"Did you get along well with his kids?" Pierro asked prying further.

I swallowed, "Yes. Though they were a bit mischievous they were just like any of the other kids there."

Pierro nodded accepting my answer.

"I've been thinking about something for a bit now," I said changing the subject away from the kids.

Pierro looked interested now.

"What's the rush? Why are you so adamant that I return now? You have Kaeya and we both know he is more trustworthy than I am."

That was one question I had been asking myself since he first arrived.

Why was he so determined to get me back right this second?

Was he diagnosed with some incurable disease and needed an heir right away?

He looked a little more annoyed.

Tapping his fingers lightly on the sofa he spoke, "I am getting older Y/N. I cannot live forever. Even for a man such as myself, it is impossible. You are right though. Kaeya is definitely more trustworthy than you are. Just because I intend to give you everything does not mean I'll leave him nothing. I have plans for both of you. It's something I've been considering for years now."

I didn't like that comment.

'Plans for us both' could mean anything.

"So where is Kaeya right now?" I asked looking around the room.

He was nowhere in sight.

"Hes out on a mission. If he returns alive and with his objective complete then I will inform you more about my plans. It would be in your best interest to forget your old life Y/N. You should understand by now that there is nowhere you can run that I will not find. That little stunt you pulled all those years ago will never happen again."

And he was right.

This time Kaeya wouldn't help me.

Unfortunately what he didn't know was I was not alone. I had a chance at escape a slim one but a chance.

"I am not so blind to think that I can just walk out and disappear once more. You want me to forget my old life yet you gave me no chance to say goodbye. Let's be honest Pierro, the only relationship that ever existed between the two of us was business related. You want me to play nice? Then let's deal."

His eyebrow twitched.

He hated it when I called him by his first name.

"I will not negotiate with you Y/N. I am your father you should not feel the need to question my actions."

I let go of the couch and laughed.

"If you want me to go along with things then give me something interesting. Just waiting for me to start doing as you want won't work this time."

Standing up I headed for the stairs.

Arguments and more arguments. That's how our conversations ended.

"Y/N." He called out.

I ignored him and continued up.

"Join us for dinner tonight."

I shook my head, but something in my gut was telling me I shouldn't ignore his request.

By the time dinner rolled around, I had finally decided to join him.

I had thought it over for a bit but unfortunately, I wouldn't learn much hiding away in my room.

We ate in silence.

It was only the two of us eating today. Kaeya must have still been out on whatever mission he had been assigned.

Pierro seemed to have no interest in talking now either. His eyes stayed focused on the door as he ate. He must have been awaiting Kaeya's arrival.

It made me feel a bit anxious. Pierro only cared about things when they were of utmost importance.

As we ate I noticed a slight change in his attitude. His lips curved upward and then in the distance, I could hear the tiniest of noises.

It was quiet but I heard a scream.

I got up from the table and looked in the direction of the door.

I could hear footsteps now.

There was only one set of footsteps but that scream was definitely not Kaeyas.


My eyes widened and I pushed my seat back.

"Y/N." Pierro commanded.

But it was too late.

I was already gone and out the door. My heart racing.

Please don't tell me...

When I rounded the corner my heart dropped from my chest.

Kaeya had returned, but not alone.

In his arms, a small child struggled.


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Hey yall been a little sick this past while but I'm feeling better now so hopefully updates will return to normal soon.

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