Chapter 43 - George

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I hold my very first paycheck in my hands as I walk to Gringotts.  It's for a lot more than I thought it would be, if I'm honest.  I had been expecting a fairly low income starting out, but I am already making more than most ministry jobs, and I haven't even played in an actual game yet.  Vivian said it would increase once I've won a game.  

I skip up the steps and through the doors of the bank.  When it's my turn, I pass the slip to the goblin gentleman and he deposits it into my vault.

"Thank you so much, sir!"  I smile brightly at him before turning to leave.  My smile flickers when my eyes meet the eyes of the person behind me.  Fred Weasley's gaze quickly changes from bored to tense.  My eyes dart next to him where George stands.

"Hazel!"  George grins and scoops me into a hug.  I grab onto his shoulders tightly as my feet leave the ground.  "You're here!  Why haven't you visited?"

My feet return to the ground and I avoid making eye contact with either of them.

"Just been busy I suppose."  My fingers fiddle with the strap of my purse.  "How's everything been for you?"

"Fantastic!  Especially now that you're here!"  He hands Fred the purse he was carrying and leads me out into the street.  Fred shoots me one last warning look before heading to the banker window.  "We've been out of pens for a month!  Please tell me you can get us some more stock!  Especially before August when all the little students come for their back to school shopping."

"Absolutely.  I can get you some within the next few days."  I assure him, palms sweating.

"Are you doing alright?"  He gently places a hand on my elbow and the tone of the conversation shifts.

"I'm fine."  I shrug, not sure what to say.

"Are you still living with your parents?"  He asks cautiously.

"No, no.  I have my own flat.  Professor Sprout helped me get it.  And a job."

"That's amazing!  And it just so happens I am on break, so let's go!"  He takes my arm and waits expectantly.

"What?"  I just stare at him, confused.  His beautiful brown eyes are twinkling and I know he's got something in mind.

"To your flat.  Apparate away!"  He gestures for me to get on with it.

"We could just walk."  I suggest, taking a couple of steps forward.

"You live in Diagon Alley?"  He frowns slightly.

"Yeah.  Been here for just over a week now."  I head in the direction of Eric's and I feel George's arm brush mine as he falls into step beside me.

"And you didn't come visit?"  His words cause me to flinch slightly.  The hurt in his voice makes it hard to breathe.

"I... It's complicated."  I mutter, guilt gnawing at me.

"Complicated?  What's so complicated about visiting two of your best friends?"  He slips his hand into mine.  I bite my lip, nerves making my heart race.  I know I had set my mind on telling him about everything and letting him decide for himself.  But now it feels so incredibly hard.

"I'll tell you later."  I grimace as I push open the door to Eric's shop.

"What are we doing here?"  He picks up a vial of some sort of purple liquid off the counter.

"I live upstairs."  I go around the counter to the stairs.  He sets the vial down and follows me up.

"You live a block and a half away.  And somehow it was too complicated to come visit?"  He tries to keep his voice steady but I can tell he's angry.  Great, now we'll be going into this conversation with him already angry at me.  It's not boding well for me.

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