
That evening Rory and Logan walked into the Gilmore house

"Perfect, you're here" Emily said

"Rory, Logan, nice to see you" Richard hugged Rory and shook Logan's hand

"Hi grandpa" Rory said

"Nice to see you, too" Logan said as he and Rory sat down across from lorelai and Luke

"Here" Emily handed each of them a glass of champagne

Rory and Logan looked at each other

"Oh, um...No, thank you" Rory said and tried to hand it back to Emily

"Nonsense. We're celebrating. Your grandfather just finalized a merge with another company" Emily said

"That's great, grandpa" Rory smiled "but I really don't want the champagne"

"Well, why not?" Emily asked

Logan and Lorelai exchanged a look

"Well um...It's not so much that I don't want it, as much as I can't have it...or at least I really shouldn't" Rory said

Emily's eyes went wide "are you pregnant?!"

"I am..." Rory nodded

"Well, now we really need to celebrate"


The next morning Rory and Logan went to visit Christopher and Gigi

"Do you guys want coffee or something?" Christopher offered

"No, thank you" Logan said


"I'm ok"

"You don't want coffee?" Christopher asked in disbelief

"About that..." Rory looked at Logan

Logan handed Christopher a sonogram picture

"Are you serious?"

Rory nodded and started tearing up. Christopher walked over and hugged her "that's amazing. Congratulations"

"Thank you"

"What is that?" Gigi asked

"That..." Rory said "means that you're gonna be an aunt, and dad's gonna be a grandpa"

"That means you're old" Gigi giggled

"Hey!" Christopher exclaimed 

"Why are you crying?" Gigi asked

"I don't know" Rory chuckled and wiped her eyes

"That's weird" Gigi said

"I know"


"I think it's gonna be a girl" Alice said

"Based on what?" Madison asked

"Gut feeling" Alice said

"You do realize that I doesn't matter, right" Rory said "at least not for a couple more months"

"I still say it's gonna be a girl" Alice said

"It's so crazy that in a few months there's gonna be a whole person inside of you" Madison said

"Yeah, let's not talk about that, because if I'm being honest, the thought kinda gives me the heebie jeebies" Rory said

"What's it like?" Madison asked

"Being pregnant?"

Madison nodded

"Im like barely pregnant, but so far really nauseous, really tired, and Logan stopped eating eggs in the morning because the smell was making me puke" Rory said

"Sounds fun" Alice said sarcastically



The following Monday Rory was having a meeting with the editor of one of the newspapers that HPG owned

"-and then do the sports at the end" Rory finished what she was saying


"We're done here if you don't have any more questions" Rory said

The editor stood up and shook Rory's hand before leaving. Once the editor had left, Rory said back down, put her elbows on her desk, and rested her head on her hands. Logan was passing by and noticed Rory through her office window. He knocked gently before opening the door and poking his head in

Rory looked up

"What's wrong?" Logan asked

"Just a headache"

Logan went ask the way into the office and closed the door behind him. He walked over to Rory and sat on the edge of her desk "are you done for the day?"

"Just about"

"Anything that can't wait?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Let's go home"

"It's 3 in the afternoon"

"And neither of us have anything pressing to do" Logan said "if you're not feeling well, we should go"


A couple of hours later Rory and Logan were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Rory had her legs stretched over Logan's and she was leaning on his shoulder.

"You know what I was thinking about?" Rory said


"We should probably start looking for a new place"

"What were you thinking?"

"I'm not sure"

Logan reached over and grabbed his laptop

"Let's see what's available"

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