"He's spilling" Jess nodded towards Nicky who had flipped the cup upside down, spilling water all over Logan

Rory stifled a laugh

"It's not funny" Logan said, with a slight chuckled as he took the cup from Nicky and set it down on the bar

"If you can laugh when I get peed on, I can laugh when he dumps water on you"

"Huntzbergers!" Lorelai called out, getting Logan and Rory's attention "get over here!"

"I'll talk to you later?" Rory said

"Talk later"

Logan and Rory made their way over to where Lorelai, Luke, Emily, Richard, and April were

"What's going on?" Rory asked

"The photographer wants to take some pictures" Luke said

"Logan, why are you wet?" Emily asked

"Nicky dumped water on him" Rory laughed

"Why is that funny?" Richard asked

"Because usually I'm the one who's getting spilled on" Rory said

After taking pictures, Logan took Nicky to Lorelai's office to change him. Rory was sitting at a table when Patty and Babette came over.

"Rory!" Patty exclaimed

"Hey guys" Rory smiled as Patty and Babette sat down at the table with her

"Where's the baby?" Babette asked "I feel like I haven't seen him today"

"Logan's changing him. They'll be back soon"

A few minutes later Logan walked over to the table, holding Nick.

"Oh my god!" Babette exclaimed "he's so cute!"

"Thank you" Logan smiled and handed Nicky to Rory who sat him on her lap.

Everyone sat down at their tables. Rory and Logan were sitting with Liz, Tj, Jess, April, Sookie, and Jackson. Doula, Davey, and Martha were all at a separate kids table, along with Steve, Kwan, and the few other kids that were at the wedding. Luke and Lorelai did their first dance then sat down at a table, just the two of them, and diner was served.

"That's nuts" Rory said and gave Nicky a small piece of bread, from her plate

"That's not even the craziest part" Sookie said "a week later that same guy came in and said that the inn was ugly and the dining room had a 'laundry feel' to it"

"What does that even mean?" Jess asked

"No idea" Sookie shrugged "still not the weirdest customer interaction I've ever had, though"

"Who was?" Logan asked

"Probably the Poes" Sookie said

"The Poes!" Rory chuckled "wow. That was when you guys were still at the independence inn"

"Oh, I remember them" Jess said "they were weird"

"The Poes?" Liz asked

"Back before we had the dragonfly, Lorelai and I worked at this place called the independence inn" Sookie said "one time we had this group of people from the Edgar Allen Poe society. They were really weird, and they did this reading of some of his pieces, and then the inn burned down"

"Wait what?" Logan chuckled

"The inn burned down" Sookie said "but it was ok, because then we got this place"

"Ba ba ba ba " Nicky babbled and banged on the table.

"Here bubba" Logan said and gave Nicky a French fry from his plate "whoever's idea it was too serve burgers and fries at a wedding is a genius"

"I'm pretty sure it was my mother's idea" Rory said.

"What was my idea?" Lorelai asked as she and Luke walked over to the table, having heard the last sentence

"The burgers" Rory said

"They're good, right?"

"Nicky approves" Rory said "well, he approves of the fries at least"

"Come here mister" Lorelai took Nicky from Rory

Logan reached up and handed Lorelai a burp cloth

"What's this for?" Lorelai asked

"So he doesn't get your dress dirty" Logan said

"Thank you"

"Hey, do you remember the Poes?" Sookie asked

"Yeah, they were weird" Lorelai said "not as weird as the syrup people, though"

"Oh, I forgot about them!" Sookie gasped 

A little while later Logan was standing around with a group of people, holding Nicky, who was asleep on Logan's chest. Rory was dancing with Lorelai, Sookie, Lane, and Liz.

"Hello Logan" Emily walked over to Logan

"Emily" Logan nodded

"Is he asleep?"

"Yeah, he's out" Logan said "hopefully until the morning"

"I'm headed to the bar, would you like anything?"

"I'm ok, thanks"


After the wedding Rory and Logan decided to just go home, instead of spending another night in Stars Hollow. They didn't get home until around 3am. Thankfully Nicky stayed asleep, so when they got home Logan put Nicky to bed, before walking into the bathroom where Rory was taking off her makeup. They got ready for bed, and as soon as they got into bed Rory fell asleep.

"Night Ace" Logan whispered and kissed her forehead

"Good night" Rory mumbled

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