Chapter Four

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8 in the morning, I already arrived at the company to get ready and rehearsed over my presentation. Everything must be perfect. There was no room for mistakes. Sounds dramatic but my dad is obsessed to perfection. Even the smallest mistake that no one notice or even bother to, he still judges and criticizes about it.

I only had four hours of sleep, good thing Damon got me some coffee. The meeting held at 10 so I still have two more hours to perfect this performance. I kept pacing around the room, presented my ideas and solution to solve some of the problems we might occur when this project started.

"And that is the end of my presentation on this project that we'll be working together. Thank you for listening. If anyone has any questions, please don't mind asking."

Damon sat in one the chairs started clapping and whistle. " You nailed it. It's amazing. I still don't get it why you managed to do this in less than 24 hours. Damn, you're good Al."

"Ughhh I'm nervous. I'm so scared I'll screw it up. Honest opinion. How did it really go?" I asked him while mentally praying.

"Al, it's amazing seriously. Give yourself some credits." He said walking over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "It's alright, I'll be here too, if anyone started bullying you. I'll kick their asses."

I laughed. He really knows how to make me feel better.

Soon, it was time for the meeting. My dad and his PA was already here. Damon sat in the chair next to mine. We were waiting for the Astors to come. I was nervous, this was a huge project for both sides. I turned around to focus on the wall. you got this, just breathe.

I steadied my breathing and turned around to look at everyone. I put on the coldest and most stoic look on my face. Gotta show them who's the real boss here. Then, they arrived.

Both Mr and Mrs Astor came in together while Mikayla followed behind. She was gorgeous as usual. While her parents and my dad said his to each other. Her eyes seemed to glue to mine. She then shot me a smile before looked away to greet my dad.

The presentation then started.

"Good morning everyone. My name's Alia Gladhill. COO of Gladhill Industries". I stood in front of the room and said. Then the show went on.

"And because both of our companies have enough resources and finance to invest into this resort by ourselves. We need to do this in a right and smart way. It would bleed billions if we don't spend our money wisely. To our luck, we have a best CFO on this one, which is why I'm very eager to get to work with Astor Corporation. Overall, I'm very glad that we partner with you guys on this. This resort is not only provide best services plus experience for the luxuries but also for average income citizens. Therefore we need to do our best to promote our project's image. This requires for advertising, campaigns, even charity events to show people that we care about everyone. Especially in this day and age, where lots of other resorts and hotels are growing strong and spreading wide. We need our project to stand out, it has to be everyone's first choice. It will not only a place for people to stay, but it also a journey for them. One that they can never forget. And we are the only people can do it. Not Gladhills or Astors, but both of us."

Everyone nodded their head, I glanced at Damon and saw him smiling. But my dad still looked at the screen seemed deeply in thoughts. I asked if anyone had any questions but it seemed everyone satisfied with my work. I was about to head back to my place when she spoke.

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