Chapter Five

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Friday finally arrived. I couldn't wait to finish off today and head home early. This week has been eventful. Chris still avoided me after that Wednesday night, not like I minded. The only person that lingers in my mind these past few days is actually Mikayla. I don't know what is it about her but everytime I see her I got waves of different emotions. It was so confusing sometimes. Maybe it because of her looks ? Or something else ? I really need to get to the gym to blow of some steam. As much as exciting this week has been, it was also exhausting.

I quickly got off work and head home. It was still early, Chris won't be back for next couple of hours. I still have to chill and do my things. I changed to my work out clothes and walked into the gym. I ran a few miles on a treadmill, had some squats and planks. I try to work out three days a week to stay in shape. Not like I needed though, my body work in a weird way. Don't mean to brag or anything but I can't get fat. Like no matter how many calories I consumed, I still stay the same, maybe one or two pounds if I keep up that diet for a long time. But work out helps my body get lean and it's therapeutic too.

Sweating myself after an hour, I turned on the bath tub, dropped a bath bomb and some roses, lighted some candles and have a glass of wine. I dipped myself into the tub. Oh how relaxing. Sometimes life goes too fast that you forget the small moments. But I started to appreciate those small moments when I had no one by my side, just me keeping myself going. It was sad and lonely sometimes but I don't regret it. It made me who I am today.

I was chilling when my phone buzzed. I reached out to check it and saw a text from Damon.

Damon: Hey, let's go out tonight. I wanna get drunk.

-I don't know. Not really in the mood. I replied.

Damon: I'm at your house now.

-Wait what!! I'm busy right now.

You gotta be kidding me.

Damon: Coming in!

I was about to reply his text when his ass busted through the door."Sheesh hot stuff". He smirked.

"What the hell?!!" Fortunately my body was covered by the bubbles. "You can't just walked in here like you own the damn place Damon. Who opened the door for you anyway ?.

"One of your maid. Julia or June something." He shrugged then leaned against the counter. "Get out grandma. We're hitting the club."

"It's not even 6 yet. Who go to the club at this hour?"

"Bro, you literally spend almost 2 hours to get ready. Better start doing it now." He blew out the candles and grabbed a towel for me.

I got out of the tub. Damon turned his head the other way while his hands hold the towel for me.

"I have to text Chris to let him know first. Get me my phone will you ?" He rolled his eyes at the mentioning of Chris.

I texted my fiancé and started to get ready. Did my hair and make up, then I picked out a tight skinny dress for the night. Damon's not wrong when he said I'd spend 2 hours to get ready. Cause we left the house at almost 8. Chris wasn't home when we left. I guess he's having a dinner with the clients since he knows he'd spend the night alone.

We finally reached the club. It's a fancy one, not everyone can go to this place. Damon led me to the VIP section and he ordered some shots. "Mineral water?" He asked me.

I nodded. I don't drink dark liquor. Only wine or champagne. We started drinking and making light conversation while our eyes observed the dance floor.

"I don't know if I can get laid tonight." He mumbled after downed one shot.

"Hey, you don't get to leave me here alone after dragging me here without my consent."

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