I rolled back, looking at her skeptically.

"You made me breakfast?"

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "It's not that hard to believe."

I mustered up all the strength left in my fragile to sit up and she gave me a plate of grilled cheese sandwich along with a glass of OJ. "Looks kinda burned." I muttered at the plate in front of me.

"It's not burned. It's crispy." She retorted.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Okay then..." I picked it up and took a bite, slowly chewing it with Alia looking expectantly at me.


I shrugged, having another bite. "It's actually pretty good."

"Really?!" Her eyes lit up at my exclaimed and I chuckled lightly at her cuteness. "Well I mean it's just grilled cheese. You can't really mess it up." She rolled her eyes at herself.

"No but it is good. You did a pretty good job." I smiled at her, giving her the credit she deserved to get.

Her smile only widened as she tried to contain her little squeal. "So that means I have hope in cooking." She giggled but then quickly put on her serious face. "But you still cook for me right?"

"I'd do whatever you want me to."

"Alright smarty pants." She took the plate of breakfast after I finished and handed me two tablets of Advil. "Take these so it helps with the headache. Then go back to sleep if you're still tired. I'll be downstairs."

Before she could get off the bed completely, my hand shot out to grab her shirt. Alia turned back at me, looking confused. "We still need to talk Allie." The sound came out more fragile than I thought and I felt her brushing my knuckles softly.

"We will. But you're not in your right headspace right now, get some rest first and then we can talk once you're feeling better." Her eyes on me softened and to my surprise, Alia leaned down and gave my cheek a quick kiss. "I promised you, remember? I'm not going anywhere." She smiled at me before letting my hand go.

I stared at her closing the door behind her, completely speechless. I was still in a daze with her kissing me. I couldn't believe it was real, the only proof to show that it happened was the little warmth still rested on the place her lips landed on. My fingers touched it gently, fireworks busting in my stomach as I recalled back the feeling when her leaned in. Her warmth, her scent...I knew I was craving for her touch but only when I had a bit of it did I realize how much my soul starved of it.

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