Chapter 24 - After the Match

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The match on Saturday does not go smoothly at all.  The Slytherins talked crap to Harry, and of course, the hot headed boy couldn't hold himself back.  Neither could the Weasley twins.  All three were removed from the team and under a permanent quidditch ban.

I head up to the where the Gryffindor portrait hole is, planning on checking on Fred.  On my way, I end up running into the other twin.  I find him sitting against the wall in the hallway, head in his hands.

"George?"  I approach him slowly, not wanting to upset him.

"Oh, hey Hazel."  He looks up and I can tell he'd been crying.

"Are you alright?"  I sit next to him, our shoulders touching.

"I'll be fine.  Just frustrated at that horrid pink toad.  I can't believe she banned Fred too.  He didn't even attack Malfoy."  He rests his head back against the wall behind us.

"I'm sorry.  Malfoy deserved it though."  I lean my head on his shoulder.  "I'm proud of you."

This makes him chuckle.  "You're proud of me for attacking a bad mouthed fifth year?"

"Absolutely."  I smile.  "You should have punched him harder."

"Don't let Umbridge hear you.  She'll ban you for conspiring with us."

"Let her.  It'd be worth it."  I giggle.

"How's Fred doing?"  I ask, wondering why he isn't here with his brother.

"He said he needed some alone time.  He gets like that when he's angry."  George shrugs, nearly knocking my head off his shoulder.

"And you?  Do you need alone time?  I can go if you want."  I worry I overstepped by coming here.

"No.  This is nice."  He leans his hand onto mine.

"Okay."  I smile, feeling my cheeks warm a bit.

"Do you want to go on an adventure?"  George suddenly sits up.

"Oh!  Sure?"  I let him pull me to my feet and we take off down the hallway.  It's still before curfew, so we don't have to sneak.  "Where are we going?"

"Astronomy tower.  I heard it's a great place to watch the sunset."  He's still holding my hand as we walk down the hall.  Well, he's walking.  I'm practically jogging to keep up with his long legs.  I try not to read into the fact that he's still holding my hand.  We're friends.  Friends hold hands.

He's so different from his brother.  While Fred is straightforward and blunt, George is more quiet and gentle.  I have to admit that I enjoy that about him.

"This way."  He leads me up a winding staircase to the top of the tower.  When he opens the door, we're hit with a gust of wind causing me to shiver.  "Is it too cold?"  He asks, concerned.

"No, not at all.  It just surprised me."  I tuck my fingers into the sleeves of my yellow jumper to keep them warm.  The sun is lowering on the horizon, painting the sky in a variety of hues.  We lean on the balcony rail and look out over the lake.  I see the tree where Fred and I had sex last week and nearly melt with embarrassment.  If anyone was up here at that time, they definitely would have been able to see us.

"What are you thinking about?"  George asks, not looking away from the skyline.

"N-nothing."  I clear my throat.  I can't say 'just thinking about shagging your twin under that tree over there.'  Pretty sure I would die of humiliation.  "It's really beautiful up here."

"Yeah, I've actually never been up here outside of class."  He turns to me with a smile.  His red hair is blowing everywhere causing me to giggle.  I try to push it out of his face, but it doesn't help.  He lightly grabs my hand as it brushes against his face, holding it there.

"Me either."  I say, trying to keep my head on straight.  My heart is beating hard in my chest.

"Thanks for coming here with me.  It helped."  He lets go of my hand and I nervously tuck it back to my side.  We both turn back to watch the sunset, not saying anything.  My thoughts are running at full speed.  Did I... like George?


Fred and I started meeting regularly during my first free period on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Sometimes in one of our dorms, other times in a closet or empty bathroom.  It is all fire and passion.  The thrill of hiding it,  making it all the more sexy.

I am very vigilante about visiting Pomfrey on time for my birth control and condom restocking.  She seems a bit concerned with how often I need to restock, but doesn't comment on it.

The first match for the Hufflepuffs arrives shortly after December does.  Early Saturday morning, we're all at the pitch, freezing our butts off.  I know once things get going, we'll warm up.  But right now, the wind and light drizzle cuts to the bone.

"Alright team," Alex begins his pregame speech. "I know it's been a  rough year for all of us, especially since... the tournament.  So let's do our best and bring home the cup for Cedric!"

"For Cedric!"  The team cries together, uniting our hands on top of our captain's.  The team disperses as we each do our warm ups.  I'm on the ground, stretching out my elbows watching the spectators fill the stands.  The game still doesn't start for twenty minutes, but already the seats are half full.  I give my bat a few test swings as I spot some friends in the front row.  Grinning, I jog over to them.

"Hey, boys."  I greet the Weasley twins who are decked out in yellow for once.  "I love the new look."

"We had to support our favorite Hufflepuff."  Fred winks and George smiles shyly.  I never knew George could be shy.  It's cute.

"Thanks.  I'm a bit nervous.  I've never played in an actual game before."  I admit, hoping my inexperience won't be the downfall of our team.

"I'm sure you'll be brilliant!"  George exclaims, startling the girl beside him.

"Second best only to us."  Fred smirks earning a playful smack from his twin. 

"Don't listen to him.  I'm sure you'll be amazing.  Just try your best."  George's brown eyes lock with mine and myself blush.

"Thanks George."  I smile up at him.

"No problem, Hazel."  I swear he's blushing as well, but I don't have time to think about it more.  Madam Hooch blows her whistle signaling it's time for us to congregate at the middle of the pitch.

"I'll see you after."  I wave to the two gingers and jog to center field.


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