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Chapter 50: The Talking Stone

The cave is huge, half the size of a football ball, and full of fishy smells. Renly didn't quite understand why the rock monster let him into this cave.

The rock monster does not enter this cave by itself, and Renly guesses that its strength may be a little worse than that of the giant bear, which means that sooner or later the rock monster will be defeated, so Renly is best to explore this cave and leave quickly.

The scene of the cave is clear, there is a large smooth but most fishy stone in the deepest part, which is supposed to be the place where the giant bear inhabits, and there is nothing special elsewhere.

Turning left and right, Renly didn't believe that the rock monster was just idle (dan) pain, let him come to his cave for a day trip.

With this thought in mind, Rayly glanced at all sides of the cave, including above his head, but still found nothing.

Listening to the increasingly fierce roar outside the cave, Renly knew that it would not be long before the rock monster and the giant bear would be divided. He had to hurry, and Renly finally checked the walls again in the hope of finding some text or mural, but found nothing.

At the moment, Rayleigh couldn't help but be very discouraged, could it be that this rock monster was really idle to this extent.

There must be some secret in this cave, could it be that there is some mechanism embedded in the cave wall, if this is the case, it is bad. Time is limited, and Renly can't inspect every inch of it.

After thinking for a while, Renly grabbed a handful of luminous sand in his hand, and then sprinkled it in all directions in the form of raining money. The sound of tinkling suddenly resounded throughout the cave. The corners of Renly's mouth twitched, and if he expected too much, it would hit people.


The battle seemed to be coming to an end, and Renly already sensed a giant beast rushing towards the cave. There were still the last few seconds left, and between the sudden electric flint, Renly found that he had overlooked a point, and he had not yet had time to check the giant bear's old den.

Damn it!

Renly almost punched himself, if there was a secret in this cave, it would definitely be in the giant bear's old den, but because he disliked the fishy smell of the giant bear, he turned a blind eye to its old nest several times.

Without regretting it, Renly flew over. After arriving and taking a look, it seemed that there was nothing else wrong here, and there was no effort to think about it, and the roar of the giant bear was getting closer and closer. The most likely secret may only be behind this big stone, the big stone is too big, Renly can't move, the Xuanjing sword slashed over, bang, the next second Renly was dumbfounded, and the Xuanjing sword had an extra gap.

Could it be that the secret is that this stone emits the stench of a giant bear, and this is what the rock monster wants? Renly's face turned green!

Roar, the giant bear has reached the mouth of the cave, and Renly can even feel the earth-shattering coercion.

No matter what, Renly grabbed the big stone and sent it directly back to the bamboo building through the power of space, otherwise he really couldn't take it. Go, if you don't walk, it's too late, but the next second Renly breathed, and after the big stone was removed, a hole more than one person high appeared in his position against the wall.

The shape of the cave is very similar to a door, and Rayleigh realizes in an instant, perhaps the real secret is this cave entrance.

Boom, finally the giant bear entered the cave, and after seeing its stone bed disappear, it let out today's roar.

✓Interstellar Farmer [Xiu Jin]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz