Chapter 52 - Boyfriend

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The next couple of weeks go by. The lunch with Mia went well, and she definitely enjoyed to drama of everything a bit too much.

George starts coming to practices during his lunch break, endearing himself to the rest of my team. Each time he brings a treat for us to share. Alex has been waggling his eyebrows at me so much, it's a miracle that he still has any.

One sunny afternoon, George and I are stilling in the stands, sharing some biscuits. I wait until he takes the first bite before digging in myself. Just to be safe. I never know when he's about to try one of his new products on me.

"You got crumbs on your cheek." He chuckles, swiping his thumb along my cheek gently.

"Thanks." I smile, loving the closeness of the moment. He bends down a bit and kisses me sweetly. The taste of vanilla from the treat still on his soft lips.

"None of that!" Vivian hollers from across the pitch, causing us to jump apart. "No snogging during practice. Even if it's break."

I blush hard, but George just laughs good-naturedly.

"Guess you'll just have to kiss your boyfriend after practice." He hands me another biscuit before eating another one himself.

"Boyfriend?" I nearly drop the biscuit.

"Oh. I..." His eyes go wide, realizing what he had just said. "I just figured... I mean if you want to. I don't have to..."

"George, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, cutting the stammering boy short.

"Yes, I would like that very much." He nods eagerly, red hair flopping down into his eyes. I push it back out of the way.

"Me too." I feels like all of the pieces have finally fallen into place. I have my own home, a great career, and the perfect boyfriend. It feels pretty good to be Hazel Taylor.


Remus Lupin contacts me the next day.

Apparently the Order has more use for me than just potions now. Despite the conversation I previously had with Mrs. Weasley, I am still incredibly nervous to see her again. Since it was listed as a "meeting" I would probably end up meeting Mr. Weasley and a bunch of other people. My palms are sweaty just thinking about it.

I wonder why they only gave me a couple of hours notice. Maybe it is for security or something.

I eat dinner alone in my apartment before gathering my things and heading out. The meeting is at the same place as where I dropped off the potions. I apparate to the area and walk the rest of the way. I'm dressed in my "muggle clothes" as I was told, and head up the steps to the hidden outpost. When I knock on the door, it opens up a crack and the tip of a wand pokes out.


"Hazel Taylor."

"Who greeted you the last time you were here?" I'm not sure who is talking to me right now, but the security measures are intense.

"Moody. He was here with Mrs. Weasley." I reply a bit nervously.

"Come on in." The man opens the door and steps aside.

"Thank you." I smile at him politely and step past him into the hallway.

"Hazel!" I hear George yell from the other room and he comes bouncing in the hallway.

"Hey sweetie." I give him a quick peck and he guides me into the dining room. A bunch of people are sitting around the table, chatting and drinking tea. Very calm for a war meeting. I recognize a few. Mrs. Weasley is sitting next to a red haired man who I assume is Mr. Weasley. Of course, I know George. But one face makes me gasp.

"Tonks?" I squeal excitedly. She was in my house back when I was a kid. I remember her back in my first and second year, and I thought she was the coolest. She was always morphing her face to make us younger kids laugh. Also once, she saved me when I got stranded on a landing by the moving staircases. She used her broom and flew me down. She got in trouble for flying in the castle instead of just finding a teacher, but I thought it was pretty cool.

My childhood idol stares at me for a moment, trying to place me before it clicks.

"Taylor? Little baby Taylor?" She jumps out of her chair and hugs me tightly. I hug her back, realizing that were practically the same height at this point. "Look at you all adult now!"

"I'm so happy to see you! How are you doing?" I take the seat next to her and George the one on the other side of me.

"It's been wild! I'm an official Auror now! I got appointed a couple of years ago. Trained under Moody himself." She grinned, glancing over at the grumpy looking man.

"Congrats! That's awesome! I bet you're super helpful to the Order." I gush, my words causing Moody to scoff a bit.

"I do my best. We all do." She nods at the others around the table. "I'm glad you're joining us, kid."

I hear someone new enter through the front door and turn to see Professor Lupin. He looks different that he did at school. A bit more worn I suppose. I look back at Tonks. She staring at the older man with a starry look in her eyes. He doesn't seem to notice. None of the others seem to either. But her eyes follow him across the room as he sits next to Mrs. Weasley.

She finally tears her eyes away from him.

"Soooo...." I wink at her, letting her know I saw.

"Nothing! It's nothing!" Her pinks turn pink followed by her hair.

"What's nothing?" George asks, leaning in.

"Nothing." We both say at the same time.

"Likely story." He huffs, leaning back once more.

The mood shifts suddenly around the table as everyone quiets down. I hear a pair of loud, and familiar footstep and nearly jump out of my skin. That it until I remember that I'm an adult now and he can't stick me in detention.

"Severus!" Mrs. Weasley stands and motions for him to come in. "Would you like some tea?"

"That would be quite welcome." He pauses gazing around the table, before his eyes settle on me. "Thank you."

"I'll be right back." The woman hustles out of the room. Meanwhile my old professor's eyes are still locked with mine.

"Attempting to make yourself useful, Taylor." He raises an eyebrow, as if he's skeptical.

"Yes, sir. Your class has been very helpful to me with that." I smile at him politely.

"At least someone is using it..." He turns to the ginger boy next to me. " intended."

He walks down the the end of the table and takes a seat, while I fight back a grin. George on the other hand, just looks offended.

"What do you think he means by that?" He hisses in my ear.

"I think he meant that using your potion skills to my extra pungent dung bombs, is not what he had intended." I giggle quietly, glancing up at the potions master.

"I'm sorry I'm too creative for him," George grumbles.

"Well, you're exactly creative enough for me." I give him a quick kiss, and he grins.

"Aww, thank, love."

"Really? You're dating Fred?" Tonks scoffs next to me.

"It's George. And don't make me comment on your taste in men." I smirk at her, reminding her that I noticed her crush on the much older Remus Lupin.

"Fair enough," she grins, sneaking a peek at Remus.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, let's get started, shall we?" Mrs. Weasley announces at the front of the table. And with that, my first meeting with the Order begins.


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