"You're 10 weeks which is usually the worst for nausea. It usually lets up around week 12 or 13. You have it pretty bad, but you aren't losing weight, so I'm not concerned" Dr Williams told her "you're taking the vitamins? Staying hydrated?"


"And other than the nausea, you're feeling good? Sleeping? Eating?"

"Eating a lot of avocado. I don't know why. I don't like avocado"

"Totally normal for your tastes to change during pregnancy" Dr Williams said "over the next couple of weeks try to start sleeping on your left side, and at 12 weeks we consider it safe to tell people other than family and friends, so if you need to figure something out for your job you'll be able to do that soon. You'll also start showing a little bit sometime in the next few weeks. Do you have any other questions, or concerns?"


Dr Williams started Rory's ultrasound

"Alright...baby looks healthy, 1.1 inches long, that's about the size of a strawberry. And if you listen...." The doctor moved the ultrasound wand a little so that they could hear the baby's heartbeat "you'll hear baby's heartbeat. And that" turned the monitor to face Rory and Logan so they could see "is your baby"

Rory couldn't stop it and she started crying. Logan put his hand on her shoulder. Dr. Williams reached over and handed Rory a tissue

"Thank you" Rory sniffled

"You're incredible, Ace" Logan said, softly, and kissed Rory's forehead


That afternoon Finn, Colin, and Stephanie were helping Logan and Rory pack

"My god, woman" Finn said "how many books do you own?"

"I told you I would do the books" Rory said

"No!" Logan, Finn, and Colin shouted. They had all been telling her for hours that she wasn't to do any of the heavy lifting

"Ok. Ok. I get it. I'm not allowed to help"

"I wanna help!" Liam ran over and started pulling books of the bookshelf

"No. No. No" Colin said and grabbed Liam "come here. You wanna help?"

Liam nodded

Colin took Liam over to the couch and sat him down. "You take this" He handed Liam a permanent marker "and your job is that every time someone puts a box here you write the number 150 on it, really big, ok?"


"They're so cute" Rory said quietly to Steph. The 2 of them were sitting at the kitchen table, wrapping plates in bubble wrap

"Yeah, they're great" Steph smiled

"I wonder what Logan will be like" Rory said "what I'll be like"

"You guys are gonna be amazing"

"You know, we had our first real ultrasound, this morning?"


"Yeah. I mean I had one right after I found out, just so see how far along I was, but today we got to see the baby, and hear the heartbeat, and it was just..."

"The best thing ever?"

"Yeah" Rory smiled

Logan walked up behind Rory and put his hands on her shoulders "how are you doing? Feeling ok?"

"Feeling fine" Rory said

"Good" Logan leaned down and kissed Rory

Sometime in the middle of the night Rory rushed out of bed and into the bathroom, waking Logan in the process. Logan followed her into the bathroom and held her hair while she threw up.

"Are you ok?" Logan asked as he rubbed her back

Rory nodded and stood up. She washed her hands and her face while Logan went to get her some water.

"I also brought ginger ale, you said it helps" Logan said when he got back

After Rory drank the water and the ginger ale, they got back in bed. Logan wrapped his arm around Rory, pulling her close. Rory put her head on Logan's shoulder and her arm around his chest

"Are you sure you're ok?" Logan asked quietly

Rory nodded

Logan kissed the top of her head "you know I love you, right?"

"I know. I love you too"

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