Chapter 127 - October Sixth

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Unfortunately, I didn't run into April for three days. Of course the day I run into her is none other than October sixth. I'm in the cafeteria having lunch with Charlie and Teddy. Teddy is in his highchair, happily eating the mashed bananas on his tray.

"So, how are you feeling about twenty-one?" Charlie asks, smirking.

"Better than I did about turning twenty." I grumble, shuddering remembering a year ago.

"Yeah?" He frowns. "What happened that was so bad?"

"I- I don't want to talk about it right now." I swallow hard, my breathing quickening. "It was bad. I'll tell you some other time."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." He apologizes, giving my hand a squeeze.

"I know. I'm fine." I smile, squeezing back.

"And you'll be even better after..." He grabs something from his backpack. "Opening this!"

He drops a wrapped present on the table.

"Charlie! You didn't have to!" I protest, still reaching for the gift. This is probably the only gift I'll get this year.

"Yes I did, now shut and open it!" He demands, smiling so big, his eyes nearly disappear. Rolling my eyes, I do as I'm told. I open the box and peek inside. My jaw drops. He must have put an extension charm on the box to fit this inside. I reach in and pull out the broom.

"How did you..." I trail off, running my hands over the smooth wood.

"Ginny told me you lost yours last summer."

"Thanks Charlie. It's perfect!" I jump out of my seat and run around the table to hug him. He stands and easily lifts me off my feet.

"Happy birthday, Hazel."

"Thank you." I mumble into his chest.

"Charlie?" I hear a voice behind me, and I feel Charlie stiffen. I manage to turn around, Charlie's arms still around me. "H-hazel."

"Hi April." I greet her, chewing the inside of my cheek.

"So... you know Charlie after all." She glances at the man holding me.

"Yeah. I do." I nod, feeling awkward. I can feel Charlie panicking slightly, so I don't try to step out of the hug.

"Oh." She doesn't seem to know what to do.

"Are you two..." She clamps her mouth shut, eyes dropping to the floor.

"No, but..." I stall, wishing that this had gone a bit differently.

"But you won't date his ex." She finishes for me sadly. "I get it."

"I'm sorry." I bite my lip, feeling terrible about the whole situation.

"Me too." She shrugs sadly, and turns and leaves. The moment she's out of sight, Charlie relaxes.

"It's okay, Charlie." I reassure him the moment he opens his mouth. "We had only been on one date. It's not that big of a deal."

"Are you sure?"



That night after Teddy goes to bed, Charlie and I do a little birthday celebration. He made me a small cake which we shared along with some firewhiskey. We play some card games, Charlie being wise enough not to pick anything that includes gambling. Betting against a seer isn't the brightest idea.

About three drinks in, flirty Charlie comes out.

"Do you merember... remember Christmas when we met?" He asks, leaning across the table.

"Mhmm. I won a lot of money that night." I grin, leaning on the table as well.

"And we made out." He smirks, propping his head in his hand.

"Ah, yes. There was that." I roll my eyes.

"You act like you didn't like it." He pouts, his lower lip poking out a bit.

"It was great Charlie." I promise.

"We could do it again." He reaches out and runs a finger along the bottom of my jaw. It feels... nice. Surprisingly so.

"I..." My eyes flutter closed as his hand cups my cheek. Would it really be so bad if we did?

"I seem to remember you enjoying it quite a bit." He hums, his voice deep and sensual. Oh, boy. The butterflies and heart racing that don't usually occur with him are definitely there. I can't seem to make coherent words to respond. He chuckles, running his thumb along my lip and I swallow. "All you have to do is say yes, baby girl."



I'm a goner.

"Yes."  I whisper, already leaning closer.  His lips meet mine and his hand tangles in the hair at the back of my head, pulling me closer.  I deftly climb over the table, sliding into his lap, straddling his hips.  His hand slides down to grip them as his tongue traces my lower lip.  I let out a whimper as he grinds his hips against mine.

He breaks the kiss, leaning in to press one behind my ear.

"What do you want, baby girl?" His words are slow and seductive, and I feel myself grow damp.

"I want you."  I moan as he kiss my neck, gently sucking on the skin.

"I'm right here."  He murmurs, biting my earlobe.

"I want you inside me." I pant, grinding our hips again.

"Hmm, is that so?" He smiles against my neck, running a hand along my spine. I shiver, clutching at the fabric of his shirt.

"Yes." I sound so needy and desperate but I don't care. I'd do anything.

"Yes what?" He growls, his hands slipping under my shirt.

"Yes, Daddy." That's not at all what I meant to say, but it slips out before I can stop it. Charlie swears, darkly, his hands dropping to my thighs. 

"I don't think you know what you've done, little girl."  He picks me up and carries me to his bedroom, tossing me onto the bed.  He leans over me, working off my clothing as I fumble with his.  One his shirt is off, and he's pulling my down over my shoulders, our lips connect again.  We make quick work of the rest of the articles, drunkenly exploring each other. 

He grabs both of my wrists and pins them above my head, his mouth attaching to my neck rather roughly.  I whimper as he traces over my bite scar, sending a shiver through my body.  Strangely, I don't mind it.  Keeping my hands pinned with one of his muscled arms, his other drifts down, tracing the curves of my body.  He grips my thigh, his thumb gently rubbing along the inner part.  It's so close and I move my hips, trying to find contact. 

But then suddenly he's gone.  I yelp in surprise as he jumps away from me.

"What's wrong Charlie?"  I ask, my brain trying to comprehend his absence.

"We're too drunk."  He states, frowning deeply.  "We- we can't decide to do this now."

I swear, realizing that drunk Hazel did get very carried away. 

"You're right.  Sober Hazel would kill the both of us."  I agree, freaking out slightly.  I stumble out of the bed, trying to find some clothes.  I try to put on my bra, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how it works.  Eventually I just end up wearing one of Charlie's shirts, before climbing back in bed.  He climbs in after me, wearing pants now. 

"You're smart."  I mutter, closing my eyes as sleepiness envelopes me.  At least one of us had the sense to stop before we took it any further.

"You're pretty."  He mumbles in return, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me to his chest.

I think he says something else, but I'm too far gone to hear it.


Charlie needs to stop being so hot fr.

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