Chapter 25 - Home for the Holidays

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Christmas time comes and everybody is packing up to head home for the holidays. I haven't seen the Weasley twins at all for the past few days which is weird. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen any of the Weasleys. Or the Potter kid for that matter. I hope everything is okay. Perhaps I'll write the twins once I get home and check.

After packing, I head down to the common room to find my friends.

"Hazel!" Edwin calls for me as I enter. He motions for me to sit beside him and I do.

"Excited for Christmas?" I ask, leaning my head on his shoulder. We've become quite close over the months.

"Yeah. It will be nice to get a break from all the homework." He sighs. "I'll miss the team though. Bit of a second family, I reckon."

"Definitely." I agree. "Honestly I can't wait to be back already. I love my parents and all, but it can get a bit... awkward. Especially because of my mom."

"Yeah?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Uh huh." I realize I may have overshared a bit.

"Everything okay at home? Do you want to talk about it?" He offers, gently patting my hair.

"I..." I hesitate. I had already told the twins, but it still feels weird to talk about. "My mom is a big into quidditch."

"And that's a bad thing?" He chuckles and I lightly elbow him.

"Rayna Taylor." I say her name, letting that be a bit of an explanation.

"Rayna Taylor!" He shouts, sitting up. "You're mom is Rayna Taylor! Ex captain of the Holyhead Harpies! The best female chaser in the history of the sport! She was- Is a legend! I can't believe she retired before I was born! I would have loved to be able to see her play. My dad saw her play once and got her autograph. He still has it, believe it or not."

"Yep." I bite my lip, regretting telling him.

"Your mom is so cool!" His smile falters when he sees my face. "Or not?"

"She had to retire because of me." My voice is quiet. "And I don't think she ever got over it."


"She doesn't even know I'm on the team. I lied about it to avoid the pressure she'd put on me. Especially after we lost to Ravenclaw. If she knew, I'd never hear the end of it." I run my fingers through my hair anxiously.

"Come on, there's no way she'd be able to blame you for the loss. Cho caught the snitch first." He tries to reassure me, but I know my mom.

"She'd make it my fault somehow." I don't look at him.

"Well, if you need to ditch early, you can always come visit me." He offers.

"Do you mean that, or just being polite?" I meet his eyes.

"I absolutely mean it. My mom and dad would love to have you." He grins and pulls me off the couch.

"Okay. Well don't be surprised when I show up on your doorstep in the middle of the night." I laugh and we head on down to catch the train.


At dinner that night, my parents ask questions about how school was going. I try to downplay the Umbridge situation knowing it would upset them. Inevitably, the topic turns to quidditch.

"Any idea why you didn't make the team, yet again?" Mom raises her eyebrows and she takes a bite of potatoes.

"I guess I'm just not good enough." I shrug, trying to play it off.

"I have a hard time believing that." She sets her fork down carefully and I get the feeling she's up to something. "I've been considering talking to Professor Sprout about all of this. I'm beginning to wonder if you're being purposefully excluded."

"No!" I raise my voice, startling my dad. "Sorry. No. I just didn't preform as well as others. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Hmm." She doesn't say anything else, and I pray that she drops it. The last thing I want is her to drag the head of Hufflepuff house into all of our family drama.

"I'm doing really well in potions." I try changing the subject. "Maybe I'll go into something related to that."

"Like what? A healer or a bartender? That's about the extent of your options there." Mom scoffs and I feel my face redden.

"I was thinking something more experimental." I mutter, feeling a tightness in my chest.

"Like a chemist?" My dad perks up at the thought.

"Exactly. I would be using a combination of science and magic to try and create new potions!" I turn away from my mom and carry on the conversation with my dad. "I could show you my stuff on it sometime. It's my favorite class."

Dad and I ramble on and on about the amazing combination of science and magic that goes into potion making. Mom's frown gets bigger and bigger the further the discussion continues. Part of me feels bad for destroying her dreams, but the other part of me is hopeful she'll let go of them and finally let me find my own.


Christmas comes and my mom, unsurprisingly, gifts me with a bunch of Holyhead Harpies gear. I try to act grateful, they are my favorite team after all. But I feel like I can't wear the stuff at school. I fear it would be all too easy to put two and two together. I'm not ashamed of my mom's success. Quite happy for her actually. But I don't want her achievements to define me.

Dad on the other hand, gifts me with a bunch of muggle chemistry supplies.

"I know it's probably not potion grade," he smiles bashfully, "but I thought this could help you learn the science side a bit more."

"It's great, dad!" I give him a hug and he pats my back awkwardly, not one for displays of affection.

"I'm glad you like it." He clears his throat, waiting for me to pull away. I give him space and his shoulders relax.

"Thanks for the gifts. Would it be okay if I go write some letters to my school friends?" I ask, gathering up my gifts.

"Of course," mom answers. "Just be down in time for dinner."

I take off upstairs, taking them two at a time. I need to send my friends their gifts. I get my writing stuff out of my desk and begin. First up is Mia of course. I'm sending her a bunch of new muggle cds, and some cool butterfly clips I found. After that, Celeste. I send her a charm bracelet with charms that come alive when you touch them. Then notes for the quidditch team with chocolate frogs and sugar quills.

Finally, the note I know will come back. The one to the one for Fred and George. I haven't heard from them all break, and anytime I try to send something, the owl always comes back with everything I gave it. But I have to give it one last try.

'Dear Fred and George,

I hope this finds you well. Or even at all. I'm a bit worried about you if I'm honest. But enough of that. Merry Christmas! I miss you two goofs greatly and look forward to seeing you soon.



I shove the note in an envelope and attach it to their gift. I made them a bit of a potion roulette. Six small vials of unlabeled potions. Three good, three not so pleasant. Only way to find out is to drink them. It seems like something they would enjoy.

I send my mother's owl out of the window and watch her fly off into the sky.

"Hazel!" Mom calls up the stairs. "Dinner's ready!"

Closing the window, I head downstairs.


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